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Invalidity - nullity or contestability
Post Date: 2021-04-17 07:13:59 by 3advokattilbud

Gulags are already forming under the Biden regime, with cruel and unusual treatment of protestors who have opposing political views
Post Date: 2021-04-13 09:55:32 by Ada
1 Comments 358.html (Natural News) After state election laws and ballot adjudication procedures were violated in the 2020 election; after Biden vote hauls were brought in post-election; after statistical anomalies and vote switching was found; and after the U.S. courts and the Congress refused to hear widespread evidence of election fraud and malfeasance; the Biden regime took control over the federal government. The Biden regime began its authoritarian reign with a small, phony celebration, protected by a large standing army and sprawling fences of razor. Before assuming power, the Biden regime labeled their political opposition “domestic terrorists” and ...

The woke corporations are coming for election integrity
Post Date: 2021-04-13 08:56:26 by Ada
The story first broke on Sunday: Almost 100 CEOs from America’s biggest corporations had a conference call to discuss using their market power to force states with election ID requirements to ditch them and those without such requirements to maintain the status quo. By Monday, that list of roughly 100 major corporations had turned into a website boasting over 1,000 companies, all pushing to end election integrity. We need to push back. It started with a phone call that you can read about here. The phone call has now turned into a shiny website called “Civic Alliance.” The first sentence on the web page laughably claims that the “Civic Alliance [is] a nonpartisan group ...

Donald Trump has Totally Lost the Plot and Should Just Go Away
Post Date: 2021-04-11 08:50:09 by Ada
Donald Trump is officially bonkers. He does private events that are only covered by WaPo, he goes begging back to Fox News and gets talked down to live on air, he’s endorsing garbage candidates that hate him, he’s claiming he’s going to invent the next Facebook. This is stupid. Washington Post: Former president Donald Trump called Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell a “dumb son of a bitch” as he used a Saturday night speech to Republicans to blame him for not helping overturn the 2020 election and reiterated false assertions that he won the November contest. Trump, speaking to a Republican National Committee gathering at his Mar- a-Lago Club in Palm ...

Red States: Our Last Bastion of Defense
Post Date: 2021-04-11 08:13:53 by Ada
These are treacherous times. Our principal institutions have been overtaken by the left. However dysfunctional and disturbed they may be, leftists rule us, and they grow more authoritarian and imperious as we speak. The latest example of their audacity and command of our dominant institutions is the response to Georgia's modest election law (S.B. 202 or the Election Integrity Act). It included ID requirements for mail-in ballots, banned the practice of giving food or water to voters in line at polling stations, limited the number of "drop boxes," and shortened early voting, none of which was racial or restrictive in the least. But the carefully orchestrated mass rollout of ...

Time For A Divorce
Post Date: 2021-04-09 09:05:49 by Ada
Elections in America have always been contentious things, as the point of them is to get all sides as agitated as possible. If you wanted to find the point at which our elections turned ugly it would be when the concept of turnout became the focus. The surest way to get your guys motivated to vote is to convince them that the alternative is pure evil, the worst thing imaginable. Since one side will always lose, it means something close to half the country is always angry at the result. The thing is though, it was always a game and most people got it. The candidates would say the vilest things about one another, but then carry on like old pals during a debate, showing the world they did ...

Critical Video: Mike Lindell Presents Scientific Proof
Post Date: 2021-04-04 08:33:25 by Ada
Data behind widespread and systemic fraud of 2020 presidential election reveals what could be largest cyber-crime in world history On March 31st, Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, released a one-hour television special entitled, Scientific Proof: Internationally Renowned Physicist Absolutely Proves 2020 Election Was Biggest Cyber-Crime in World History. The special broadcast features Dr. Douglas Frank who holds a Ph.D in Surface Analytical Chemistry for the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Frank is an internationally recognized scientist with over fifty scientific publications. Click for Full Text!

Beating Statehood for D.C.
Post Date: 2021-03-30 10:07:48 by Ada
Radical Democrats, not content to control all three electoral elements of the federal government, are urging that two new states, Puerto Rico and Washington D.C., be added to the union. Legislation to make Washington D.C, a state has already been drawn up. Given that Democrats control both D.C., and Puerto Rico overwhelmingly, this would insure at least four more permanently Democrat controlled seats in the U.S. Senate, thus potentially ensuring Democrat control of that body for generations. Democrats correctly view the nineteen months between now and the 2022 Congressional elections as their window of opportunity to consolidate their electoral stranglehold on American politics. While it ...

The Courts and the Election of 2020
Post Date: 2021-03-26 17:03:37 by Ada
Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson did not go through the proper rule-making process when issuing the guidance.... That is precisely how elections are stolen. U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts scrupulously ignored every 2020 election legal challenge raised by former President Trump in order to assure a legally uncontested Biden victory. Irregularities in six states could not get the attention of the highest court.... Pandemic or not, the last-minute rule changes imposed by judicial and executive branch officials were irregular and perhaps outright illegal. State legislatures govern elections. Changing the rules to extend deadlines, dropping signature requirements for ...

Nancy Pelosi Needs Another House Seat, So She’s Stealing It
Post Date: 2021-03-24 10:35:02 by Ada
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appears to have found an easy solution to expand her narrow majority in the lower chamber: steal a seat. It’s only okay to question an election outcome if you’re a Democrat. Stacey Abrams was exhibit A. Nancy Pelosi is exhibit B. Earlier this month, the Democratic speaker gave the House Administration Committee her blessing to move forward with a probe into failed candidate Rita Hart’s challenge in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District. Hart lost the race to freshman Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks by six votes, a result certified by bipartisan state election officials after multiple recounts. “Well, it was six votes,” Pelosi said on ...

In the Shadows of Shadowland
Post Date: 2021-03-23 09:53:09 by Ada
Is there some kind of game on in the USA? Have our public affairs ever looked so false and disordered? Is it ever more wondrous that Joe Biden somehow managed to win the Super Tuesday primary, let alone the national election? The country has gotten exactly what it saw all through the autumn of 2020: the empty shell of a broken politician. Back in October, Ol’ Joe hiding in his basement was played as a bad joke in a nervous zeitgeist. Nothing to see, according to the captive news media. Wasn’t that exactly it, though? Nothing to see and nobody home, the essence of our now- president, Joe Biden. How on earth did this happen? My own theory: it was the strange byproduct of the ...

Ted Cruz Isn’t Surprised Iran Interfered With 2020 Election
Post Date: 2021-03-19 17:19:49 by BTP Holdings
Ted Cruz Isn’t Surprised Iran Interfered With 2020 Election March 19, 2021 Updated: 18 hours ago By theconservativenews ( – One of the most potentially serious issues with Joe Biden’s presidency thus far is his uncertain stance on Iran. Donald Trump took a hard line with the Middle Eastern nation, withdrawing from the Obama-era nuclear deal in 2018. The consequent sanctions Iran had to bear were seen as effective in limiting its nuclear development capacity; however, Joe Biden is still considering re-entering the deal. On Tuesday, March 16, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) appeared on the Spicer & Co. show on Newsmax TV. Discussing Iranian interference ...

Journalists, Illustrating How They Operate, Yesterday Spread a Significant Lie All Over Twitter
Post Date: 2021-03-19 08:31:10 by Ada
Eager to obtain vindication for the pre-election falsehood they spread about the Hunter Biden story, journalists falsely claim that the CIA blamed Russia for it. Journalists with the largest and most influential media outlets disseminated an outright and quite significant lie on Tuesday to hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions, on Twitter. While some of them were shamed into acknowledging the falsity of their claim, many refused to, causing it to continue to spread up until this very moment. It is well worth examining how they function because this is how they deceive the public again and again, and it is why public trust in their pronouncements has justifiably plummeted. ...

What Pence Should Have Done on January 6
Post Date: 2021-03-17 15:10:52 by Ada
Some 2020 changes to election law in the battleground states were prima facie violations of the Constitution. For example, when the jurists on Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court took it upon themselves to change PA’s election laws, they violated the Elections Clause , which stipulates that in the states, only legislatures are empowered to make election laws. Yet, those jurists aren’t being made to account for their unlawful usurpations, even though they struck at the very heart of the American system — our elections, which give us our democracy. It’s heartening to know that members of PA’s legislature can occasionally summon up the will and grit to impeach ...

US Intelligence Cartel: All The Governments We Hate Interfered In Our Election
Post Date: 2021-03-17 09:21:06 by Ada
A new report from the US National Intelligence Council assesses that most of the governments the US-centralized empire has targeted for destruction are guilty of seeking to interfere in the nation’s 2020 election. Ahem. Yeah, so, that’s the news. According to the US intelligence cartel, the nations which sought to interfere in the outcome of the US election include Russia, Iran, China, Lebanese Hizballah, Cuba, and Venezuela. Interestingly, exactly zero nations aligned geopolitically with the United States are listed as having interfered in its electoral process. “We assess that Russian President Putin authorized, and a range of Russian government organizations ...

Where are the Republicans?
Post Date: 2021-03-17 08:50:32 by Ada
Every day, I think it will change. Surely some Republican will mention that the storming of the Capitol came in reaction to a stolen election. But silence reigns. It's as if the January 6 uprising occurred in a vacuum. As if nothing precipitated it. Democrats keep on declaring that never again can this country see its Capitol overtaken by a mob. Well, there's an easy solution for that. Don't steal elections in plain sight, and maybe ordinarily law-abiding citizens won't snap. I don't blame Democrats for not mentioning this obvious point. But where are the Republicans? Do they not understand what caused the events of January 6? Do they not understand that the hundred ...

How Do Big Media Outlets So Often "Independently Confirm" Each Other's Falsehoods?
Post Date: 2021-03-17 07:50:15 by Ada
There were so many false reports circulated by the dominant corporate wing of the U.S. media as part of the five-year-long Russiagate hysteria that in January, 2019, I compiled what I called “The 10 Worst, Most Embarrassing U.S. Media Failures on the Trump-Russia Story.” The only difficult part of that article was choosing which among the many dozens of retractions, corrections and still-uncorrected factual falsehoods merited inclusion in the worst-ten list. So stiff was the competition that I was forced to omit many huge media Russiagate humiliations, and thus, to be fair to those who missed the cut, had to append a large “Dishonorable Mention” category at the end. ...

The Sources who Lie and the Reporters who Protect Them
Post Date: 2021-03-16 09:47:12 by Ada
The Story the Media Refuses to Publish Protecting anonymous sources - or covering-up government misconduct? Imagine you’re a major media outlet like The Washington Post or CNN. You have a huge platform on the web, in print, or on TV. You publish consequential stories with information from anonymous sources on Trump/Russia collusion, an email Donald Trump, Jr. received about a Wikileaks release, and President Trump’s instructions to a Georgia election investigator to “find the fraud.” Your stories shape agendas and become national news. They fuel conspiracies, divide Americans, and influence elections. And then you realize you’ve been played. Your anonymous ...

Will FBI ‘Chats’ Send Conservatives To Prison?
Post Date: 2021-03-13 08:32:24 by Ada
With no requirements to record interviews, and the potential to prosecute based on false statements, the FBI has a terrifying amount of power over citizens. Across the nation, FBI agents are swooping down upon conservative activists, Trump supporters, and anyone suspected of any tie to the January 6 clash at the Capitol. Conservative author Candace Owens tweeted on March 3: “About 10 of my friends who attended Trump’s speech but DID NOT go to Capitol building thereafter have had the FBI turn up at their door to ask them why they went to D.C. … Our FBI is trying to scare conservatives against ever gathering in the future.” Actually, the potential problem is far worse ...

Herschel Walker Endorsed for U.S. Senate by Former President Trump
Post Date: 2021-03-12 20:45:29 by BTP Holdings
Herschel Walker Endorsed for U.S. Senate by Former President Trump March 12, 2021 "Herschel Walker visit with USAFA Class o" (CC BY 2.0) by DAVID SHUB In January 2021, Georgia elected Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff into the U.S. Senate. The elections of Warnock and Ossoff happened due to low GOP voter turnout; data and voting stats comparing the 2020 presidential election vs. the 2021 Senate runoffs showed a considerable drop in Republican voters for the latter election. Ossoff is set for the standard six-year senatoral term; however, the same cannot be said for Sen. Warnock. This is because Warnock is completing the term of a now-retired Georgia senator; ...

Taibbi: The Prophet Of The Trump Era
Post Date: 2021-03-09 00:53:10 by Horse
I entered Martin Gurri’s world on August 1, 2015. Though I hadn’t read The Revolt of the Public, at the time a little-known book by the former CIA analyst of open news sources, I hit a disorienting moment of a type he’d described in his opening chapter. There are times, he wrote, “when tomorrow no longer resembles yesterday… the compass cracks, by which we navigate existence. We are lost at sea.” Gurri’s book is about how popular uprisings are triggered by collapses of faith in traditional hierarchies of power. I felt such a collapse that day in Waterloo, Iowa, covering the Republican presidential primary. The first debate was five days away and the man ...

Nolte: Media’s MeTooing of Andrew Cuomo Is Really About Protecting Four Democrat Governors
Post Date: 2021-03-03 09:12:50 by Ada
In a just world not plagued by a fake and corrupt media, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) would be on the edge of resigning his office today, not over a handful of times he allegedly got aggressive with women, but over his sociopathic executive order that required nursing homes to accept patients still infected with the coronavirus. That, after all, is the real scandal here, the true scandal, an act so monstrous Cuomo knew he had to cover it up, which he did by falsely blaming the order on the Trump administration and then lying about just how many seniors died as a result. But instead of being pressured to resign over that, he’s being hit with perfectly-timed allegations of sexual ...

Our Supreme Court Goes Full Nicaragua in PA Election Case
Post Date: 2021-02-23 09:58:05 by Ada
For a couple of years, my wife and I escaped Obama’s America by owning a Pacific Ocean hotel in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. The irony was that in supposedly socialist Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega's government left us alone far more than government did in the supposedly free country of the United States of Obama. Still, while Ortega 2.0 might have shed most of his socialism, he had not shed his lust for power, and the job of making sure he never lost again was that of the Chief Justice Roberto Rivas Reyes of what is in effect the Nicaraguan Supreme Court. I’m not sure who was actually more powerful or corrupt -- President Ortega or Justice Rivas -- but Rivas’s was bigger. ...

Justice Thomas Blasts Supreme Court For Dismissing Election Fraud Lawsuit In Scathing Dissent
Post Date: 2021-02-23 09:50:06 by Ada
"By doing nothing, we invite further confusion and erosion of voter confidence. Our fellow citizens deserve better and expect more of us," he writes The Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a dispute over whether absentee ballots received up to three days after Election Day in Pennsylvania was constitutional. The Court dismissed in a 6-3 split decision the lawsuit – with conservative Justices Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito dissenting – against the Pennsylvania state court decision over the extended mail-in ballot deadline, claiming it was “moot” now that the 2020 presidential election is over. Justices Thomas and Alito issued scathing ...

CIA Election Meddling
Post Date: 2021-02-22 09:55:53 by Ada
In recent history, the only American president who has garnered anything resembling the bad press that Donald Trump consistently received was Jimmy Carter in the latter stages of his presidency. Probably not coincidentally, Carter and Trump were both ushered out of the Oval Office after one term. In the 24 years since George H.W. Bush was top dog for one term, we had three presidents in Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama who were smiled upon by the press. Their gentle press treatment was exemplified by the conduct of their press conferences. Clinton was the best actor of the three, making it appear that he had chosen the reporter he was calling on spontaneously. Bush ...

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