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Black Voters Fret Over Obama
Post Date: 2008-09-12 00:18:03 by X-15
An anxious murmur is rising among black voters as the presidential race tightens: What if Sen. Barack Obama loses? Black talk-show hosts and black-themed Web sites are being flooded with callers and bloggers reflecting a nervousness—and anger—over the campaign. Monday night, Bev Smith, a nationally syndicated black talk-show host in Pittsburgh, devoted her entire three-hour show to the question: “If Obama doesn’t win, what will you think?” “My audience is upset,” she said. “Some people said they would be so angry it would be reminiscent of the [1960s] riots—that is how despondent they would be.” Warren Ballentine, a nationally syndicated ...

Pamela Anderson tells Sarah Palin to suck it
Post Date: 2008-09-11 22:56:45 by TwentyTwelve
Pamela Anderson tells Sarah Palin to suck it Article from: The Daily Telegraph September 12, 2008 12:00am FIRST Matt Damon, now Pamela Anderson has spoken out against Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin saying:"I can't stand her. She can suck it!" Anderson, 41, was recently in Toronto speaking out against the abuse of animals in Hollywood. When asked by E! News Weekend Canada about Palin, she has some choice words for the Republican hopeful. The reporter asked Pam if she saw a recent Newsweek article, which showed a gigantic bear hide in the office of Palin’s house. “I can’t stand her,” Pam blurted out. “She can suck it!” ...

Obama Can't Win Against Palin
Post Date: 2008-09-11 20:57:49 by TwentyTwelve
Wall Street Journal OPINION Obama Can't Win Against Palin By KARL ROVE September 11, 2008; Page A13 Of all the advantages Gov. Sarah Palin has brought to the GOP ticket, the most important may be that she has gotten into Barack Obama's head. How else to explain Sen. Obama's decision to go one-on-one against "Sarah Barracuda," captain of the Wasilla High state basketball champs? It's a matchup he'll lose. If Mr. Obama wants to win, he needs to remember he's running against John McCain for president, not Mrs. Palin for vice president. Michael Dukakis spent the last months of the 1988 campaign calling his opponent's running mate, Dan Quayle, a risky ...

Lipstick on a Wing Nut
Post Date: 2008-09-11 18:36:19 by TwentyTwelve
Lipstick on a Wing Nut By Katha Pollitt This article appeared in the September 29, 2008 edition of The Nation. September 10, 2008 John McCain chose the supremely under-qualified Sarah Palin as his running mate partly because she is a woman. If you have a problem with that, you're a sexist. She talks incessantly about being a mother of five and uses her newborn, Trig, who has Down syndrome, as a campaign prop. If you wonder how she'll handle all those kids and the Veep job too, you're a super-sexist. "When do they ever ask a man that question?" charges that fiery feminist Rudy Giuliani. Indeed, Palin, who went back to work when Trig was three days old, gets nothing ...

For Working Moms, 'Flawed' Palin Is the Perfect Choice (Stupid is as Stupid Does)
Post Date: 2008-09-11 12:15:56 by Destro
For Working Moms, 'Flawed' Palin Is the Perfect Choice By Marc Fisher Thursday, September 11, 2008; Page B01 Eight working mothers from the Virginia Run development in Centreville went together to the Palin- McCain rally yesterday because Sarah Palin is "just like us." This is something new. Nobody ever accused Franklin Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan of being just like us. "She justifies what we do every day," said Beth Tweddle, who works in sales and carried a sign she drew herself, saying "We [heart] Pit Bull Palin." Tweddle was already a McCain supporter, she said, "but Sarah just energizes us and got us out here because she does what we do, she ...

Obama Must Respond To Berg Lawsuit By 9-24-8
Post Date: 2008-09-11 12:11:58 by TwentyTwelve
Obama not qualified for presidency lawsuit, Philip J Berg, EXPEDITED DISCOVERY, September 10, 2008, SEEKS DEPOSITION OF BARACK OBAMA AND HOWARD DEAN BY END OF MONTH, Jeff Schreiber explains September 10, 2008 · 29 Comments We received the following from Philip J Berg last night and posted it this morning: “Hi Mr. Wells, If Senator Obama is unable to prove his citizenship, which we feel he is unable to do, he will not be able to serve as president. In a case such as this, if this is learned before the presidential election, then according to the National Chairperson of the Democratic National Committe will confer with the Democratic leadership of the United States Congress ...

Autumn Angst: Dems fret about Obama
Post Date: 2008-09-11 10:38:33 by christine
Polls showing John McCain tied or even ahead of Barack Obama are stirring angst and second-guessing among some of the Democratic Party’s most experienced operatives, who worry that Obama squandered opportunities over the summer and may still be underestimating his challenges this fall. “It’s more than an increased anxiety,” said Doug Schoen, who worked as one of Bill Clinton’s lead pollsters during his 1996 reelection and has worked for both Democrats and independents in recent years. “It’s a palpable frustration. Deep-seated unease in the sense that the message has gotten away from them.” Joe Trippi, a consultant behind Howard Dean’s ...

Judge warned Palin in 2005 to back off brother-in-law's job
Post Date: 2008-09-11 07:34:34 by Disgusted
CNN) -- An Alaska judge warned Gov. Sarah Palin's family against trying to get her then-brother-in-law fired, according to court records. Investigators want to know if Sarah Palin tried to use her position improperly to get her former brother-in-law fired. That warning came long before the controversy over her dismissal of the brother-in-law's boss, the state's public safety commissioner, records show. Palin, the Republican nominee for vice president, is battling allegations she and her advisers pressured Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan to fire her sister's husband, State Trooper Mike Wooten. Palin's sister, Molly McCann, and Wooten were in the process of ...

We Agree
Post Date: 2008-09-10 22:27:48 by buckeye
We Agree September 10th, 2008 by Don Rasmussen The Republican/Democrat duopoly has, for far too long, ignored the most important issues facing our nation. However, alternate candidates Chuck Baldwin, Cynthia McKinney, and Ralph Nader agree with Ron Paul on four key principles central to the health of our nation. These principles should be key in the considerations of every voter this November and in every election. We AgreeForeign Policy: The Iraq War must end as quickly as possible with removal of all our soldiers from the region. We must initiate the return of our soldiers from around the world, including Korea, Japan, Europe and the entire Middle East. We must cease the war propaganda, ...

Freedom Rider: Biden = Palin
Post Date: 2008-09-10 21:30:07 by PoliticallyIncorrect
Joe "Foot-In-Mouth" Biden and Sarah "Abstinence-Only" Palin are perfect matches for the Twin Business Party campaigns for top executive power. Biden gruffly rejects the "liberal" label by reminding reporters he is from a former slave state. Palin appeals to "white America's reptilian brain." The schlock level at both camps gets thicker by the day. Barack Obama morphs politically into his 72-year-old opposite number, joining hands with John McCain as a new convert to the Iraq "surge" that has "succeeded beyond our wildest dreams." "Biden advocated invading Iraq as early as 1998." Criticizing Sarah Palin, the ...

Biden: Hillary a Better Pick Than Me
Post Date: 2008-09-10 20:22:10 by RickyJ
ABC News' Matthew Jaffe Reports: Barack Obama's vice-presidential nominee Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., Wednesday said that Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, might have been a better pick for the position than him. At a rally in Nashua, New Hampshire, a man in the audience told Biden how glad he was that Obama picked him over Hillary "not because she's a woman, but because look at the things she did in the past." "Make no mistake about this," Biden responded. "Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend, she is qualified to ...

Anyone who actually BELIEVES that Obama was talking about Palin when he said 'lipstick on a pig' is a complete moron [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-09-10 19:10:11 by a vast rightwing conspirator
I just heard Obama talking. When he said 'you put lipstick on a pig and it's still a pig, you wrap a fish in a nice wrapper and it still stinks' he was clearly and absolutely talking about McCain's recycling W's policies. It had nothing to do with Sarah 'the pitbull (pig, snake)' Palin. I dare anyone to post the exact quote of what Obama said and then interpret it in ways that implies that Obama calls Pain (the pig) a pig. In other news, Ron Paul said if anyone who supported him and is now thinking about voting for McCain, he must be a moron.

Obama accuses McCain camp of lies, phony outrage
Post Date: 2008-09-10 15:45:23 by freepatriot32
NORFOLK, Va. - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Wednesday accused Republican John McCain's campaign of using "lies and phony outrage and Swift-boat politics" in claiming he used a sexist comment against vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Calling it "the latest made-up controversy by the John McCain campaign," Obama responded to the Republicans' charge that he was referring to Palin when he used the phrase "lipstick on a pig" at a campaign stop Tuesday. "I don't care what they say about me. But I love this country too much to let them take over another election with lies and phony outrage and Swift-boat politics. Enough ...

Barack Obama's Wife's Cousin Is a "Black Hebrews" Rabbi
Post Date: 2008-09-10 15:42:48 by AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt
Barack Obama's Wife's Cousin Is a "Black Hebrews" Rabbi by Aryeh Haffner (IsraelNN.com) Barack Obama's wife’s cousin is a Rabbi, according to the Jewish magazine Forward. Michelle Obama's first cousin once removed, Capers Funnye, shepherds the flock at a mostly black Israelite synagogue on Chicago’s South Side, the Beth Shalom B’nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew synagogue. The Black Israelite congregations, often called Black Hebrews, are a very small and mostly separate stream from mainstream Judaism and are not recognized as Jews by the Chief Rabbanite of Israel. Although Rabbi Funnye's congregation refers to itself as Ethiopian Hebrew, it is not ...

'Rabbis for Obama' formed
Post Date: 2008-09-10 15:07:59 by Jethro Tull
What bloggersare saying Published: 09/10/2008More than 300 rabbis formed a group to support the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama. "The support of rabbis nationwide is a testament to Barack Obama’s strong support in the Jewish Community, and demonstrates that he shares the values and principles so important to the American Jewish Community," said a statement released Wednesday about the group founded by Sam Gordon and Steven Bob, two rabbis from the Chicago area, the Illinois senator's base. The rabbis attached to the release spans the Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist and Orthodox streams. "When 300 rabbis agree on anything, you know something is going ...

Ron Paul Statement to the National Press Club
Post Date: 2008-09-10 11:27:43 by TwentyTwelve
Ron Paul Statement to the National Press Club The American Majority The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Carroll Quigley – Author of Tragedy & Hope The coverage of the presidential election is designed to be a grand distraction. This is not new, but this year, it’s more so than ever. Pretending that a true ...

Paul rejects McCain's plea for endorsement
Post Date: 2008-09-10 11:14:05 by TwentyTwelve
Paul rejects McCain's plea for endorsement By SUZANNE GAMBOA – 17 minutes ago WASHINGTON (AP) — Ron Paul says he rejected John McCain's appeal for his endorsement. At a news conference Wednesday, Paul said he received a surprise call from McCain's campaign on Tuesday asking for his endorsement. Paul turned them down. Paul said: "The idea was that he would do less harm than the other candidate." Paul won no primaries in the Republican nomination contest but developed a strong following on the Internet. He appeared at a news conference with third-party candidates, including Ralph Nader and former Georgia Democratic Rep. Cynthia McKinney. Paul suggested ...

Community Organizer Obama
Post Date: 2008-09-10 11:06:20 by christine
Community Organizer, the title Barack Obama especially likes being defined by is a strange title and either in a confessional slip of Freudian proportions or that of an egomaniac wanting the world to know just how the artful dodger rose from rags to riches, the term Community Organizer is the fraud, filth and philandering of Barack Obama. I'm astounded no one has bothered to really show who Barack Obama is for the manipulative, money, power pimp he is. His story starts out in 1985 arriving in Chicago in a broken down car from New York where he soon enough landed a job as "Community Organizer". In 1985, it had a staff of 1 Obama, but in 3 years by 1988 as head of the ...

Obama really screwed up with his PIG comment....Game Over...Checkmate [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-09-10 09:07:33 by Old Friend
Obama made a huge mistake in my view with the pig comment. Now McCain has a new ad out that is gong to cream Obama. Women will be upset by this i'm sure. Rightly or wrongly. I do have one question about this ad though. Maybe some of you can help me out. There is a comment by Katie Couric and she talks about sexism. Was she talking about Obama's pig comment. I kind of doubt it. So it is a little disingenuous on the McCains camps part to put that part in the ad. I'm sure it will be quite effective though. It seems like Obama is losing it with these new poll numbers that are coming out.

McCain looks set to lose Ron Paul’s support
Post Date: 2008-09-10 01:43:50 by TwentyTwelve
By Edward Luce in Washington and Andrew Ward in Ohio Published: September 10 2008 03:49 | Last updated: September 10 2008 03:49 Ron Paul, the fringe Republican candidate who out-raised most of his opponents in the US presidential election, including John McCain, is to hold a joint event in Washington on Wednesday with all the other third party candidates, including Ralph Nader. Tuesday’s announcement for an event that will also include Bob Barr, the Libertarian party candidate, Cynthia McKinney, the Green party candidate and Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution party’s candidate, has raised speculation that Mr Paul may be about to repudiate Mr McCain. McCain officials have ...

Ron Paul and Goldwater on ballot in Louisiana
Post Date: 2008-09-10 01:34:26 by TwentyTwelve
Ron Paul and Goldwater on ballot in Louisiana Austin Cassidy says on Conservative Pulse: Ron Paul will appear on the ballot in Louisiana as a Presidential candidate this November, despite never expressing an interest in doing so. It seems that there are a few states where a candidate can be placed on the ballot for President or Vice-President entirely by the actions of supporters. Meaning, a person can be drafted onto the ballot — and if he or she doesn’t object and request to have their name removed — they will appear without ever declaring a formal candidacy. As such, supporters have created something called the Taxpayer’s Party in Louisiana with the purpose of ...

Fresh blood for the vampire
Post Date: 2008-09-09 23:13:43 by Horse
Palin: Feminism's greatest leap forward since Madonna A beady-eyed McCain gets a boost from the charismatic Sarah Palin, a powerful new feminist -- yes, feminist! -- force. Plus: Obama must embrace his dull side. It's heavy weather for Obama fans, as momentum has suddenly shifted to John McCain -- that hoary, barnacle-encrusted tub that many Democrats like me had thought was full of holes and swirling to its doom in the inky depths of Republican incoherence and fratricide. Gee whilikers, the McCain vampire just won't die! Hit him with a hammer, and he explodes like a jellyfish into a hundred hungry pieces. Oh, the sadomasochistic tedium of McCain's imprisonment in Hanoi ...

Paul: Reject the major parties, go for a third
Post Date: 2008-09-09 22:41:13 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Paul: Reject the major parties, go for a third By SUZANNE GAMBOA and SAM HANANEL – 31 minutes ago WASHINGTON (AP) — Libertarian-leaning congressman Ron Paul is urging voters to reject John McCain and Barack Obama and support one of the third-party candidates for president. Paul, a Republican who abandoned his White House bid earlier this year, is gathering some of the candidates, independent Ralph Nader among them, on Wednesday to make his plea. "The strongest message can be sent by rejecting the two party system," Paul said in prepared remarks obtained by The Associated Press. "This can be accomplished by voting for one of the non-establishment, principled ...

Drudge Racists Oprah with Backlashing
Post Date: 2008-09-09 21:49:45 by Jethro Tull
“The use of the term ‘Backlash’ is clearly intended to wax white America nostalgic of the days when their authority over us was demonstrated by their ability to whip us,” says racial psychologist Dr. Louis Sidney Jacobs. “Subliminally, Drudge is telling whites to whip Oprah by not tuning into her program. Our sources close to the Drudgereport say media wizard Matt manufactured the whole story in hopes of not only tainting Winfrey, but also lending support to the GOP presidential bid.

Palin Per Diem, Travel Expenses Scrutinized
Post Date: 2008-09-09 17:47:06 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Palin Per Diem, Travel Expenses Scrutinized Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin used a government "per diem" allowance to charge the state for more than 300 nights spent at home (graphic) and spent another $43,490 on travel for her children and husband, The Post's James V. Grimaldi and Karl Vick report today. Many of the trips (graphic) were to ferry her children and husband from their hometown of Wasilla to the state capital of Juneau, which is 600 miles away, The Post reported. Palin's spokeswoman, Sharon Leighow, said the expenses are not unusual, noting that each of Palin's five children could have claimed a per diem expense and that Palin often did not seek out ...

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