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How about the first part of that interview with O'Reilly?
Post Date: 2008-09-04 22:22:42 by Tauzero
Obama did real good -- at pandering to the war party! Also, I can't be sure, but I think the Fox folks arranged the lighting to make Obama look darker.

McCain vows to end partisan rancor in Washington
Post Date: 2008-09-04 20:41:29 by Dakmar
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — John McCain, a POW turned political rebel, vowed Thursday night to vanquish the "constant partisan rancor" plaguing the nation as he launched his fall campaign for the White House. "Change is coming" to Washington, he promised the Republican National Convention. "I will reach out my hand to anyone to help me get this country moving again," McCain said in remarks prepared for the a prime time address. "I have that record and the scars to prove it. Senator Obama does not," he said of his rival for the White House, Sen. Barack Obama. McCain also invoked the five years he spent in a North Vietnamese prison. "I fell in ...

The McCain Acceptance Live Thread - and the answer of the day [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-09-04 20:12:15 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Everyone is struggling to come up with the 'one word' that would best describe Sarah. I just found it: REPTILIAN If anyone can find a better one-word, let's hear it. On the McCain front, he is expected to say: "I got scars but Obama don't." Other news breaking on the MSNBC: Buchanan is turning completely senile and rushing back into the GOP fold. The one-word for Buchanan: PATHETIC. For 'personal news', I had a very interesting experience with an illegal immigrant in Hazelton, today. Actually, there were 2 of them and a baby.

The Bush-Obama Convergence
Post Date: 2008-09-04 19:42:14 by christine
A New Consensus on Iraq? By ERIC RUDER Is the end of the U.S. occupation of Iraq within sight? In late July, newspaper headlines announced that the Bush administration and Iraqi officials had agreed on a "general time horizon for meeting aspirational goals" for the withdrawal of U.S. troops. The fuzzy phraseology allows the Bush administration to deny that it had agreed to a "timetable" for withdrawal--something it has repeatedly denounced as "irresponsible" when advocated by Democrats. Meanwhile, Barack Obama, who has promised to withdraw U.S. combat troops from Iraq by late 2010 if he becomes president, captured the world's attention with whirlwind ...

Joe Biden says Barack Obama might pursue charges against Bush adninistration if elected [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-09-04 14:03:11 by Arator
Obama might pursue criminal charges against Bush administration· Biden says criminal violations will be pursued Elana Schor guardian.co.uk, Wednesday September 03 2008 19:32 BST Democratic vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden said earlier this week that he and running mate Barack Obama could pursue criminal charges against the Bush administration if they are elected in November. Biden's comments, first reported by ABC news, attracted little notice on a day dominated by the drama surrounding his Republican counterpart, Alaska governor Sarah Palin. But his statements represent the Democrats' strongest vow so far this year to investigate alleged misdeeds committed during the ...

Palin: Iraq War A Task That Is From God
Post Date: 2008-09-04 13:40:24 by christine
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin told ministry students at her former church that the United States sent troops to fight in the Iraq war on a "task that is from God." In an address last June, the Republican vice presidential candidate also urged ministry students to pray for a plan to build a $30 billion natural gas pipeline in the state, calling it "God's will." Palin asked the students to pray for the troops in Iraq, and noted that her eldest son, Track, was expected to be deployed there. "Our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God," she said. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan ...

Palin E-Mails Show Intense Interest in Trooper's Penalty
Post Date: 2008-09-04 12:33:14 by angle
EAGLE RIVER, Alaska, Sept. 3 -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the running mate for GOP presidential candidate John McCain, wrote e-mails that harshly criticized Alaska state troopers for failing to fire her former brother-in-law and ridiculed an internal affairs investigation into his conduct. The e-mails were shown to The Washington Post by a former public safety commissioner, Walter Monegan, who was fired by Palin in July. Monegan has given copies of the e-mails to state ethics investigators to support his contention that he was dismissed for failing to fire Trooper Mike Wooten, who at the time was feuding with Palin's family. "This trooper is still out on the street, in fact ...

The real story of how the Vice President was Picked
Post Date: 2008-09-04 11:58:22 by angle
The actual truth, told once again by Tet. This is how the story goes. On August 1st John McCrazy offers Mike Huckabee the number two spot on the ticket and Huckabee tells Johnboy to drop dead. On August 2nd McCrazy offers Mitt Romney the number two spot only to be told that Joseph Smith personally came back and told Mitt not to do it. August 3rd was a Sunday and the mighty Johnboy rested. August 4th Arnold the terminator Schwarzenegger was offered the number two spot and had to hand Johnboy a copy of the Constitution, which apparently McCrazy had never seen before. On August 5th McCrazy was going to call Joseph Lieberman only to have his staff tell him that polls show that 99% of ...

BREAKING: Sarah Palin "Winged" Her Speech Because of "Broken" Teleprompter
Post Date: 2008-09-04 10:35:55 by christine
Halfway through Sarah Palin's speech tonight at the RNC, people following the speech noticed she was deviating from the prepared text. According to sources close to the McCain campaign, the teleprompter continued scrolling during applause breaks. As a result, half way through the speech, the speech had scrolled significantly from where Governor Palin was in the speech. The malfunction also occurred during Rudy Giuliani's speech, explaining his significant deviations from his speech. Unfazed, Governor Palin continued, from memory, to deliver her speech without the teleprompter cued to the appropriate point in her speech. Contrast this to Barack Obama who, when last his ...

Commentary: Last thing we need now is a great leader
Post Date: 2008-09-04 02:36:03 by mirage
(CNN) -- Everyone I talk to seems to think the president of the United States right now is stupid. The Bush presidency is stupid speeches, stupid high gas prices, stupid bad economy, stupid war on terrorism, stupid war on drugs, stupid hurricane fixing, stupid global warming, stupid war -- stupid, stupid, stupid. They all seem to think we need to get a smarter guy in the White House fast, and Bush is so stupid, that task shouldn't be too hard. Not me. I'd like to say that I believe every president in United States history, including the stupid one we have now, is smarter than me. My alma mater is Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth Clown College, so ...

Noonan, Murphy trash Palin on hot mike: 'It's over'
Post Date: 2008-09-03 20:54:50 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Noonan, Murphy trash Palin on hot mike: 'It's over' Ben Smith Wed Sep 3, 5:24 PM ET After a segment with NBC's Chuck Todd ended today, Republican consultant Mike Murphy and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan were caught on a live mike ridiculing the choice of Sarah Palin. "It's over," said Noonan, who then responded to a question of whether Palin is the most qualified Republican woman McCain could have chosen. "The most qualified? No. I think they went for this — excuse me — political bullshit about narratives," she said. "Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what ...

'tube - Just how stupid are American voters
Post Date: 2008-09-03 20:49:45 by Jethro Tull
Poster Comment:Happy voting!

Live thread - The Sarah Palin Presentation. Plus, the question of the day [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-09-03 20:21:55 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Question of the day Let's say, you consider yourself a righteous, red-blooded, patriotic American and let's assume that you are so. In fact, the word of your righteousness spread and McCain invites you to join him as his running mate. Knowing exactly what that meant: throwing away all your principles and turning into a McCain surrogate, defending McCain views that you used to oppose, having to read speeches written by McCain speech writers, etc., etc. Would you accept McCain's invitation? I assume that the answer is 'no' because no righteous, red-blooded, patriotic American would agree to help McCain gain access to the nuclear buttons, among other things. Now, ...

Post Date: 2008-09-03 16:22:28 by angle
From NBC's Aram Roston ANCHORAGE, AK -- A key witness in the Alaska State Senate Ethics investigation of Gov. Palin has backed out of testifying today, the state senator in charge of the investigation tells NBC News. The senator -- Democrat Hollis French -- says Frank Bailey's decision not to testify will slow down the "Troopergate" investigation into the current candidate. The investigation centers on whether Gov. Palin abused her power when firing her commissioner of Public Safety Walt Monegan in July 2008. Monegan maintains he was fired, for not firing another man in his command -- Alaska State Trooper Mike Wooten -- Gov. Palin's ex-brother in law who, years ...

Palin to try to silence media storm in debut
Post Date: 2008-09-03 09:31:42 by christine
ST. PAUL (Reuters) - Sarah Palin has dominated the Republican convention for days without making a public appearance but on Wednesday she takes the spotlight with a prime-time speech that will introduce her to American voters. Since John McCain made the nearly unknown Palin his No. 2, the Alaska governor has been at the center of a media storm fueled by disclosures about her unmarried teenage daughter's pregnancy, a probe into her role in an Alaskan official's firing and questions about the her political record. McCain, 72, an Arizona senator, and Palin will be nominated by the convention on Wednesday to face Democrat Barack Obama and his vice presidential running mate, Joe Biden, ...

Mayor Palin: A Rough Record
Post Date: 2008-09-03 08:12:39 by angle
John McCain was clear about why he picked half-term Alaska governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate. "I found someone with an outstanding reputation for standing up to special interests and entrenched bureaucracies," he said in introducing her in Dayton, Ohio, on Friday. Palin was someone, he noted, "who reached across the aisle and asked Republicans, Democrats and independents to serve in government." It is a powerful reinforcement of McCain's own political brand: tough, reform-minded, willing to break with his own party for the right cause. And it's true that her high-profile crusade against corruption and complacency in her own state party over the past ...

Post Date: 2008-09-02 22:10:56 by christine
MINNEAPOLIS -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin today met with the board of directors of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, NBC/NJ has confirmed. The meeting took place inside Palin's hotel, sources said. A campaign official would not say who asked for the meeting, but said it was geared towards putting the American Jewish community at ease over her understanding of US-Middle East relations. "That's obviously going to be an issue," the aide said. "It's not like being the senator from New York, obviously. But these aren't issues that are off her radar." Palin, joined by Sen. Joe Lieberman, expressed her "heartfelt support for Israel" and ...

Prediction and Evaluation: Thompson, W to Speak Tonite - will W do comedy?
Post Date: 2008-09-02 21:17:25 by a vast rightwing conspirator
W would do least harm if he did comedy. I don't know why, but I can't imagine him in any mode other than comedy mode. However, I'm afraid that he's going to be doomy and gloomy, trying to scare everybody. Thmopson... I don't know. It should be fun.

The Alaska Independence Party (Secessionist - Palin a member in 1994)
Post Date: 2008-09-02 18:28:34 by buckeye
Political Animal) THE ALASKA INDEPENDENCE PARTY.... What may prove to be the single most damaging angle to Sarah Palin's role on the Republican Party ticket? There are quite a few contenders (ethics scandal, earmarks, inexperience, outside-the-mainstream views), but following up on Hilzoy's item from last night, Palin's association with the Alaska Independence Party might be the most politically detrimental.It's practically impossible to make a "Country First" argument when your running mate is affiliated with a political party that puts country second.Officials of the Alaskan Independence Party say that Palin was once so independent, she was once a member of their ...

Meanwhile, two Jewish Obama fundraisers have told me since the Palin pick that they've seen Jewish donors moving to Obama.(from Article)
Post Date: 2008-09-02 15:33:34 by Jethro Tull
Jewish Republicans try to read Palin tea leaves Based on anecdotal evidence in a community I've covered for years, Sarah Palin's nomination has generated a bit of backlash among Jewish voters. Where John McCain was making inroads for his place in the secular, hawkish wing of the GOP, and where there were doubts about Obama, there's now concern and viral e-mails about Palin. Some, on little evidence, paint her as a Buchanan acolyte; others accurately point out that she, unlike McCain, hails from the evangelical Christian wing of her party, which would like to see more overt displays of Christianity in the public square. (There's a minority of observant Jews who would also ...

John McCain more likely to drop Sarah Palin, bookmakers say
Post Date: 2008-09-02 15:21:33 by a vast rightwing conspirator
John McCain more likely to drop Sarah Palin, bookmakers say BLOOMBERG NEWS Tuesday, September 2nd 2008, 1:21 PM Pooley/Getty The odds are not in favor of John McCain keeping Sarah Palin on his ticket, according to bettors. The smart money thinks there's a better chance Tuesday than Monday that John McCain will dump Sarah Palin as his running mate. Before the Republican senator's presidential campaign disclosed the pregnancy of Palin's 17-year-old daughter, bookmakers in Britain and Ireland were offering 20-1 odds or higher on a bet that she would be forced off the ticket, meaning a 1 pound ($1.78) bet would pay 20 pounds. ...

If McCain wins, look for a full-fledged race and class war (from the article)
Post Date: 2008-09-02 14:22:08 by Jethro Tull
Fatimah Ali: We need Obama, not 4 more years of George Bush By Fatimah Ali Philadelphia Daily News AMERICA is on the brink of a long, harsh and bitterly cold winter, with a looming recession that the GOP won't even admit to. The policies of the current White House have brutalized our economy, yet the wealthiest think that everything is fine. Rich Republicans just don't understand that millions are suffering. But many of their working class do, and they're beginning to abandon their own party. When lifelong Republican Barney Smith told the Democratic convention that he'd vote for Barack Obama for president, he gave pause to even the most conservative members of his party. ...

Oama at his highest level of support ever (Rasmussen)
Post Date: 2008-09-02 11:40:39 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Tuesday, September 02, 2008 Advertisement The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Barack Obama attracting 48% of the vote while John McCain earns 43%. When "leaners" are included, it’s Obama 51%, McCain 45%. This is the highest level of support enjoyed by Obama at any point in Election 2008 (see recent daily results). Tracking Polls are released at 9:30 a.m. Eastern Time each day and a FREE daily e-mail update. is available. Click for Full Text!

Pregnancy of Sarah Palin's daughter shakes up McCain campaign
Post Date: 2008-09-02 07:24:54 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Pregnancy of Sarah Palin's daughter shakes up McCain campaign The Palin family announces that teenager Bristol will marry the father. The news raises questions about John McCain's vetting of his running mate. By Mark Z. Barabak, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer September 2, 2008 ST. PAUL, MINN. -- Republicans swung into damage control Monday as their scaled-back convention was overtaken by news that the unmarried teenage daughter of vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin was five months pregnant. The revelation introduced a highly personal and unpredictable element into a presidential campaign already steeped in gender politics. In a statement released hours before the convention ...

ANALYSIS: Sarah Palin . . . and the Jews
Post Date: 2008-09-01 22:07:24 by X-15
When Sen. John McCain tapped Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate today, the Jewish political blogosphere -- as loud and fast and opinionated as (for lack of a better word) the Gentile Web -- came to a screeching halt. After all, you can fight about John McCain, and Barack Obama, and Joe Biden . . .but Sarah Palin? It took an Internet eternity for Jewish Republicans to come out swinging for Sarah, an just as long for Jewish Democrats to hit back. "Homerun!" Larry Greenfield, the California director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, wrote me via e-mail five hours after McCain's announcement. "Governor Palin has a very close relationship with the Jewish ...

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