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Palin Tough Target for Obama
Post Date: 2008-08-29 16:33:48 by Rupert_Pupkin
Palin tough target for Obama to hit Lisa Lerer, Tim Grieve 1 hour, 17 minutes ago John McCain’s selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate presents the Obama-Biden campaign with an unwelcome and unexpected challenge: How do you go after a 44-year-old mother of five without once alienating the female voters you’ve just spent the last week trying to win back? The answer so far: Not very well. Minutes after the McCain campaign confirmed that Palin would be the Republican’s VP pick, Obama spokesman Bill Burton dismissed the Alasaka governor as a lightweight. McCain, he said, had put "the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat ...

First Impressions of Palin [live from Ohio... it's Friday Afternoon!!!] [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-08-29 12:18:42 by a vast rightwing conspirator
The introduction is about to begin. Let's hear first impressions from everyone as this is happening.

"White Supremacist" Derek Black Wins Big in Local Election
Post Date: 2008-08-29 10:11:28 by Hypocrisy Cop
http://www.palmbeachpost.com/blogs/c...wins_vote.html Derek Black - the 19-year-old product of the marriage between former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard Don Black and the former wife of white supremacist politician Duke - won his first election. He's now a Republican Party committeeman. His job is primarily to ensure that voters in District 29, which runs alongside Southern Boulevard east of Dixie, vote Republican. But that job may not be his for long. Already, the GOP has moved to kick him out. Tuesday's contest wasn't even a squeaker: Derek Black won with 58 percent of the votes, 167 out of 287. His opponent was Eduardo Burkhart. The 47-year-old, who's deaf, made news ...

Speculation over McCain veep turns to Alaska gov. [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-08-29 09:50:47 by christine
DENVER - John McCain kept his vice presidential pick a closely guarded secret hours before the high-stakes announcement Friday as top prospects seemed to drop away and speculation moved to darkhorse candidate Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Two GOP strategists close to the McCain campaign said all indications pointed to Palin, 44, a self-styled "hockey mom" and political reformer. The strategists spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized by the McCain camp to discuss the matter. There was no confirmation from McCain or his advisers. With an announcement scheduled in Dayton, Ohio, an associate of Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty said the governor had been informed he ...

McCain's Dilemma - will he pick a Mormon, a Woman or a Jew?
Post Date: 2008-08-29 08:03:11 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Let's hear from the prognosticators. The 'nothing ever changes, they're all the same' very intelligent commentary is also welcome and proper on this thread.

Obama Woke Up At 4:30 AM
Post Date: 2008-08-29 01:27:01 by Horse
A liberal friend of mine who has decided to write in Ron Paul for President this November actually listened to Obama's speech. According to my friend Obama said his mother woke him up at 4:30 am every morning to study. 1.3 billion Muslims wake up every morning to pray. Poster Comment:As I have said before, I refuse to vote for either McCain or Obama.

Obama's Cheney, Is there a curse on the office of the vice presidency? (Raimondo)
Post Date: 2008-08-29 01:07:20 by christine
The office of the Vice President has surely undergone a transformation in recent years: from Dan Quayle to Dick Cheney is a long way to travel. The role of the VP, with Cheney acting as the eminence grise of the Bush regime – and, some would say, the real President – has been amplified to the nth degree, and it looks like the administration of Barack Obama is going to continue this ominous tradition. Joe Biden on the ticket with Obama, as we said on Monday, is a big victory for the War Party, which will not, as a result, be shut out of power if the Democrats take the White House. Today Biden denounces the Iraq war in passionate language, and yet it seems like only yesterday that ...

Obama accepts nomination, vows to fix Washington
Post Date: 2008-08-29 00:26:21 by christine
DENVER (AP) - Surrounded by an enormous, adoring crowd, Barack Obama promised a clean break from the "broken politics in Washington and the failed policies of George W. Bush" Thursday night as he embarked on the final lap of his audacious bid to become the nation's first black president. "America, now is not the time for small plans," the 47-year-old Illinois senator told an estimated 84,000 people packed into Invesco Field, a huge football stadium at the base of the Rocky Mountains. He vowed to cut taxes for nearly all working-class families, end the war in Iraq and break America's dependence on Mideast oil within a decade. By contrast, he said, "John ...

Ron Paul: McCain, Obama 'no difference'
Post Date: 2008-08-28 23:17:48 by DeaconBenjamin
Congressman Ron Paul says there is 'no difference' between US presidential candidates, Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain. "Their foreign policies are identical," the Texas congressman said in an interview with CNN on Thursday. "There's no difference." "They want more troops in Afghanistan. They want to send more support to Georgia to protect the oil line there. Neither one says bring home the troops from Iraq from the bases -- you know the bases are going to stay there, the embassy as big as the Vatican, that's going to remain. So their foreign policies are exactly the same," he added. The former Republican presidential ...

For the Joe Six Packs
Post Date: 2008-08-28 21:22:08 by christine
I have had a few reports from the "Joe Six-Pack" readers that they are to busy to read "reports" or complex statements from me as to how government is in plain language "screwing them". They want quick sound bites high-lighted that they can understand and whereby they can skip over everything else. I am told by them they are to busy working twelve hour shifts to pay the bills and complex or long financial disclosure that requires their time and effort to look is beyond their attention span and their will to participate in. So let me give it a try to be clear and simple, with a history outline of individual sound-bites listed in order of importance whereby it ...

Obama: 'We are a better country than this' [excerpts of tonite's speech] [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-08-28 20:58:17 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Obama: 'We are a better country than this' Email|Link|Comments (227) Posted by Foon Rhee, deputy national political editor August 28, 2008 06:45 PM Senator Barack Obama will promise change -- and spells out specifics such as tax cuts for the middle class and an end to dependence on foreign oil in 10 years -- as he accepts the Democratic presidential nomination tonight. Obama also warns that Republican John McCain would mean four more years of President Bush's flawed policies, declaring “America, we are better than these last eight years. We are a better country than this.” Here are excerpts of the speech, titled "The American Promise," just released by ...

Where the hell were the marketing guys on this one?
Post Date: 2008-08-28 20:31:04 by Tauzero
Obama and Biden Obama and Biden Say that three times fast.

Obama at the greek temple tonight...
Post Date: 2008-08-28 17:52:11 by X-15
Will Obama invoke Socrates and Plato during his oration??? Will he stumble through an analogy tied to The Republic and Plato's themes of the equality of women, eugenics, and communal housing???? Is there any place for serious philosophy in the Democratic Party or will Obama descend into sloganeering and populist pap????

The Obama Construct
Post Date: 2008-08-28 12:48:07 by christine
“I am a Zionist...You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist...” Senator Joe Biden “...I want you to know that today I'll be speaking from my heart and as a true friend of Israel. And I know that when I visit AIPAC I am among friends” Senator Barack Obama's June Fourth, 2008 Speech to AIPAC "Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”, Sir Walter Scott once said and no truer words could ever be spoken to describe the political machinations of Senator Barack Obama. Ah Senator Obama, a construct from day one. One day an unknown, the next, an overnight sensation, on the cover of Time Magazine and he's been rubbed in our ...

Democratic Delusions (The Myths of Joe Biden)
Post Date: 2008-08-28 12:33:55 by christine
"The question most Americans want answered about Iraq is this: When will our troops come home? We already know the likely answer. In 2006, they will begin to leave in large numbers…In 2007, a significant number of the remaining 100,000 will follow…We cannot sustain 150,000 Americans in Iraq without extending deployment times. Even if we could, our large military presence – while still the only guarantor against total breakdown – is increasingly counterproductive." Joe Biden, November 2005 The Democratic nomination of Barack Obama and Joe Biden for President and Vice-President has cemented the party's role as a fair-weather "opponent" of the ...

Dem speakers say Bush, McCain policies hurt Israel
Post Date: 2008-08-28 12:33:41 by Jethro Tull
DENVER (JTA) -- President Bush and John McCain backed policies that have endangered Israel, Democrats argued during their convention speeches Wednesday night. In a night dedicated largely to foreign policy and national security issues, several speakers at the Pepsi Center Font size: Print article Send article via email Share on Facebook Digg this Tell the editors Post a comment What bloggers are saying Related Content Rate this article: argued that Israel's enemies have been emboldened by Republican mishaps. The strategy reflected an increased willingness of Democrats to go on the attack against the Bush administration over Israel, after years of simply insisting both sides of the ...

Obama campaign turns thuggish (update: podcast available)
Post Date: 2008-08-28 11:35:36 by freepatriot32
The Obama campaign has tonight again demonstrated that it will try to silence voices with which it does not agree. This should chill all Americans, for it offers a preview of the tactics to which a President Obama might harness the power of the federal government. The means chosen include harassment of television stations running the 527 group Ayers ad, a demand for a Justice Department investigation, and just last night, disruption of a radio talk show in Chicago that dared have Dr. Stanley Kurtz of National Review, who has been examining the archives of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, in which Bill Ayers and Barack Obama worked as colleagues. The Obama campaign was given an opportunity ...

Obama's Garden Party
Post Date: 2008-08-28 11:17:19 by christine
I probably will never qualify as a political pundit. You know what I mean, the cadre of nobodies who parade as “experts” on the “news” programs on TV who are really nothing more than hand-picked political hacks. They are not experts, they are sheep-herders. They are hired to shape public opinion and to influence what was once a free-thinking American populace. Today, Americans are nothing but sheep, waiting to be herded, and eventually to be sheared. That is the goal of the “experts.” They decide, you report. How else could we possibly have McCain and Obama? My positions are clear. I will not vote for a political party. I vote for a candidate. I’m in no ...

McCain to announce running mate on Friday
Post Date: 2008-08-28 09:37:58 by christine
Senator John McCain has decided on his running mate, two Republican strategists in contact with McCain's campaign said Wednesday. He is expected to reveal his choice at a rally at a basketball arena in Dayton, Ohio, at 11 a.m. Friday. McCain's decision is known only to his small inner circle of advisers, no more than three or four people, who have refused all public discussion on the matter. Republicans close to the campaign said that the top contenders remained the same three men who have been the source of speculation for weeks: former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and, possibly, Senator Joseph Lieberman, independent of Connecticut. It ...

GOP platform backs off Arctic Drilling to help McCain
Post Date: 2008-08-28 08:38:14 by angle
(08-27) 19:11 PDT MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Republicans are putting John McCain's campaign priorities above some of their pet issues, including drilling for oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and denying citizenship to the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants. Members of the GOP platform committee adopted a platform Wednesday that proclaims their party united behind McCain while skirting some enduring points of contention. That came after they voted to stick with an energy plank that doesn't mention drilling in the refuge, saying it would only highlight an area where they differ with the Arizona senator. McCain opposes drilling in that protected land, and some ...

O' Hail the Messiah Lord Obama
Post Date: 2008-08-27 20:34:18 by freepatriot32

Was the "move" by Hillary an effort to hide what little support she had?
Post Date: 2008-08-27 20:33:24 by Itisa1mosttoolate
I only saw only 8 or 9 states and did not keep an accurate count but she was loosing BIG TIME. The MEDIA was 'portraying' her as a contender to Oboma. Maybe she was promised Sec. of State?

The Nation and the Obama campaign
Post Date: 2008-08-27 16:16:45 by christine
The “special convention issue” of the Nation magazine features a lengthy article entitled “Progressives in the Obama Moment,” which seeks to make the case for those opposed to war and the reactionary policies of the Bush administration to rally behind the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. The authors of the article engage in verbal contortions in an attempt to square the notion that Obama represents a progressive, anti-war impulse of far-reaching dimensions (“The Obama nomination sets the stage for a sea-change election”) with the plain fact that his actual policies are of a thoroughly conventional character and are well within the confines of the ...

GOP platform may have global warming plank
Post Date: 2008-08-27 09:42:44 by christine
WASHINGTON, Aug. 26 (UPI) -- The Republican platform may include a first-ever plank on global warming, an examination of a draft document indicated. "Increased atmospheric carbon has a warming effect on the Earth," The Hill reported the draft document as saying. "While the scope and long term consequences of this warming effect are the subject of ongoing research, we believe the United States should take measured and reasonable steps today." Sen. John McCain, poised to become the party's presidential nominee next week during the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., is a proponent of tackling global warming. The party is also expected to consider ...

Berkeley nonprofit wants anti-Obama ad pulled (Weather Underground)
Post Date: 2008-08-27 08:44:51 by angle
A Berkeley nonprofit has demanded that a conservative political group stop airing a television ad that seeks to tie Barack Obama to a 1960s radical, claiming the ad uses copyrighted footage from a documentary film without permission. A lawyer for the Free History Project, which produced the Academy Award-nominated 2002 documentary "The Weather Underground," sent a cease-and-desist letter Monday to the Florida-based American Issues Project, which created the ad and has bought air time for it in the presidential battleground states of Michigan and Ohio. The ad notes that the Weather Underground, a radical group, bombed the U.S. Capitol and other sites in the late 1960s and early ...

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