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Clinton's role crucial at Democratic convention
Post Date: 2008-08-21 18:23:04 by christine
Hillary Clinton may not end up as Barack Obama's running mate, but her role at his nominating party will be crucial, with her army of voters apparently not yet fully sold on the new Democratic champion. As speculation rages about Obama's vice presidential pick, expected to be named within days in the run-up to next week's Democratic National Convention in Colorado, reports say Clinton's name is not even on the short-list. But a spurt in the polls by Republican John McCain has narrowed the White House race into a statistical tie, making it more important than ever for Obama to solidify the core Democratic vote in November's election. A Wall Street Journal/NBC poll ...

McCain Office Receives Envelope With White Powder, Threat
Post Date: 2008-08-21 18:17:21 by Jethro Tull
DEVELOPING … John McCain’s Denver campaign office received an envelope containing white powder and a threatening note Thursday afternoon. Spokesman Jeff Sadosky told FOX News the office has been evacuated and the campaign notified federal and local law enforcement, who are taking all precautions. The letter was opened at about 5 p.m. ET. Poster Comment:Johnny....don't let them do ya' man....

McCain, Obama and how many homes? (funny)
Post Date: 2008-08-21 17:56:35 by a vast rightwing conspirator
McCain, Obama and how many homes? By Jimmy Orr | 08.21.08 We’ve all forgotten things before.  Like where the car keys are.  And what time the appointment is.  How many houses we own…. The problem is when you are running for president and you are trying to appeal to the middle class, the “forgetting how many houses you own” thing could be an issue. That is the issue John McCain finds himself in after not being able to tell a Politico reporter how many homes he owns. “I think - I’ll have my staff get to you,” he said. The answer is four.  But, this on top of the five million dollar remark at last Saturday’s event with ...

Obama says mind is made up on running mate (Roundup)
Post Date: 2008-08-21 17:49:07 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Obama says mind is made up on running mate (Roundup) Aug 21, 2008, 20:59 GMT Washington - Barack Obama on Thursday said he has made up his mind on who to pick as his vice presidential running mate, but the world will have to wait for his official announcement in the coming days. 'That's all you're going to get out of me,' the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee told the newspaper USA Today, adding that 'we had some great choices.' Speculation over who Obama will pick as his running mate has reached a feverish pitch in the last few days. One of the top prospects, Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, joined Obama on the campaign trail Thursday. Obama is in the ...

Post Date: 2008-08-21 12:52:32 by Ferret Mike
Ex-Reps. Warn Troops: As Senator He Abandoned American POWs Trapped in Indochina; as President He'll Abandon You Ed. note: This message from former U.S. Congressmen Bill Hendon (R-NC) and John LeBoutillier (R-NY) is being posted today on numerous military blogs and websites. ~~~~~~~~~~ He has told me several times over the years that the myth of live POWs was a cruel hoax on the families. He chaired hearings into the issue in the 1990s and found nothing. “The committee … pored over thousands of records and every claim of a sighting, no matter how outlandish,” says Salter. “It was all untrue.” Jonathan Alter, When Ross Perot Calls..., Newsweek.com January 16, ...

The Obama Tax Plan
Post Date: 2008-08-21 09:56:54 by iconoclast
The Obama Tax Plan Even as Barack Obama proposes fiscally responsible tax reform to strengthen our economy and restore the balance that has been lost in recent years, we hear the familiar protests and distortions from the guardians of the broken status quo. Many of these very same critics made many of these same overheated predictions in previous elections. They said President Clinton's 1993 deficit-reduction plan would wreck the economy. Eight years and 23 million new jobs later, the economy proved them wrong. Now they are making the same claims about Sen. Obama's tax plan, which has even lower taxes than prevailed in the 1990s -- including lower taxes on middle-class families, ...

Potential Obama VP Is Pro-War, Pro-Patriot Act Neo-Con
Post Date: 2008-08-21 09:34:22 by christine
The man who many are tipping to become Barack Obama’s running mate is a pro-war, pro-patriot act, Bilderberg member who was an honorary co-chair of the neocon Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, a group that aggressively propagandized for the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Ladies and gentlemen - meet Senator Evan Bayh. “Top Democratic Party officials are expecting Sen. Barack Obama to select Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh as his running mate as early as midweek,” according to US News and World Report. So exactly where do the sympathies of the Indiana Senator lie and do they jive with Barack Obama’s proclaimed platitude to be offering “change” in the upcoming ...

The Other Obama
Post Date: 2008-08-21 09:02:44 by Jethro Tull
The Other Obama By R. EMMETT TYRRELL Jr. | August 21, 2008 It has been a mixed week for Barack Obama, the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate. On the one hand, a Reuters/Zogby poll announced that the junior senator's 7-point lead over John McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential candidate, has dissolved into a 5-point deficit. Senator McCain now leads him 46% to 41%. On the other hand, the press has discovered Senator Obama's long-lost half brother, George Hussein Onyango (also spelled Owango) living quietly in Kenya. Among the rustics who compose the Democratic base, this discovery can only help Senator Obama. According to the Reuters/Zogby poll, the ...

Messiah complex - Obama and the danger of a divinized ruler
Post Date: 2008-08-21 07:15:33 by Disgusted
Critics accuse Barack Obama of presenting himself as some kind of Messiah (see "Hurry Up and Wait," WORLD, March 22/29, 2008). His speech upon clinching the Democratic nomination claimed for the event a cosmic significance that future generations would look back upon: "This was the moment," he said, "when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal." His campaign slogans exhort us to "Believe." One of his posters gives biblical concepts a new object: "Faith. Hope. Change. Barack Obama for President." But Obama's messianic image is more than just over-the-top political rhetoric. Many Americans are actually giving ...

"Peace Mom" v. "Guardian of Power"
Post Date: 2008-08-21 06:34:09 by Stephen Lendman
"Peace Mom" v. "Guardian of Power" - by Stephen Lendman Credit both titles to the book authors. Cindy Sheehan as a mother, peace activist, and now candidate to succeed Nancy Pelosi in California's Eighth Congressional District. Pelosi as both "guardian" and possessor of what Davids Cromwell and Edwards wrote about in their powerful critique of the media. Both women represent hugely different interests, so let readers choose which ones they prefer. First some background on both candidates. Sheehan is a peace activist, not a politician, and think how refreshing that is. Here's some background about her from her cindyforcongress.com web site: -- born ...

Post Date: 2008-08-20 22:25:49 by rowdee
CHICAGO (AP) - Sen. Joe Biden has emerged as the favorite among Democrats to be Barack Obama's running mate for his understanding of foreign policy in grave global times and his fighting spirit against the rival Republican ticket. Obama is keeping his decision quiet, but his staff in Chicago and party activists who await a decision are buzzing about Biden in large part because he can address two of Obama's biggest weaknesses - his lack of experience, especially on world affairs, and his reluctance to go on the attack. The speculation is less of an indicator of whether Biden will ultimately be Obama's pick, and more of a recognition of the challenges their candidate faces at ...

I Smell a Clinton Coup Brewing
Post Date: 2008-08-20 19:53:48 by scrapper2
After Barockstar’s near fatal empty suit performance at Saddleback Saturday, the Obama spin machine is in damage control overdrive. I wonder if they‘ve had time to realize that they have been triangulated by the Clinton war room and set up to take a fall at the DNC convention? That old Clinton war room stench is in the air again...It seems the empty suit and his empty headed staff is not quite up to speed on Clintonian strategeries. Consider the Latest Clinton maneuvers Ä2; Camp Clinton convinced Camp Obama to help liquidate her campaign debts. Ä2; Camp Clinton convinced Camp Obama to call for Florida and Michigan voters to be counted. It’s the right thing to do, ...

Voters want Barr in debates
Post Date: 2008-08-20 13:07:42 by freepatriot32
Fewer in survey would include Nader in face-off A majority of voters say Libertarian Bob Barr, a potential spoiler for Republican John McCain's presidential hopes, should be included in the three presidential debates scheduled in the fall between Barack Obama and Mr. McCain, a recent Zogby poll says. "Anywhere Barr is on the ballot - and he will be in almost every state - he has the potential to hurt McCain," John Zogby said. "Virginia right now is tied between McCain and Obama within one-tenth of a percent. Colorado is razor thin. Really, in any of the battleground states, even 1 percent looms very large." AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES Libertarian party ...

Lieberman to Speak at GOP Convention
Post Date: 2008-08-20 11:46:38 by Rupert_Pupkin
Sen. Joe Lieberman to speak at GOP convention By ANDREW MIGA, Associated Press Writer 19 minutes ago Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman, the Democratic Party's vice presidential candidate in 2000 and now an independent who is one of John McCain's strongest supporters, will speak at the Republican National Convention, an official said. Lieberman will deliver a speech when Republicans gather in St. Paul, Minn., to nominate McCain for president, a party official told The Associated Press on Wednesday. The official requested anonymity because a formal announcement had yet to be made, and Lieberman's office declined to comment. Lieberman, 66, caucuses with Senate Democrats, though ...

Barack Obama's 'lost' brother found in Kenya
Post Date: 2008-08-20 09:58:43 by Jethro Tull
George Hussein Onyango Obama, Senator Barack Obama's long lost brother was tracked down living in a hut on the outskirts of Nairobi Photo: Guy Calaf, Vanity Fair, Italy The Italian edition of Vanity Fair said that it had found George Hussein Onyango Obama living in a hut in a ramshackle town of Huruma on the outskirts of Nairobi. Mr Obama, 26, the youngest of the presidential candidate's half-brothers, spoke for the first time about his life, which could not be more different than that of the Democratic contender. "No-one knows who I am," he told the magazine, before claiming: "I live here on less than a dollar a month." According to Italy's Vanity Fair ...

McCain takes 5-point lead over Obama-Reuters poll
Post Date: 2008-08-20 07:56:19 by Disgusted
By John Whitesides, Political Correspondent WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In a sharp turnaround, Republican John McCain has opened a 5-point lead on Democrat Barack Obama in the U.S. presidential race and is seen as a stronger manager of the economy, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday. McCain leads Obama among likely U.S. voters by 46 percent to 41 percent, wiping out Obama's solid 7-point advantage in July and taking his first lead in the monthly Reuters/Zogby poll. The reversal follows a month of attacks by McCain, who has questioned Obama's experience, criticized his opposition to most new offshore oil drilling and mocked his overseas trip. The poll was taken ...

Shapiro joins Obama campaign full-time
Post Date: 2008-08-20 07:44:25 by Disgusted
A Middle East and Jewish community adviser to Barack Obama is joining the campaign staff full-time. Daniel Shapiro was named senior policy adviser and Jewish outreach coordinator to the Obama campaign on Tuesday, after advising the candidate on such issues since early in the primary campaign. The campaign announcement said Shapiro would be working with national Jewish vote director Eric Lynn to "augment and expand" the campaign's Jewish outreach effort "through the creation of Jewish Community Leadership Councils in cities around the country." Shapiro has previously served as deputy chief of staff to U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) and on the staff of the National ...

The Most Dangerous Man in America
Post Date: 2008-08-20 02:17:55 by Zoroaster
August 20, 2008 The Most Dangerous Man in America by Werther The first crisis over North Korea's nuclear program arose in late 1994. It was obvious there was not much the United States could do to step in unilaterally and disarm the North Korean regime. Sanctions, the normally inevitable option short of war, had no meaning – the United States had no trade with the North in the first place and the regime followed a policy of economic autarky (Juche) in any case. There was really only one feasible course of action: gather as many regional allies as possible, agree to a process of inducing North Korea to freeze its nuclear program, and tender an offer to the North Koreans on the ...

Post Date: 2008-08-19 21:42:49 by rowdee
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Poll workers will not be allowed to take voting machines home for safekeeping in the days before the November presidential election because the practice known as "sleepovers" is an unacceptable security risk, the state elections chief said Tuesday. Taking machines home makes it nearly impossible to keep track of what happens to a machine or memory card once it goes into the custody of a poll worker, Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner said. The changes are meant to address actual security concerns - including the fear that machines could be tampered with - and national perceptions of Ohio's election system, which has come under fire in recent years, ...

Post Date: 2008-08-19 21:25:03 by rowdee
The demise of touch-screen voting has produced a graveyard of expensive corpses: Warehouses stacked with thousands of carefully wrapped voting machines that have been shelved because of doubts about vanishing votes and vulnerability to hackers. What to do with this high-tech junkyard is a multimillion-dollar question. One manufacturer offered $1 a piece to take back its ATM-like machines. Some states are offering the devices for sale on eBay and craigslist. Others hope to sell their inventories to Third-World countries or salvage them for scrap. A few more are holding out hope that the machines, some of which were purchased for as much as $5,000, could one day be resurrected. "We ...

Obama: McCain should stop questioning character
Post Date: 2008-08-19 19:47:35 by Rotara
4 mins ago ORLANDO, Fla. – Democrat Barack Obama challenged Republican opponent John McCain on Tuesday to stop questioning his "character and patriotism." Addressing the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention, Obama reaffirmed his early opposition to the U.S. invasion of Iraq and said the so-called "surge" strategy of sending 30,000 additional troops to Iraq last year had not produced the political reconciliation necessary to achieve lasting peace in the country. McCain supported the Iraq invasion and was an early champion of the surge. "These are the judgments I've made and the policies that we have to debate, because we do have differences in this ...

University won’t open Obama-related records now
Post Date: 2008-08-19 17:28:52 by Jethro Tull
The University of Illinois on Tuesday refused to release records relating to Barack Obama's service to a nonprofit group linked to former 1960s radical activist William Ayers. The university's Chicago campus said the donor of the records that document the work of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge has not yet turned over ownership rights to the material. The university is "aggressively pursuing" an agreement with the donor, and as soon as an agreement is finalized, the collection will be made accessible to the public, the university said in a one-paragraph statement. There was no indication when an agreement will be worked out. The university did not identify the donor who ...

Super-amazing: McCain POW Story Lifted from Solzhenitsyn
Post Date: 2008-08-19 15:14:57 by a vast rightwing conspirator
"Cross in the Dirt" story stolen from Solzhenitsyn by rickrocket Sun Aug 17, 2008 at 09:32:42 AM PDT I was watching the forum last night and decided that since I hadn't eaten yet, I would try to listen to John McCain speak.  I was doing OK with the "my friends" and the evil chuckle when I heard him talk about his POW story of the cross in the dirt.  That was when I couldn't take it anymore. It just sounded so fake and so contrived, so I did a little research about it.  Someone on here said it sounded like a scene from Ben-Hur, so I did a google search about Ben-Hur and cross in the sand and such.  No dice.  But I searched ...

Jewish Exponent: Libertarian VP candidate is “one of the fold”
Post Date: 2008-08-19 12:57:28 by Rotara
As the two major political parties prepare to formally nominate their presidential candidates, the Libertarian Party is already working on getting its message out for the 2008 elections. At the helm this year is former Georgia Republican congressman Bob Barr, whom the party formally nominated for president in May. His vice-presidential nominee is Wayne Allyn Root, a Jewish businessman from Nevada. Even more than Republicans, Libertarians champion themselves as being the party of small government, in favor of limited federal involvement, both socially and fiscally, and limited intervention in terms of foreign policy, with less emphasis and money placed on nation-building and foreign aid. ...

Exclusive: McCain to name VP on Aug. 29
Post Date: 2008-08-19 10:46:39 by christine
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) plans to celebrate his 72nd birthday on Aug. 29 by naming his running mate at a huge rally in the battleground state of Ohio, Republican sources said. That’s a week from Friday, and the day after his rival, Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, accepts the Democratic nomination at a 70,000-person spectacular in a Denver stadium. The campaign has begun building a crowd of 10,000 for Dayton, Ohio, according to an organizer. McCain is scheduled to appear with his running mate at a large-scale event in Pennsylvania shortly thereafter. Senior Republicans are in the dark about who he’ll name, although they say former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Minnesota ...

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