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Obama plans vice-presidential announcement
Post Date: 2008-08-19 10:16:40 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Obama plans vice-presidential announcement By Adam Nagourney and Jeff Zeleny WASHINGTON: Senator Barack Obama has all but settled on his choice for a vice-presidential running mate and set an elaborate rollout plan for his decision, beginning with an early-morning alert to supporters, perhaps as soon as Wednesday, followed by a trip to swing states by the new Democratic ticket, aides said. Obama's deliberations remain remarkably closely held. Aides said perhaps half a dozen advisers were involved in the final discussions in an effort to enforce a command that Obama issued to staff: that his decision not leak out until supporters are notified. Going into the final days, Obama was ...

Did John McCain Steal His Cross In The Sand Story (And Lie In Church)?
Post Date: 2008-08-19 09:17:47 by Ferret Mike
-- John McCain has told his story about when he was a POW and his captor drew a cross in the sand and that he'll never forget. However his story is pretty darn near the story told by by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Sure this type of thing could happen more then once however McCain seems to be a Solzhenitzyn buff. He even wrote a piece on him for the New York Sun Solzhenitsyn at Work By JOHN McCAIN He wrote diligently, comprehensively, profoundly, and in secret. Why? What good is a silent memory when the forgotten deserve justice? This way, he might avoid the despair of having his work confiscated and destroyed or the frustration of having his work rejected by publishers as inadequate or ...

Obama's childhood records vindicate Corsi book
Post Date: 2008-08-18 12:48:23 by christine
NEW YORK – An AP photo that recently surfaced showing Barack Obama registered for school as an Indonesian citizen of the Muslim religion provides tangible evidence for some of the claims made by author Jerome Corsi in his best-selling book, "The Obama Nation." "The Associated Press document provides additional evidence suggesting the Obama campaign's insistence that Obama was never trained in Islam and he never lived as a Muslim is not accurate," author and WND staff reporter Jerome R. Corsi said. "Moreover, the document indicated that Obama may have been an Indonesian citizen when he lived there," Corsi continued. "This is an issue the Obama ...

Obama: 'I will win'
Post Date: 2008-08-18 09:53:53 by christine
A confident Barack Obama raised an extraordinary $7.8 million Sunday at three California fundraisers, most if it in large checks to a Democratic Party committee. “I will win. Don’t worry about that,” he said to the crowd of about 1,300 at his third event of the evening, according to the pool report. He was warmly received by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who called him "a leader that God has blessed us with at this time." Obama echoed some of the themes he discussed when he described Pennsylvanians as "bitter" and stoked controversy three months ago, but did so much more adroitly. "Now, you want to win. And saying it doesn’t make it so," ...

The forgotten candidates in the White House race
Post Date: 2008-08-17 17:30:20 by Ferret Mike
WASHINGTON (AFP) — As US media devote wall-to-wall coverage to the bitter race between Barack Obama and John McCain for the White House, it's easy to forget there are 11 other candidates running for president. None of them has any chance of actually winning though, and few are likely to become household names like Democrat Obama and his Republican rival McCain locked in battle with just three months to go until the November 4 elections. Instead their ambitions are more modest, and their first hurdle is to get their names added onto the ballot in as many states as possible. It is a difficult task, requiring a grass-roots organization that many lack as well as funds, again often ...

Close U.S. Election contest comes as a surprise
Post Date: 2008-08-17 06:37:53 by Ada
ATLANTA, Aug 15 (Reuters) - As Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama relaxes in Hawaii, a cloud on the horizon might disturb his vacation: Why is he not doing better? High gasoline prices, the war in Iraq, the home mortgage crisis, economic insecurity and the unpopularity of President George W. Bush should give Obama a big advantage over Republican rival John McCain ahead of the Nov. 4 election. Obama would be the first African American U.S. president, and his race is one factor that helps explain a contest that appears to be tightening, according to political commentators. An average of recent polls gave Obama a 4.2 percentage point lead over McCain, close to the statistical ...

Barack McCain Faith Matchup - live on the Teevee NOW!!!
Post Date: 2008-08-16 20:04:48 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Care to comment if you're watching.

Post Date: 2008-08-16 16:02:52 by Rotara
By Cliff KincaidAugust 16, 2008 NewsWithViews.com With the release of a 40-page “Unfit for Publication” report attacking Jerome Corsi’s new book, The Obama Nation, it should be obvious that the media-backed presidential candidate, Barack Obama, is terrified of having his carefully concealed communist and foreign connections exposed to public view. However, the Obama campaign’s attack on Corsi’s book and Corsi personally acknowledges on pages 9 and 10 of its report that the mysterious “Frank” in Obama’s 1995 book, Dreams From My Father, is in fact the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) member Frank Marshall Davis. This identification by AIM and others ...

Obama Campaign Raises $51 Million in July
Post Date: 2008-08-16 14:29:31 by christine
Barack Obama’s campaign announced Saturday that it raised more than $51 million in July, nearly double the amount John McCain raised during the same period. The campaign reported that it began August with $65.8 million on hand, and that 65,000 new donors contributed to the Illinois senator’s presidential campaign last month. “The 65,000 new donors to the Obama campaign demonstrate just how strongly the American people are looking to fundamentally change business as usual in Washington,” campaign manager David Plouffe said in a statement. The Democratic National Committee also reported $27.7 million in donations last month, picking up the pace against the better-funded ...

McCain and Obama Face Questions About Their Faith
Post Date: 2008-08-15 19:43:00 by Rotara
Facing questions from megachurch pastor, McCain and Obama put their faith in political play The Rev. Rick Warren is so prominent and respected that just being seen with him is a boon for any presidential candidate. For Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama, their appearances at a forum Saturday night at Warren's evangelical California megachurch bring risks along with rewards. The event will play to one of Obama's strengths, talking about his Christian faith, but it will also underscore the gulf between his views and those of the most conservative Christian voters. Many of McCain's positions are more in line with the evangelical worldview, but he is ...

Kerry For Vice President?
Post Date: 2008-08-15 17:40:06 by TwentyTwelve
Kerry For Vice President? Aug 15, 2008 8:21 am US/Eastern Kerry For Vice President? Reporting Jon Keller BOSTON (WBZ) Barack Obama has yet to name a vice presidential nominee and some are wondering if he might turn to Massachusetts to round out the ticket. John Kerry for vice president? Don't dismiss the notion just yet. Some political insiders are telling WBZ it could happen. So why would Obama reach out to Kerry as his choice? Kerry brings more money and name recognition to the table than any other name on the Obama list so far. Americans do tend to love a comeback kid and this would be the most amazing political comeback since Richard Nixon came back from the dead forty ...

Unreality At The Barr Campaign
Post Date: 2008-08-15 16:06:28 by Rotara
Topic: Presidential Campaign 2008Unreality At The Barr Campaign Ron Paul supporters aren't flocking to Bob Barr, and neither is America, while the Barr campaign continues to avoid directly addressing troubling questions about his political past and while the Libertarian Party's leadership seems to have lost touch with reality in this election.by Walt Thiessen (Libertarian) Friday, August 15, 2008 The wheels are just beginning to fall off the Barr campaign. The latest email sent out yesterday by the Libertarian Party on behalf of the Barr campaign demonstrates this fact beyond any doubt. In that email Andrew Davis, National Media Coordinator for the LP, states the following:As the ...

Jerome Corsi, 'Obama Nation' Author, Set To Appear On White Supremacist Radio Show [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-08-15 12:10:15 by christine
So, on last night's Larry King Live, one of the things that Paul Waldman brought up as a way of demonstrating Obama Nation author Jerome Corsi's lack of credibility was his past embrace of bigotry and general scumbaggery, as documented by "a whole series of bigoted and hateful posts" that Corsi "put up on right-wing Web sites." None of which Corsi denied! But, Corsi defended himself by shooting back that Waldman had failed to mention "all my apologies for those statements." Well, like just about everything else that dribbles out of Corsi's cakehole, you can take those apologies and discount them entirely, because this Sunday, he is set to make an ...

Obama Campaign Pushing Back Hard Against Corsi Smears
Post Date: 2008-08-15 12:06:06 by christine
As promised, Barack Obama's campaign is hitting back hard against smear author Jerome Corsi's New York Times best-selling book The Obama Nation. In an exhaustive 41-page PDF document entitled Unfit for Publication -- a riff on Corsi's 2004 Unfit for Command, which targeted John Kerry -- the campaign documents every false claim they have been able to find in Corsi's current tome. No matter how small the error, including the year the Obamas married, the campaign has taken time to correct the record. Clearly, the cumulative effect is meant as a kind of rhetorical "shock and awe" campaign against Corsi, who is described in the prelude of Unfit for Publication as ...

Jackson Browne files suit against John McCain and Republican National Committee
Post Date: 2008-08-15 09:56:58 by CAPPSMADNESS
Jackson Browne filed suit Thursday against Republican presidential candidate John McCain and the Republican National Committee for what he contends is the unlawful use of his song "Running on Empty" in a campaign ad targeting Democratic candidate Barack Obama. Mr. Browne, 59, a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame known for his liberal politics as well as a long career as a singer-songwriter, had endorsed John Edwards in his bid for the White House. Mr. Edwards later endorsed the presumptive Democratic nominee, Mr. Obama. Jackson Browne performs at the Music City Texas Theater in Linden, Texas. View larger More photos Photo store The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in ...

Democrats to stage symbolic vote on Clinton's bid
Post Date: 2008-08-14 13:45:42 by christine
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton said Thursday they had agreed to submit her name to a symbolic vote by convention delegates who will decide the Democrats' White House nominee this month. "I am convinced that honoring Senator Clinton's historic campaign in this way will help us celebrate this defining moment in our history and bring the party together in a strong united fashion," Obama said in a joint statement. Clinton said: "With every voice heard and the party strongly united, we will elect Senator Obama president of the United States and put our nation on the path to peace and prosperity once again." At the August 25-28 convention in Denver, both Obama and ...

Obama - Figting the Muslim Smear
Post Date: 2008-08-14 07:00:24 by Disgusted
Fighting the Muslim 60;Smear61;August 13, 2008 · 33 CommentsBy Judah Benjamin, Guest Author Introduction by TexasDarlin Let us state, unequivocally at the outset of this article, that we have NO bias against Islam and nothing against Islamic people of any sect. We are not the ones insulting Muslims. In fact, we feel badly that one of the largest religions in the world is being insulted by a leading contender for the US Presidency. So much for unity. Barack Obama has made it very clear that he considers it a 60;smear61; to be Muslim, or to be labeled a Muslim. The proof of that is right out in the open, on his campaign57;s 60;Fight The Smears61; webpage, where he 60 ...

Post Date: 2008-08-13 23:40:29 by Rotara
By Chuck BaldwinAugust 12, 2008NewsWithViews.com I am often asked about the people in history that I revere or otherwise hold in high esteem. Today's column is an attempt to answer that question. Bear in mind, this list is by no means complete. I know I am omitting several people that should truly be included. However, time and space limitations require me to condense my list. So, here goes.I'll begin with Old Testament history. David, Nehemiah, and Elijah are my heroes here. Despite his one moral lapse, David's heart and character are unsurpassed. Along with Abraham and Moses, David is one of the three greatest men of the Old Testament. And he is my personal favorite.Nehemiah ...

Accent the negative
Post Date: 2008-08-13 21:34:41 by Horse
Aug. 13, 2008 | When in tarnation will those blasted presidential debates arrive? This excruciatingly long hiatus between the end of the primary season and the national conventions feels like running in mud. The electorate desperately needs to see and compare the two major candidates operating together in an issues-oriented forum. Both Barack Obama and John McCain are being diminished by their helter-skelter jumping around like grasshoppers. And campaign ads on both sides have seemed rote, slick or silly. As a supporter of Barack Obama, I've been alarmed by the steady tightening of the polls. And as a longtime listener of talk radio who witnessed the ruthless whittling down of John ...

Book on Obama Hopes to Repeat Anti-Kerry Feat (NY Times article on Corsi's book and Corsi supports Chuck Baldwin) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-08-13 15:36:01 by christine
In the summer of 2004 the conservative gadfly Jerome R. Corsi shot to the top of the best-seller lists as co-author of “Unfit for Command,” the book attacking Senator John Kerry’s record on a Vietnam War Swift boat that began the larger damaging campaign against Mr. Kerry’s war credentials as he sought the presidency. Almost exactly four years after that campaign began, Mr. Corsi has released a new attack book painting Senator Barack Obama, the Democrats’ presumed presidential nominee, as a stealth radical liberal who has tried to cover up “extensive connections to Islam” — Mr. Obama is Christian — and questioning whether his admitted ...

Book on Obama Hopes to Repeat Anti-Kerry Feat (Constitution Party - Chuck Baldwin Mention)
Post Date: 2008-08-13 15:33:28 by Rotara
In the summer of 2004 the conservative gadfly Jerome R. Corsi shot to the top of the best-seller lists as co-author of “Unfit for Command,” the book attacking Senator John Kerry’s record on a Vietnam War Swift boat that began the larger damaging campaign against Mr. Kerry’s war credentials as he sought the presidency. Skip to next paragraph Related Excerpt From ‘The Obama Nation’BlogThe Caucus The latest political news from around the nation. Join the discussion.Election GuideMore Politics News Enlarge This Image Fox Jerome R. Corsi, author of “The Obama Nation” and co-author of ”Unfit for Command” (2004). Almost exactly four ...

Obama tickets come with a catch [Six hours' campaign work for a chance to get a ticket!]
Post Date: 2008-08-13 00:44:42 by mirage
Some of those hoping to wrangle a seat for Barack Obama's speech were told this week they have to put in six hours of volunteer work for his campaign by Friday to have a shot at a ticket. And that ruffled at least a few feathers. "My whole reason why I'm so mad about it is because Democrats need to act like Democrats," said Heather Kreider, a working mother from Centennial. "Democrats work for a living, and they have to work and take care of their families. And they say these are open to those in the community, so they shouldn't ask people to drop everything in their lives for this," Kreider said Tuesday. "It's not fair. It's elitist. And ...

McCain: all Americans back Georgia in struggle
Post Date: 2008-08-12 15:48:39 by Rupert_Pupkin
McCain says all Americans back Georgia in struggle By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 57 minutes ago Republican presidential candidate John McCain phoned Georgia's president Tuesday to tell him all Americans back his country's efforts to thwart military attacks from Russia. McCain told more than 2,000 voters in York, Pa., that he spoke Tuesday morning with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili to make sure he knows "that the thoughts, prayers and support of the American people are with that great little nation as it struggles today" for independence. "I told him that I know I speak for every American when I said to him, today, we are all ...

Race question cast doubt on Presidental polls
Post Date: 2008-08-12 14:18:16 by Zoroaster
Race questions cast doubt on presidential polls By JESSE WASHINGTON, AP National Writer 4 minutes ago The year was 1984, and the state was Iowa. A white man who had just voted walked out of his precinct caucus and saw the Rev. Jesse Jackson standing outside. ADVERTISEMENT "I did all I could," the man told Jackson ruefully, "but I just couldn't bring myself to pull the lever and vote for you." L. Douglas Wilder laughs as he relates the story Jackson once told him, the sting eased by time and Wilder's vantage point as the nation's first elected black governor. Now it's a quarter of a century later, and the man everyone's talking about is Barack ...

Post Date: 2008-08-12 12:28:15 by rowdee
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Former U.S. Rep. Jim Leach, a leading Republican moderate with a foreign policy background, is endorsing Democrat Barack Obama for president. The former Iowa congressman's backing was announced Tuesday as part of a group of GOP activists crossing party lines this year. Leach told reporters: "I'm convinced that the national interest demands a new approach to our interaction with the world." Leach added that Obama offers the leadership to do that. Leach lost his bid for another term in office in 2006. He was a foreign service officer before being elected to Congress. Leach predicted that a lot of Republicans and independents are going to be ...

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