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Why Democrats Are Going To Blow A Biden Presidency Big-Time
Post Date: 2021-01-16 18:08:10 by BTP Holdings
Why Democrats Are Going To Blow A Biden Presidency Big-Time Democrats live in their Washington bubble, and they don't know how to get out. In the 2020 election, it cost them politically. By Kyle Sammin NOVEMBER 13, 2020 Democrats in 2020 focused their electoral efforts on a single point: They were against Donald Trump. That might work in the presidential race, depending on how the final vote counts turn out, but in Senate and House races across the country, voters were not buying it. Activists, insiders, and social media might be anti-Trump all day, every day, but ordinary voters wanted leadership and moderation. By helping the Republicans keep the Senate and expand their minority ...

Graham Declassifies Russia Probe Documents, Claims Original Investigation 'Incompetent', 'Corrupt'
Post Date: 2021-01-16 10:03:28 by Ada
After Donald Trump's unexpected victory in the 2016 US presidential election, a special investigation into what was described as "collusion" by the Trump campaign with the Kremlin was conducted by US Special Counsel Robert Mueller - only to discover no "direct evidence" to support the allegations. The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, Republican Lindsey Graham, on Friday released an earlier classified document on his panel's Russia- related probe, describing the original investigation as "one of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations in the history of the FBI and DOJ." The initial research, dubbed "Crossfire Hurricane", ...

Don’t Fall for the Establishment’s Tall Tales. There Was No “Violent Assault on the Capitol” and There Is Abundant Evidence of Electoral Fraud
Post Date: 2021-01-16 08:12:46 by Ada
In this important column I provide you with evidence that there was no assault on the Capitol, and I provide you with so much evidence that there was massive electoral fraud that it will take you all weekend to go through the evidence. Think intelligently. The rally for Trump on January 6 was massive, which is why the presstitutes did not show it to you. No other politician anywhere in the Western World could produce such a turnout of support. For the rest of the politicians in the West, such a turnout would be in opposition like the long-lived “yellow vest” protest in France and the massive protests in Germany against the Covid restrictions. Here was the situation on January ...

No More Voting Machines, Please!, 3456
Post Date: 2021-01-15 16:50:24 by BTP Holdings
Poster Comment:When Trump found out his HQ in NYC was bugged, he moved the whole operation to New Jersey. This was #Spygate.

Democrats Seek to Punish Patriots in the Senate for Doing the Right Thing
Post Date: 2021-01-15 13:37:09 by BTP Holdings
Democrats Seek to Punish Patriots in the Senate for Doing the Right Thing January 15, 2021 Patriotism is being attacked at the highest level. Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley made a decision to stand up for free elections. That decision was praised by many as an act of heroism. But now that the election is officially over, the liberals on capital hill want to criminalize these two men for doing their jobs as United State Senators. The people wanted to know that the election process could be trusted. So, these men acted in a professional and legal manner to ask for an audit to be done with the intention of establishing faith in what is being seen as a broken method of electing ...

American Pravda: Our Disputed Election
Post Date: 2021-01-15 07:29:44 by Ada
Although hardly suggested by our mainstream media, the officially- reported results demonstrated that our 2020 presidential election was extraordinarily close. All the regular pre-election polls had shown the Democratic candidate with a comfortable lead, but just as had been the case four years earlier, the actual votes tabulated revealed an entirely contrary outcome. According to the official vote-count, the Biden/Harris ticket ended up millions of votes ahead, having racked up huge leads in overwhelmingly Democratic states such as my own California, and also won by a very comfortable 306 to 232 margin in Electoral Votes. But control of the White House depends upon the state-by-state ...

Trump declassifies 'Obamagate' documents, release soon: Report
Post Date: 2021-01-15 07:20:24 by Dakmar
Watch the latest video at Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Sorry I can't get this to embed, go to link in URL Source

“Our Election was Hijacked” Pelosi’s Old Tweet Resurfaces
Post Date: 2021-01-14 14:35:04 by BTP Holdings
“Our Election was Hijacked” Pelosi’s Old Tweet Resurfaces By Kristine Javier | January 14, 2021 On Wednesday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi launched an impeachment resolution against President Donald Trump for challenging the 2020 election results. Unfortunately, even the House Speaker herself had even challenged 2016 Presidential elections. In a recently resurfaced Twitter post, “Our election was hijacked. There is no question,” Pelosi wrote in 2017. She continued, “Congress has a duty to #ProtectOurDemocracy & #FollowTheFacts.” Her statement seemed contrary to her accusations against President Donald Trump and her crackdown against those who remain ...

Austin: The Capitol Incursion Was Nearly a Win for Democrats - But They Couldn't Keep Their Mouths Shut
Post Date: 2021-01-13 12:30:19 by BTP Holdings
Austin: The Capitol Incursion Was Nearly a Win for Democrats - But They Couldn't Keep Their Mouths Shut By Michael Austin Published January 9, 2021 at 1:42pm Watching the events of Jan. 6 unfold was incredibly difficult. When protesters first stormed the Capitol, my feelings of disgust soon were overtaken by a sense of dread and horror. Sadly, after months of witnessing similarly horrendous displays of violence, I’ve become used to so-called protesters behaving in such a despicable manner. That being said, I wasn’t used to seeing them waving Trump flags and wearing MAGA hats. For the average American who views politics in a superficial manner, the incursion wasn’t a ...

General McInerney says "I've seen the laptop"
Post Date: 2021-01-13 11:33:02 by BTP Holdings
General McInerney says "I've seen the laptop" - Ann Vandersteel on HealingEarth Published January 10, 2021 3,906 Views Rumble — It seems the White Hats became aware that Antifa were going to storm the White House on the 6th January 2021 and use the media to blame it on Trump supporters and make out ALL Trump supporters are insurrectionists. So a sting operation was set up by the White Hats to take advantage of the heist and take Pelosi's laptop and several other laptops. McInerney is calling for military tribunals “This isn’t voter fraud, this is TREASON. They are trying to stir insurrection. We need military tribunals.” General ...

Lessons from the Trumpistan Coup
Post Date: 2021-01-13 09:00:38 by Ada
Now that we’ve had the luxury of a few days to digest things, let’s take a look at the January 6th “event” in Washington and see what we can reasonably and logically conclude. There is much that we don’t know, much that we can’t know, and yet much that is certain, or nearly so. We need to take a moment to do some clear-headed and skeptical thinking about this whole event, to remain on solid footing, and to muster the courage to take the necessary subsequent actions. The end result will be perhaps less ‘conspiratorial’ than some might hope for, and yet my conclusion, I think, will be more firmly justified than ever. Let’s start with the ...

Republican Congressman Issues One-Word Press Release Amid Calls to Resign
Post Date: 2021-01-12 18:17:44 by BTP Holdings
Republican Congressman Issues One-Word Press Release Amid Calls to Resign By Jack Davis Published January 12, 2021 at 10:36am Republican Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania is standing by his decision to object to the state’s 2020 election results, even after last week’s Capitol incursion. According to the York Daily Record, Perry was among several Pennsylvania congressmen who, prior to Wednesday’s vote on certifying the Electoral College results, said that Pennsylvania officials acted in an unconstitutional manner. Even after the incursion, which he deplored, the congressman stood by his objection. 183? ...

Austin: The Capitol Incursion Was Nearly a Win for Democrats - But They Couldn't Keep Their Mouths Shut
Post Date: 2021-01-11 22:01:02 by BTP Holdings
Austin: The Capitol Incursion Was Nearly a Win for Democrats - But They Couldn't Keep Their Mouths Shut By Michael Austin Published January 9, 2021 at 1:42pm Watching the events of Jan. 6 unfold was incredibly difficult. When protesters first stormed the Capitol, my feelings of disgust soon were overtaken by a sense of dread and horror. Sadly, after months of witnessing similarly horrendous displays of violence, I’ve become used to so-called protesters behaving in such a despicable manner. That being said, I wasn’t used to seeing them waving Trump flags and wearing MAGA hats. For the average American who views politics in a superficial manner, the incursion wasn’t a ...

25 Insane, Crazy Agendas Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Will Push on America if They Seize Power After Rigging the Elections
Post Date: 2021-01-11 09:54:24 by Horse
fter rigging the elections and staging the January 6th false flag “riot” at the capitol building in D.C., Democrats have some horrifying plans to roll out in their quest to achieve a full-blown Orwellian nightmare future for America… or at least what’s left of it. With the rule of law now utterly rejected by every layer of the judicial system in the nation — including SCOTUS — there is no longer any controlling legal authority which will halt the rapid advance of the Left’s most ambitious agendas. And with Democrats now proving they can steal elections right in front of us, even with overwhelming evidence literally recorded on video cameras as the ballot ...

There Was No Revolution
Post Date: 2021-01-11 07:45:43 by Ada
There was no revolution. There was no pro-Trump coup attempt. Everyone knows it. A couple of crackpots who pranked at the Capitol are now being called a “revolution.” As if that crazy, painted-face shaman with the buffalo-horn hat was leading -- what are they calling it? Ah yes, an insurrection. There was a call by millions of Americans for election integrity. It was met with “shoot to kill” behavior and then a great purge. It wasn’t a revolution; it was more like an ambush. No one is asking who gave the shoot-to-kill order or who gave the order to invite protesters into the Capitol building. We do know that the January 6, 2021 Capitol protesters were invited ...

Trump’s Last Stand
Post Date: 2021-01-10 19:35:39 by Ada
President Trump was decisively beaten, if not fair and square. The hopes of millions of American voters were squashed and extinguished. The saga of the Orange Man is over. The victors used a gambit: they sacrificed the sanctity and security of the Capitol, allowed intruders in, permitted them to take selfies in the Speaker’s office, and then faked horror and outrage. The attempted calls for electoral transparency were deflated in real time as huge crowds were dispersed, electors were confirmed, and the ascendancy of Biden was assured, while Trump followers were branded ‘domestic terrorists’. Donald Trump denounced the people whom he personally called to protest. His close ...

Italian Judge With a Big Pair Spews The Truth
Post Date: 2021-01-09 19:57:21 by sonny
1 Comments 479e659273b6b1f5f5 Click for Full Text!

Post Date: 2021-01-09 11:20:44 by Esso

Conte, Leonardo SpA and the U.S. Embassy behind the Election Data Switch fraud to take out Trump
Post Date: 2021-01-09 07:34:58 by Dakmar
“The Italian Government and Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte are directly involved in the electoral fraud that affected the American elections leading to Joe Biden’s pending illegal victory.” Editor’s Note: What follows is an article purportedly written by “Riccardo Corsetto” sent to NOQ Report through a media contact with Nations in Action. We have not independently verified it but felt it was necessary to put out there considering the late hour in this election cycle. According to US investigative sources working here in Italy since 18 November 2020, it was the US Embassy in Rome who coordinated the data manipulation of votes cast for President Trump to Joe ...

He got away with it...
Post Date: 2021-01-08 18:24:41 by Esso

The Election is Over. Here’s the Truth About Trump
Post Date: 2021-01-08 12:59:15 by Ada
Now that the Georgia runoffs are over, let’s talk about Donald Trump. When we really needed all hands on deck in Georgia, Trump was a wrecking ball. He went down to Georgia and insulted everyone, refusing to talk about anything but himself. Based on his rally speech this week, Trump apparently thinks he won the November election because there was a red wave for everyone except him. How else could all those Republicans win congressional seats on his “coattails,” while he lost? There are other ways to interpret the election results, such as that Trump didn’t have any “coattails.” In Texas, for example, Trump won, but Sen. John Cornyn got more votes — ...

Our New President
Post Date: 2021-01-07 17:48:38 by sonny
Click for Full Text!

Pelosi Just Announced This Familiar Face Will Lead Democrats at Electoral College Certification Vote
Post Date: 2021-01-07 08:03:54 by BTP Holdings
Pelosi Just Announced This Familiar Face Will Lead Democrats at Electoral College Certification Vote By Jack Davis Published January 6, 2021 at 8:45am House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff of California will be among the Democrats responding to objections raised Wednesday when the House debates the results of the Electoral College vote. Schiff, who led the House effort to impeach President Donald Trump, was picked by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi along with fellow Democrats Jamie Raskin of Maryland, Zoe Lofgren of California and Joe Neguse of Colorado. In a “Dear Colleague” note posted on Pelosi’s website, she said the four “have been working on our ...

Mark Levin’s Brilliant Analysis on the Election, 3446
Post Date: 2021-01-06 20:49:41 by BTP Holdings

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes urges Americans to prepare for TOTAL WAR (Video)
Post Date: 2021-01-06 18:37:55 by BTP Holdings
Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes urges Americans to prepare for TOTAL WAR (Video) Posted on December 13, 2020 by State of the Nation

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