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Trump: America Faces No 'Clearer Choice Between Two Parties, Two Visions'
Post Date: 2020-08-28 10:34:54 by BTP Holdings
Trump: America Faces No 'Clearer Choice Between Two Parties, Two Visions' ​ Thursday, 27 August 2020 11:45 PM A defiant President Donald Trump accepted the Republican nomination for a second term on Thursday with a blistering attack on Democratic rival Joe Biden, asserting that a Biden victory in November would only exacerbate the racial strife and coronavirus pandemic besieging the nation. Speaking from the White House South Lawn despite criticism he was using the executive residence as a political prop, Trump portrayed Biden, a career politician with a long record as a moderate, as a far-left extremist who would usher in a lawless, dangerous America. "This election ...

Joe Biden Plagiarized His Campaign Slogan. C'Mon, Man!
Post Date: 2020-08-27 23:56:43 by Bill D Berger
Joe Biden’s been caught stealing again. He cribbed his campaign slogan from a county executive in Maryland who now has been ordered to stop using the phrase he created for fear of looking like a Joe Biden lackey. Biden has fought plagiarism charges since law school. He’s been accused of stealing speeches. During his first run for the presidency in 1988 he not only stole British politician Neil Kinnock’s words, he stole the guy’s life story! During this presidential run, Biden has been accused of stealing part of this year’s Democratic National Convention speech from a Canadian politician. He’s ripped off JFK riffs, Bernie Sanders’s policies, and ...

Prof Norpoth – 91% Chance Trump Wins, 3200
Post Date: 2020-08-27 20:41:35 by BTP Holdings

Projection Surprise: Democrats Are the Villainous Reverend from “Footloose”
Post Date: 2020-08-27 20:21:29 by BTP Holdings
Projection Surprise: Democrats Are the Villainous Reverend from “Footloose” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-Obviously) has banned dancing. That’s not a joke. It’s not a meme from a nonexistent Russian bot. And if it sounds familiar, that’s because it’s the plot from the movie “Footloose,” a dumb Hollywood movie that is held in high esteem because it insults rural America. Cuomo says he’s trying to stop the spread of coronavirus in bars by banning dancing. He’s also banned darts, pool, karaoke singing, weddings, funerals and exotic dancing. Anything to keep people safe. As usual, this is all Democrat projection – the evil that they ...

Hillary Foments Chaos: 'Joe Biden Should Not Concede Under Any Circumstances'
Post Date: 2020-08-26 23:22:18 by BTP Holdings
Hillary Foments Chaos: 'Joe Biden Should Not Concede Under Any Circumstances' By Joe Saunders Published August 25, 2020 at 8:37am Hillary Clinton has spent almost three decades in the public eye giving Americans a continuing lesson in hypocrisy and contempt for the country, but she’s outdoing even herself these days when it comes to the presidential election. In fact, the former first lady, senator and secretary of state all but guaranteed post-election chaos when she gave Democratic nominee Joe Biden a piece of advice that flies in the face of 230 years of American history and tradition. “Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances,” Clinton declared in ...

Melania: 'Donald Trump Has Not, Will Not Lose Focus on You'
Post Date: 2020-08-26 10:18:52 by BTP Holdings
Melania: 'Donald Trump Has Not, Will Not Lose Focus on You' (C-SPAN) By Eric Mack | Tuesday, 25 August 2020 11:14 PM Striking key notes on family, drug addiction, and relentless attacks on the Trump administration, first lady Melania Trump said "Donald Trump has not, and will not, lose focus" on the American people. "In my husband, you have president who will not stop fighting for you and your families," she said in Tuesday night's address to the Republican National Convention from the White House Rose Garden. "I see how hard he works each day, and night. "And despite the unprecedented attacks from the media, you cannot stop him. If you tell him ...

Trump Delivers a Surprise After Officially Securing the GOP Nomination
Post Date: 2020-08-24 19:08:07 by BTP Holdings
Trump Delivers a Surprise After Officially Securing the GOP Nomination By Jack Davis Published August 24, 2020 at 12:59pm Moments after being officially renominated by the Republican Party, President Donald Trump made a surprise appearance Monday at the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. After being greeted by applause and cheers of “four more years,” Trump began his comments with a quip, saying, “If you want to really drive them crazy, you say ’12 more years.’” 404723202? ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E129796545740472 320 ...

Gingrich: ‘Big Mistake’ for Biden to Run with DNC Speech Theme of ‘Dark Versus Light’
Post Date: 2020-08-24 13:11:31 by BTP Holdings
Gingrich: ‘Big Mistake’ for Biden to Run with DNC Speech Theme of ‘Dark Versus Light’ By - August 24, 2020 Sunday on New York WABC 770 AM radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich slammed 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden for his DNC speech accepting the party’s nomination. Gingrich admitted to host John Catsimatidis that Biden gave “the best speech of his career,” but he criticized the “heavy” tone of the speech. According to Gingrich, it was a “big mistake” to make the theme of his remarks “light versus darkness” with the Democrats being the light. “[O]verall, it ...

What Swing Voters Are Saying About Trump And Joe Biden
Post Date: 2020-08-24 09:18:22 by BTP Holdings
What Swing Voters Are Saying About Trump And Joe Biden By US Politics And News Last updated Aug 21, 2020 Election watchers always pay attention to swing voters in years like this, because they can make a difference in the outcome in November. It’s hard to predict how these indecisive people who don’t pay that much attention to politics are going to vote. News outlet “Axios” just did a big forum in the battleground state of Michigan, to try to plump up Joe Biden’s support there – because there’s zero chance that Joe Biden will set foot in that state this year. (Biden has traveled less than 100 miles since March.) To put it mildly, swing voters aren’t ...

Oh the Irony! Hillary Claims Trump Won’t Accept Election Results If He Loses
Post Date: 2020-08-23 21:09:28 by BTP Holdings
Oh the Irony! Hillary Claims Trump Won’t Accept Election Results If He Loses Hillary Clinton has yet to shut up since losing the 2016 election. That’s not a hot take or a joke, those are just the facts. She can’t accept defeat and it’s causing her to say all kinds of awful things. Now, she is peddling one of the more common leftist conspiracy theories that is making the rounds at the moment. They all seem to sincerely believe that Trump will “refuse” to leave the White House if he loses the 2020 election. Clinton has been saying this for months now, so why switch up now? We’re so close to the finish line. She’s got less than zero self awareness ...

Former DCI Brennan Spokespeson Says Brennan Told By Durham He's Not Target Of Criminal Probe.
Post Date: 2020-08-23 08:50:30 by Ada
A spokesperson for Brennan said Friday that Durham told the former DCI that he's not the subject or target of a criminal probe. How can that be? Isn't Durham aware how Brennan using his 'independent businesses that deal with Intelligence' attempted using them in the election process. Brennan has businesses in the IIO (Influence Intelligence Operation) . Brennan according to some former independent contractors used intelligence and software attempting to change/manipulate U.S. election outcomes. Should not these accusations against Brennan be investigated for criminal misconduct by Brennan? Mr. Durham was not election tampering or attempted tampering not a crime? Or is ...

Fact Check: Joe Biden Repeats the ‘Very Fine People’ Hoax at DNC
Post Date: 2020-08-23 00:04:02 by Bill D Berger
CLAIM: Joe Biden said (again) that President Donald Trump called neo-Nazis in Charlottesville “very fine people.” VERDICT: FALSE. Trump said the neo-Nazis should be “condemned totally.” Biden knows he is lying about this. Former Vice President Joe Biden repeated the “very fine people” hoax in accepting the Democratic Party nomination in a speech to the Democratic National Convention (DNC), repeating his lines from last week, almost word for word Remember seeing those neo-Nazis and white supremacists, coming out of fields spewing the same antisemitic bile heard across Europe in the ’30s. Remember the violent clash that ensued between those spreading hate ...

The Fringe with Megan Fox, Episode 27: The Dark and Divisive Dem Convention
Post Date: 2020-08-22 19:59:13 by BTP Holdings
The Fringe with Megan Fox, Episode 27: The Dark and Divisive Dem Convention By Megan Fox August 22, 2020 It’s finally over. The dark and divisive days that come every four years, when Democrats gather to tell you how much they hate you and everything you hold dear, have finally concluded and the PJ Media staff has been released from the nauseating duty of covering it. Tune in this week for my take on the awkward comedy at the Dem convention, the bad staging, and Grandpa Joe screaming at us for twenty-four minutes straight. Did Joe Biden really give the speech of his life or is the bar just ridiculously low? The New York Times gushed, predictably, over Biden’s performance. ONE ...

Steve Baldwin: The Evidence Shows a Biden-Harris Win Will Lead America Into Socialism & We Will Probably Never Recover
Post Date: 2020-08-22 17:33:38 by BTP Holdings
Steve Baldwin: The Evidence Shows a Biden-Harris Win Will Lead America Into Socialism & We Will Probably Never Recover Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate, California Sen. Kamala Harris, watch fireworks during the fourth day of the Democratic National Convention on Aug. 20, 2020, at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware. (Andrew Harnik / AP) By Steve Baldwin Published August 21, 2020 at 4:04pm I have little doubt this coming election is a tipping point in American history. I believe the evidence shows that a Biden-Harris victory will lead America down a socialist road from which we will probably not recover. I say this because the Democrats will likely ...

The secret to stealing an election
Post Date: 2020-08-22 14:14:41 by BTP Holdings
The secret to stealing an election Exclusive: Brent Smith says mail-in voting scheme is part of Dems' strategy to continue 'chaos' By Brent Smith Published August 21, 2020 at 7:27pm And if it can't be stolen, the chaos already arising may put the result, if there is one, of the general election in serious doubt. I was listening to the Glenn Beck radio show the other day. He was not talking about how the Democrats were planning to steal the election by means of mail-in voting. What he was speaking of was chaos. We've witnessed for months how the left has fomented chaos, through Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement. Anyone with eyes can see these movements were ...

Censorship Machine is Cracking Down on “Joe and the Hoe” Memes!
Post Date: 2020-08-20 08:34:30 by Ada
The old saying “if you’re catching flak that means you’re over the target” applies to those calling out Kamala Harris as a whore who sucked her way to the top, destroying at least one marriage in the process – they are catching a lot of flak. We wrote on Wednesday that right-wingers need to stop talking about the fact that Kamala Harris is a “far-left socialist” and start talking about her sexual behavior. Rush Limbaugh told this story, and it resulted in massive calls to have him banned from speaking publicly. Rush has been on the air for nearly four decades, and this is what they’re trying to silence him over. Because this is a major soft spot. ...

How is the US election going to be any more legitimate than the ‘rigged’ Belarus vote?
Post Date: 2020-08-19 10:09:40 by Ada
Belarusians have taken to the streets to protest what many claim was a rigged election. Yet the US election – with its hyper-partisan media, nonsense polls, and both parties determined to contest a loss – makes Minsk’s look legit. The US is one of many countries to condemn Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko over his supposedly rigged reelection and his government’s brutal crackdown on the protests that followed. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo promised to “deliver freedom” to Minsk, and even Hollywood star Chuck Norris made a bizarre video threatening to make the president “cry.” Also on Pompeo feels insulted when quizzed about US ...

The Manufactured Hysteria Over Mail Delivery
Post Date: 2020-08-19 09:50:25 by BTP Holdings
The Manufactured Hysteria Over Mail Delivery BY RICK MORAN AUG 16, 2020 9:49 AM EST (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File) That dastardly Donald Trump is at it again. He is either the evilest man ever to hold the office of president or the dumbest. He is either a Machiavellian genius manipulating the media and his hypnotized followers or a bumbling know-nothing idiot. Trump is being accused of sabotaging the November elections because he won’t give the postal unions and incompetent managers in the postal service $25 billion to play with. The money will stave off catastrophe for about a year at the rate the USPS is burning through cash. Without that money, we’re informed by those in the ...

Tucker Carlson is the New Sat Night Live, 3187
Post Date: 2020-08-18 18:58:00 by BTP Holdings

Managing the Narrative
Post Date: 2020-08-18 08:22:57 by Ada
Corporations and government use internet to control information Some Americans continue to believe that when they go to the internet they will get a free flow of useful information that will guide them in making decisions or coming to conclusions about the state of the world. That conceit might have been true to an extent twenty years ago, but the growth and consolidation of corporate information management firms has instead limited access to material that it does not approve of, thereby successfully shaping the political and economic environment to conform with their own interests. Facebook, Google and other news and social networking sites now all have advisory panels that are ...

Byron Donalds: Anarchy, Defund the Police Will Lead to ‘Breakaway of Minority Voters’ for Trump
Post Date: 2020-08-16 11:19:22 by BTP Holdings
Byron Donalds: Anarchy, Defund the Police Will Lead to ‘Breakaway of Minority Voters’ for Trump By Sean Moran - August 15, 2020 Donalds hopes to gain next Tuesday’s Republican nomination for Florida’s 19th congressional district and replace the retiring Rep. Francis Rooney (R-FL). Donalds told Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle that he has helped lead the conservative movement since the days of the Tea Party grassroots revolution. “I’m a proven conservative; I started the tea party movement ten years ago. I’ve been one of the most conservative members of the Florida legislature for the last four years,” Donalds told Breitbart News ...

Guaido, President of Belarus
Post Date: 2020-08-16 09:16:05 by Ada
It’s not over yet, but can Lukashenko survive the storm? Ever since the presidential elections of 8/9/2020, Belarus has experienced fitful waves of protests. The protesters claim the elections were rigged, just as the pussy-hat ladies accused Trump in 2016. The protests are presented to the world through the magnifying glass of the global fake news machine. There are dozens of media channels, all elaborating on the theme of election rigging and protest suppression. But Belarusian suppression is not something to write home about. The crowds aren’t big, for Belarusians are quite civil and obedient folk, they even wait for the green light (a rare quality in the East). Despite ...

Joe Biden Selects His Running Mate (Humor)
Post Date: 2020-08-14 10:55:18 by Bill D Berger

Op-Ed: The Conservative Delusion
Post Date: 2020-08-13 20:43:06 by Ada
A conservative without an institution is a married man without a wife. It's James Bond serving Mi6 after it's taken over by RAG (Hollywood villains: Russians-Arabs-Germans). It's a Muslim managing a pork store or a Marxist brokering deals for Goldman Sachs. In other words, it's possible, but humiliating. A conservative in America amounts to a PRAG (PRison fAG) -- a slang term invented on HBO's Oz for a convict that provides fellow inmates with sexual favors in the interest of self-preservation. An undignified pragmatist who is tormented and bullied as such. From February to July, the number of Americans who identify as conservative has fallen from 40% to 34%. While ...

Kamala Harris' JEW problem...
Post Date: 2020-08-13 11:19:33 by X-15
....she's married to one. :p

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