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Another nail in Russiagate coffin? Federal judge destroys key Mueller report claim
Post Date: 2019-07-11 17:29:13 by Horse
Special counsel Robert Mueller’s claim of “sweeping and systematic” Russian meddling in the 2016 US election just took another body blow, as a federal judge ruled that his indictment of a ‘troll farm’ is not actual proof of it. Mueller’s charges against Concord Management & Consulting, the Russian company accused of running a “troll farm” and “sowing discord” on US social media in 2016, do not establish a link between that private company and the Russian government, US District Judge Dabney L. Friedrich pointed out. Yet the special counsel’s much-publicized final report claims to have “established” and ...

Justin Amash Declares Independence From Republican Party
Post Date: 2019-07-04 12:55:01 by Ada
"The two-party system has evolved into an existential threat to American principles and institutions," Trump's congressional nemesis declares as he officially leaves the GOP. One month after Donald Trump took his oath of office, Rep. Justin Amash (R–Mich.) pinned at the top of his very active Twitter feed George Washington's famous farewell address warning against "the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally." This morning, not seven weeks after breaking ranks with this party in calling for impeachment proceedings against the president, Amash announced in a Washington Post op-ed that he's leaving the GOP and declaring himself an independent. ...

The Gaslights Are Lit
Post Date: 2019-06-27 23:58:05 by X-15
The Democrats kicked off their year long process to select a party nominee for the 2020 presidential election and it felt like 2016 all over again. Instead of watching the debate, which would have been a horrible way to spend an evening, I scanned Twitter for reactions to get a feel for how enthusiasts were reacting in real time. This was something I did in the 2016 during the Republican debates. It turned out to be a much better gauge for how people were reacting than what was coming from the media. Three things were fairly obvious, based on Twitter. One is the Democrat media was instructed to sell the hell out of Warren, which they tried hard to do, but Warren gave them little to work ...

Tucker (Carlson): Democrats have officially gone insane
Post Date: 2019-06-27 23:03:51 by X-15

Dems Are Planning to Steal the 2020 Election
Post Date: 2019-06-26 09:10:56 by Ada
Democrats have an insurance policy for the 2020 Presidential election, and it has nothing to do with the eventual Democratic Party nominee. The original policy was initiated by Obama, Comey, Brennan, McCabe, Hillary, and their ilk, bragged about by Strzok to his paramour, and paid for by the Democrat/media cabal. The mephitic Mueller tried to cash it in, but the hero Marine got slapped down by Barr. It’s a plan to “win” the election by any means necessary, even by cheating if necessary. Of its components, the “failsafe,” is most intriguing, if for no other reason than it is so devious, underhanded, clever, and inventive, that it’s surprising it comes from ...

John Bolton Flies to Israel to Apologize for Not Bombing Iran, Says He Will Do It Soon
Post Date: 2019-06-23 17:41:09 by Ada
You thought that headline was an exaggeration, didn’t you? It’s not. NPR: “Neither Iran nor any other hostile actor should mistake U.S. prudence and discretion for weakness,” Bolton said. “No one has granted them a hunting license in the Middle East.” He spoke in Jerusalem alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Bolton said he is in the Middle East for previously scheduled meetings with Israeli and Russian security advisors. And he warned Iran that the U.S. remains a formidable adversary. “Our military is rebuilt, new and ready to go,” Bolton said. This is utterly insane. Try to imagine a situation where an advisor to the ...

To beat Trump, Democrats must practice a politics of modesty
Post Date: 2019-06-18 17:05:21 by BTP Holdings
To beat Trump, Democrats must practice a politics of modesty George F. Will on Jun 16, 2019 WASHINGTON -- "It is a great advantage to a president," said the 30th of them, "and a major source of safety to the country, for him to know he is not a great man." Or, Calvin Coolidge would say today, a great woman. While today's incumbent advertises himself as an "extremely stable genius" and those who would replace him promise national transformation, attention should be paid to the granular details of presidential politics, which suggest that a politics of modesty might produce voting changes where they matter, and at least 270 electoral votes for a Democrat. ...

A Good Start
Post Date: 2019-06-15 09:23:00 by Ada
Campus Wokesters with boundary problems got “woke” for real on Thursday when an Ohio jury laid an additional $33-million for punitive damages on top of $11-million in compensatory damages already awarded against Oberlin College for running a “social justice” campaign to ruin the business of a four-generation small-town bakery that followed the shoplifting arrest of three black Oberlin College students there in 2016. The precipitating incident happened the day after the presidential election when the Oberlin College campus suffered a collective emotional breakdown over the election results. Gibson’s Bakery and Food Mart, on the Oberlin town square, also sells wine ...

New Leak Exposes Plan To Primary Chuck Schumer With AOC
Post Date: 2019-06-11 18:39:48 by BTP Holdings
New Leak Exposes Plan To Primary Chuck Schumer With AOC By Gary Fenster - June 10, 2019 Someone just sent Chuck Schumer a terrifying new message through a media leak: watch your back Chuck because AOC is coming. We don’t know who leaked the information that AOC may consider a primary challenge to one of the sitting New York Senators. One must strike while the iron is hot in politics as AOC is surely being advised. Someone as ambitious as AOC will not sit behind Chuck and Gillibrand forever, that much we know. From The Daily Wire: The Democratic Socialists who launched a full-on assault on the House of Representatives in 2018 are looking at bigger targets for 2022 and 2024, but ...

Pompeo Vows US Pushback If Corbyn Elected as British PM
Post Date: 2019-06-11 08:36:15 by Ada
Labour Party slams unacceptable US interference in election In recorded comments to Jewish leaders, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo promised US intervention against British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn if he gets elected as Britain’s next prime minister. Corbyn is accused of being an anti-semite over his membership in certain pro-Palestinian groups. Though the accusations against Corbyn are controversial within the Labour Party, Israel’s right-wing has treated them as an unquestionable fact, and the Trump Administration seems to be formulating policy around that view of Corbyn. Indeed, Corbyn offered to meet Trump during his recent visit, and Trump declared him “a ...

Electoral Politics Versus Democracy
Post Date: 2019-06-09 16:30:36 by BTP Holdings
Electoral Politics Versus Democracy by Rob Urie June 7, 2019 The 1885 inauguration of Grover Cleveland – Public Domain Party Politics for Party People American Party politics would be a complete farce if the consequences weren’t so grave. Were either of the dominant Parties to achieve 100% consensus on any issue, it would represent the views of about 18%* of eligible voters. And while a diversity of views would represent social vitality in a functioning democracy, in the winner-take-all American system, it represents continued rule by the oligarchs. This matters because there is majority support, if not outright consensus, around some of the larger issues confronting the ...

Third-Ranking Democrat Says House Will Eventually Impeach Trump
Post Date: 2019-06-02 15:57:16 by BTP Holdings
Third-Ranking Democrat Says House Will Eventually Impeach Trump 11:57 AM 06/02/2019 | Politics Chuck Ross | Investigative Reporter South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House, said Sunday he believes President Donald Trump will eventually be impeached. “But it sounds like you’re — you think that the president will be impeached, or at least proceedings will begin in the House at some point, but just not right now?” CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Clyburn during an interview. “Yes, exactly what I feel,” replied Clyburn, the Democratic whip. Clyburn’s remarks are likely to raise expectations for Democrats to begin ...

‘Historic Moment’ as Brexit Party Tops Westminster Polls for First Time
Post Date: 2019-06-02 14:56:43 by Ada
Nigel Farage’s newly-formed Brexit Party have sensationally topped the opinion polls in national elections for the first time, with Nigel Farage hailing it as a “historic moment”. The poll by Opinium showed that, in the event of a general election, the Brexit Party would be the largest party in Parliament with 26 per cent of the vote. The Labour Party came second on 22 per cent and the governing Conservative Party in third place on 17 per cent, followed by the Liberal Democrats on 16 per cent. The Green Party received 11 per cent — a significant rise for them from just four per cent in the last Opinium poll. Meanwhile, the anti-Brexit Change UK (CUK) party achieved ...

Death And Resurrection In North Korea
Post Date: 2019-06-01 10:28:47 by Ada
Huffington Post - August 30 2013 Hyon Song Wol, Kim Jong Un’s Ex-Girlfriend, Reportedly Executed For Making Sex Tape Unconfirmed reports claim the ex-girlfriend of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was executed by firing squad along with 11 others, after the group allegedly made and sold a sex tape. Hyon Song Wol, a singer in North Korea’s famed Unhasu Orchestra, was killed by machine gun along with 11 other members of the orchestra and the Wangjaesan Light Music Band, another popular state-run music group in North Korea, according to a report in The Chosun Ilbo, South Korea’s largest daily newspaper. The report, which cites an anonymous source in China, says the group ...

Stop Hoping That The Swamp Will Drain The Swamp
Post Date: 2019-05-31 06:39:31 by Ada
If you only tuned into US politics within the last couple of years this will come as a major surprise, but believe it or not there was once a time when both major parties weren’t constantly claiming that imminent revelations are about to completely destroy the other party any minute now. Used to be they’d just focus on beating each other in elections and making each other look bad with smears and sex scandals; now in the age of Trump they’re both always insisting that some huge, earth-shattering revelation is right around the corner that will see the leaders of the other party dragged off in chains forever. Enthusiastic Trump supporters have been talking a lot lately about ...

Robert Mueller Is in Serious Legal Trouble - Here's Why
Post Date: 2019-05-30 09:24:45 by Ada
For the Progressive Democratic “Resistance” (PDR), post-Modernism is in full flower. They have ruled objective reality inadmissible. There are only stories — his story, her story, they’s story, zhe’s story, and you must believe them because they come out of lived experience — for instance the lived experience of having lost a sure-thing presidential election to a cartoon character with zero political experience, and then having lost the grand inquisition to oust him. For the PDRs, the metaphysical concept of reality refers to some land of dark make-believe over a distant horizon where numbers supposedly add up (ha!) and the actions of persons are said to ...

The Brexit Surge
Post Date: 2019-05-28 08:19:02 by Ada
The Euro elections confirm that millions of people want real, radical democratic change. And still the establishment is in denial. Even following the stellar performance of a brand new party in the Euro elections, still the political establishment and its cheerleaders on social media are in a state of blinkered, fingers-in-ears denial about political feeling in the UK. How bad is their denial? Get this: the Brexit Party, barely six weeks old, soared to victory in the EU elections, decimated the Tories, conquered historic Labour-held territories like Bolsover and Hartlepool, and became the largest party in the entire European Parliament, and yet the No1 political trend on Twitter ...

Ex-CIA Officials Fume About Declassification Order, Ignoring Previous Leaks Of Secret Sources And Methods
Post Date: 2019-05-26 15:44:11 by BTP Holdings
Ex-CIA Officials Fume About Declassification Order, Ignoring Previous Leaks Of Secret Sources And Methods 12:59 PM 05/25/2019 | US Chuck Ross | Investigative Reporter John Brennan and other intelligence community operatives are circling the wagons against President Donald Trump’s declassification directive, claiming that it could expose top-secret sources and methods used in the Trump-Russia probe. But Brennan’s complaint may be misplaced given that virtually all of the significant leaks about sources and methods used in the investigation have been given to left-leaning news outlets. In one case, FBI official Peter Strzok expressed concerns that the CIA was leaking ...

Federal judge who blocked Trump's border wall donated $20K to Obama
Post Date: 2019-05-26 11:03:23 by BTP Holdings
Federal judge who blocked Trump's border wall donated $20K to Obama by Vaishnavee Sharma | May 25, 2019 03:25 PM A federal judge who partially blocked President Trump’s plans to build a border wall along the United States-Mexico border previously donated almost $30,000 to former President Obama, other Democrats, and a political action committee. U.S. District Court Judge Haywood Gilliam, an Obama appointee confirmed in 2014, donated Barack Obama’s debut campaign for president and $14,500 to his reelection campaign, according to federal election records. The same records also indicate he contributed $4,500 to the Democratic National Committee in 2012 and, ...

Former FEC Chair: First Amendment Responsible For More ‘Violent Hate Crimes’ Than Terrorism
Post Date: 2019-05-25 20:46:34 by BTP Holdings
Former FEC Chair: First Amendment Responsible For More ‘Violent Hate Crimes’ Than Terrorism 11:11 PM 05/23/2019 | US Rudy Takala | Contributor A “libertarian interpretation” of the First Amendment is responsible for more “violent hate crime” in the United States than terrorism, a former Federal Election Commission chair claimed Thursday. “The libertarian interpretation of the 1st Amendment has permitted a huge spike in violent hate crimes in the US – many more than foreign attacks,” former FEC Chair Ann Ravel wrote on Twitter. Critics: The feds need to up their game against domestic extremists via ...

Microsoft’s ElectionGuard a Trojan Horse for a Military-Industrial Takeover of US Elections
Post Date: 2019-05-25 09:27:10 by Ada
“The fact that we are handing over the keys of American democracy to the military-industrial complex — it’s like giving the keys to the henhouse to a fox and saying, ‘here come in and take whatever you want.’ It’s obviously dangerous.” — Investigative journalist Yasha Levine Earlier this month, tech giant Microsoft announced its solution to “protect” American elections from interference, which it has named “ElectionGuard.” The election technology is already set to be adopted by half of voting machine manufacturers and some state governments for the 2020 general election. Though it has been heavily promoted by the mainstream ...

Farage & Gabbard — Lions of the Great Realignment
Post Date: 2019-05-17 09:08:19 by Ada
There is a realignment coming in electoral politics. It began with Ron Paul in 2008 and has been building for more than a decade. We know this story well. That realignment will be about restoring not just national sovereignty but also personal autonomy in a world the rulers of which are desperate to clamp down their control over. The thing is I don’t think we’ve quite come to terms with the rapidity with which change comes. It builds slowly, simmering below the surface and then one day just explodes into a maelstrom of chaos. This is where things stand in Britain with the betrayal of Brexit. It is also where things stand with Trump’s daily betrayal of his pledge to end ...

Lock Them Up! - Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein Used Steele Dossier Knowing It Was Bogus
Post Date: 2019-05-14 10:15:48 by Ada
Two excellent reports were released today pertaining to the Special Counsel investigation and attempted coup on President Donald Trump. Award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon released a report today that proves FBI-DOJ operatives knew the junk Steele dossier was a fraudulent document back in October 2016 10 days before the FISA warrant was obtained on Trump Campaign adviser Carter Page. As TGP’s Cristina Laila reported – Solomon obtained memos from a high-ranking government official who met with former British spy Christopher Steele in October of 2016, who determined that Steele’s ‘dirt’ on Trump was inaccurate and likely leaked to the media. The ...

Rod Rosenstein Slams Former FBI Director James Comey in Speech
Post Date: 2019-05-13 21:05:25 by Ada
Former deputy attorney general calls Comey a ‘partisan pundit,’ the latest volley in public back-and-forth between the two men Rod Rosenstein left the Justice Department after nearly 30 years, including two as deputy attorney general. Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein kicked off post-government life by slamming former FBI Director James Comey, calling him a “partisan pundit” whose firing was justified. Speaking to a group of city officials in Baltimore on Monday, his second day as a private citizen, Mr. Rosenstein defended a memo he wrote in May 2017, which the White House initially cited as grounds for ousting Mr. Comey. As the head of the Federal Bureau ...

The Bear’s Lair: The Brexit War is entering its Western Front phase
Post Date: 2019-05-13 09:28:30 by Ada
Even for those whose political and social views are blandly acceptable to the censors, the new regime in Britain poses an obvious threat, this time economic. As this column forecast four weeks ago, Treason in the Brexit process prospered, and Brexit has been postponed to October 31. Businesses groaned, as the uncertainty prolonged itself to an unendurable length. Most likely, Brexit will now either be abandoned or diluted to a degree where Britain does not break free of the EU’s regulatory straitjacket. However, the battle is not yet over, so I thought it sensible to use this Easter respite to offer some thoughts on how to maximize the chance of a genuine return to a free Britain. ...

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