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Trump voter begs for forgiveness: 'Sorry I voted for him -- I've enabled this monster'
Post Date: 2018-10-16 16:34:27 by hondo68
Regretful Trump voter begs for forgiveness: 'I am sorry I voted for him -- I've enabled this monster'Poster Comment:If you were dumb enough to vote for Trump, you're probably dumb enough to vote a straight Democrat (or Republican) ticket now.

Judge Jeanine – It’s a Red Wave Coming, 2409
Post Date: 2018-10-14 14:58:35 by BTP Holdings
Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on: Judge Jeanine – It’s a Red Wave Coming, 2409

Still Report’s 2018 Election Prediction, v 1 0, 2408
Post Date: 2018-10-14 14:50:07 by BTP Holdings
Synopsis: Democrats have been predicting the big, blue wave for months now as the outcome of the mid-term elections just 24 days from today. However, just as happened 2 years ago, the polls are suddenly shifting towards the red. Why? As we explained 2 years ago, most pollsters lean left, but try to hide it. They can easily and non-transparently manipulate the outcomes of their polls simply by adjusting their skews. There are many ways to skew polls. Today, the Washington Examiner illuminated one method – under-sampling. In this case, mainstream polls have been using 29% more Democrats to create their results than Republicans. Well, that’s one way. A bit more subtle is ...

Max Boot: The Purists of NeverTrumpers
Post Date: 2018-10-12 08:51:52 by Ada
While there doubtless exists exceptions to the rule, the Trump era has made it painfully clear to those who are willing to look that, generally speaking, the left is devoid of principle. For example, during George W. Bush’s tenure in the White House, the American (and European) left was vociferously “anti-war.” Most Democrats in Congress voted in favor of the invasion of Iraq, but once Americans began to recognize the war for the unmitigated debacle that it was, Democrats, being the crassest of opportunists, not only turned against it; they led the left’s campaign of vilification against Bush. Now, the Iraq War was indeed a conflagration, one for which every ...

Obama’s ‘Spygate’ scandal has many twists, but how come no one’s talking about THIS one?
Post Date: 2018-10-06 09:23:22 by BTP Holdings
Obama’s ‘Spygate’ scandal has many twists, but how come no one’s talking about THIS one? Posted on May 23, 2018 (National Sentinel) The Elephant: As Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz finalizes what is reportedly going to be an explosive report naming names and providing details in the scandalous way the Obama Deep State tanked the Hillary Clinton email investigation, other details have emerged regarding an even larger scandal. “Spygate.” With each passing day, we’re learning that the Obama regime concocted a Russian “collusion-interference” cover story so it could spy on a rival presidential campaign. That’s ...

FBI Met DNC Lawyer to Talk Russiagate Before Spying on Trump Campaign
Post Date: 2018-10-04 15:52:25 by Ada
FBI Met DNC Lawyer to Talk Russiagate Before Spying on Trump Campaign Attorneys representing Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign and a senior FBI official met during the 2016 campaign season to discuss the Russiagate conspiracy, the latest evidence to that the criminal investigation later launched into Donald Trump's campaign was primarily politically motivated. Former FBI General Counsel James Baker met with House investigators on Wednesday, and he shared that he had met during the campaign season with an attorney from Perkins Coie, which was on Clinton's payroll in 2016, John Solomon, former editor-in-chief of the Washington Times, writes in The Hill. Democratic party ...

UK Begged Trump Not To Declassify Russia Docs - Cited 'Grave Concerns' Over Steele Involvement
Post Date: 2018-09-26 09:29:31 by Ada
The British government "expressed grave concerns" to the US government over the declassification and release of material related to the Trump-Russia investigation, according to the New York Times. President Trump ordered a wide swath of materials "immediately" declassified "without redaction" on Monday, only to change his mind later in the week by allowing the DOJ Inspector General to review the materials first. The Times reports that the UK's concern was over material which "includes direct references to conversations between American law enforcement officials and Christopher Steele," the former MI6 agent who compiled the infamous "Steele ...

NBC 2016 Election Night - Highlights - The Is Priceless!
Post Date: 2018-09-22 20:38:37 by BTP Holdings
Poster Comment:Lest we forget. The people spoke loud and clear. ;)

Video: Lyin' Ted Crus vs. Beto O'Rourke - Debate #1
Post Date: 2018-09-21 21:26:26 by hondo68
Watch Live: Ted Cruz and Beto O'Rourke face off in first debatePoster Comment:No Beto than O'Rourke = Lyin' Ted

GOP lawmaker's siblings endorse Dem opponent: 'Difficult to see my brother as anything but a racist'
Post Date: 2018-09-21 20:47:05 by BTP Holdings
GOP lawmaker's siblings endorse Dem opponent: 'Difficult to see my brother as anything but a racist' Justin Wise 4 hrs ago © Provided by The Hill Multiple siblings of Rep. Paul Gosar are coming out in support of his Democratic opponent, accusing the Arizona Republican of racism. The Phoenix New Times reported that Democratic House candidate David Brill unveiled a series of ads at a fundraiser on Thursday that feature Gosar's siblings denouncing the conservative four-term congressman. Six of Gosar's sblings - Tim, Jennifer, Gaston, Joan, Grace, and David - decry his views on policies such as health care and immigration, adding that their brother's ...

'Family Values' Senator(R) Sentenced to 15 Years for Child Sex Trafficking and Child Porn
Post Date: 2018-09-20 15:55:10 by hondo68
An Oklahoma state senator has been sentenced to fifteen years in prison after he was caught with horrific child porn and sex trafficking an underage boy. Moore, OK — Over a year has passed since Oklahoma state senator, Ralph Shortey was busted for child sex trafficking and now, on Monday, he’s finally been sentenced to prison. U.S. District Judge Timothy DeGiusti handed down a 15 year sentence to Ralph Shortey, 36, who faced sentences of between 10 years and life in prison. DeGiusti also ordered Shortey to serve 10 years of supervised probation once he is released from prison and said he will impose a fine on the former two-term lawmaker at a later date. The fine could be up to ...

Sweden: Anti-Immigration Party Becomes Kingmaker
Post Date: 2018-09-19 16:04:14 by Ada
Swedish police received more than 2,300 reports of potential crimes linked to this year's election, including voter intimidation and threats of violence against property or persons. An international team of observers found irregularities in 46% of the polling stations visited. The team expressed particular concern over the lack of secrecy in voting. Swedish authorities allow more than one voter (normally from the same family) to enter the polling booth together, ostensibly to ensure that the more literate family member can assist the less literate ones to correctly fill in the ballot paper. "We are concerned about the significant level of family voting where women, older voters ...

Monsters All the Way Down
Post Date: 2018-09-18 09:25:09 by Ada
Robert Mueller’s fishing crew was out trawling for Manafort, a blubbery swamp mammal valued for its lubricating oil when, by happenstance, a strange breed of porpoise called a Podesta got caught up in the net. Turns out it was a traveling companion of the Manafort. Back in 2014, the pair swam all the way to a little country called Ukraine via the Black Sea where the Podesta used some Manafort SuperLube on then-president of Ukraine, Victor Yanukovych. The objective was to grease the wheel of NATO and the EU for Ukraine to become a member. But the operation went awry when Yanukovych got a better offer from the Eurasian Customs Union, a Russian-backed trade-and-security org. And the ...

Patiently Educating Lucian K. Truscott IV (!) About "White Supremacy" and Thomas Jefferson
Post Date: 2018-09-15 09:13:01 by Ada
Why is it so hard for Leftists to get the least little thing right about anyone who disagrees with them? On September 5, SALON.com published a hair-raisingly ignorant article about “white supremacists” by a professional writer who presumably also knows how to read. Lucian K. Truscott IV [Tweet him] is a West Point graduate and best-selling novelist whose books have been made into movies. And yet the article he published, They’re Not White Nationalists, They’re White Supremacists, is a childish attempt to smear the entire Republican party (and me) as “white supremacists.” Mr. Truscott starts out like this: There was a time when you didn’t run across ...

Stop talking about Trump impeachment, Kerry makes a pitch ahead of midterms
Post Date: 2018-09-13 00:05:20 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... It is a “mistake” for US Democrats to discuss the impeachment of US President Donald Trump right now, says former Secretary of State John Kerry ahead of the November midterm elections. In an interview on Fox News on Wednesday, Kerry suggested that such discussions would be futile while special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe has not born any results. PressTV-Trump is ‘ill-advised’ on Iran Trump’s anti-Iran foreign policy is “ill-advised” and based on no “broad strategy,” says former Secretary of State John Kerry. "I think that we shouldn’t be politicizing it. If you put it in the discussion now you’re making ...

Post Date: 2018-09-12 08:41:56 by Ada
And so the Golden Golem of Greatness re-enters the hall of mirrors that Syria has become. The US intelligence “community” has informed the US Media that Syrian President Assad is planning a new gas attack on Idlib Province, where a ragtag army of US-backed “rebels” (ISIS, etc) remain holed up against Assad’s forces backed by Russian air support. Have we seen this movie before? Is Mr. Assad truly that dumb? — since the last time a gas attack was alleged (and actually never proven), Mr. Trump averred that he would attack Syria. And what did he even mean by that? Send a barrel bomb down the Assad family chimney, or just blow up more stuff on the ground? And for ...

Trump: Races that GOP was not thinking about winning 'are now very close'
Post Date: 2018-09-09 15:13:06 by BTP Holdings
Trump: Races that GOP was not thinking about winning 'are now very close' John Bowden 12 hrs ago © Provided by The Hill President Trump touted Republicans' strength heading in to the midterm elections late Saturday night in a series of tweets hinting that November's elections could lead to "interesting" results. It was unclear to which races Trump was specifically referring in the tweets, but the president claimed that several contests the GOP "were not even thinking about winning" were now "very close." "Republicans are doing really well with the Senate Midterms. Races that we were not even thinking about winning are now very ...

Analysis: Forget the House. It’s the battle for the Senate that could provide the most drama on election night.
Post Date: 2018-09-09 11:14:20 by BTP Holdings
Analysis: Forget the House. It’s the battle for the Senate that could provide the most drama on election night. Daniel Balz 18 hrs ago © Joe Skipper/Getty Images Voters in Boca Raton, Florida, arrive to cast ballots in the state's primary on Aug. 28, 2018. For months now, the focus of Campaign 2018, rightly, has been on control of the House. All the metrics continue to point to a midterm election in which Democrats could seize control of that chamber. But for sheer drama and unpredictability, the contest for control of the Senate could be the place to look. The House is no slam-dunk for the Democrats, but most Republicans following the campaigns are genuinely worried and ...

Obama: 'What happened to the Republican Party?'
Post Date: 2018-09-08 19:08:32 by Dakmar
Chicago (AFP) - Former US President Barack Obama forcefully rebuked the Republican Party on Friday, criticizing it for divisive politics and its retrenchment in global leadership. "What happened to the Republican Party?" Obama asked in a speech at the University of Illinois. "They're undermining our alliances, cozying up to Russia," he said. The party's "central organizing principle in foreign policy was the fight against communism and now they're cozying up to the former head of the KGB." The former president's remarks -- which marked his full return to the political stage -- came ahead of series of campaign stops to help fellow ...

(Texas) Beto O’Rourke’s Campaign Requests VFW Hall Take Down American Flags Before His Rally There
Post Date: 2018-09-08 12:31:27 by X-15
Posted at 11:30 am on September 7, 2018 by Brandon Morse Beto O’Rourke’s Campaign Requests VFW Hall Take Down American Flags Before His Rally There Ted Cruz’s Challenger, Beto O’Rourke has made a name for himself by saying that he can think of “nothing more American” than kneeling during the National Anthem. We can now add stripping American flags from a VFW hall to things he thinks are good. According to the Examiner, O’Rourke’s campaign had rented out a Veteran of Foreign Affairs Hall for a campaign rally in Navasota, TX, and requested that the VFW Post 4006 Commander Carl Dry take down the American flags in his building ahead of the event. From ...

Slouching Toward Okeefenoke
Post Date: 2018-09-08 09:03:44 by Ada
Quite a hot time in the ole Swamp this week, with the gators, ‘possums, snakes, and snappers roiling the filthy waters to a bloody froth in the battle for supremacy of the food chain. The Swamp even has its own version of Bigfoot, the Golden Golem of Greatness. Lumbering and garrulous, unlike his shy cousin of the Oregon forests, the flaxen-haired giant plies the sloughs, oak domes, and cypress hammocks desperately seeking respect. His bellowing can be heard each night through the din of chittering insects, croaking bullfrogs, laughing anhingas, and the baying bloodhounds at his heels, as he searches for the fabled drain-plug that might convert this treacherous ecology into an upland ...

Plutocracy Now!
Post Date: 2018-09-07 09:19:20 by Ada
Plutocracy literally means rule by the rich. “Rule” can have various shades of meaning: those who exercise the authority of public office are wealthy; their wealth explains why they hold that office; they exercise that authority in the interests of the rich; they have the primary influence over who holds those offices and the actions they take. These aspects of “plutocracy” are not exclusive. Moreover, government of the rich and for the rich need not be run directly by the rich. Also, in some exceptional circumstances rich individuals who hold powerful positions may govern in the interests of the many, for example Franklin Roosevelt. The United States today ...

It is time to remove Pres. Trump: Senator Warren
Post Date: 2018-09-07 00:42:53 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... US Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts has called on senior administration officials to oust US President Donald Trump following the release of another damning report about Trump’s impulsive nature. A Wednesday op-ed in The New York Times, titled "I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration," written by an anonymous official, described how the Trump administration had been stopping the chief executive from making detrimental mistakes due to his poor morals and unruly behavior. "If senior administration officials think the president of the United States is not able to do his job, then they should invoke the 25th Amendment," Warren, ...

Mueller, Comey, and the Deep State Rescue of Sandy Berger
Post Date: 2018-09-05 20:13:36 by Ada
In April 2005, a Republican-led Department of Justice did something quite unusual. After catching a Democratic operative stealing and destroying highly relevant classified documents, the DoJ punished him as though he had stolen the Snickers bars from the office vending machine. On October 28, 2005, another curious event took place in those same halls of justice: an allegedly Republican special prosecutor indicted a White House advisor of his own party for a series of process crimes unrelated to the original intent of his investigation. As will become clear, this double injustice not only foreshadowed future injustices, but it also served as a practice run of sorts for the players ...

US ex-senator Jon Kyl named as successor to McCain (neo-Maverick)
Post Date: 2018-09-04 22:54:13 by hondo68
Kyl, 76, was to fly to Washington to be sworn in possibly just days before a high-stakes Senate vote on the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to be the next US Supreme Court justice.Late Senator John McCain (Photo | AP) WASHINGTON: Arizona's governor on Tuesday named former US senator Jon Kyl as the temporary successor to late senator John McCain, appointing a respected and powerful former Republican lawmaker to the post. "There is no one in Arizona with the stature of senator Jon Kyl. He is a man without comparable peer," Governor Doug Ducey told reporters in Phoenix, with Kyl at his side. "Senator Kyl is prepared to hit the ground running." Kyl, 76, was to fly to ...

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