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Report: ‘FBI Tried, Failed To Recruit Russian Oligarchs’ For Collusion Narrative Bureau was desperate to create Russian collusion story against Trump
Post Date: 2018-09-02 16:57:15 by Ada
FBI agents tried to turn Russia’s once-richest man into a US mole, according to an explosive NYT report. It claims that Oleg Deripaska was one of six oligarchs targeted for information in a Russiagate-related intelligence flop. According to reports by the New York Times, the US government pushed oligarchs with perceived links to President Vladimir Putin for information. Deripaska was allegedly nudged to give up information on Russian organized crime and “possible Russian aid to President Trump’s 2016 campaign.” Determined to get something on the Kremlin’s unproven involvement in the 2016 election, FBI agents reportedly turned up unannounced at Deripaska’s ...

JEFF SESSIONS: A Bush plant, SES pawn and agent of Deep State
Post Date: 2018-08-29 14:37:42 by Ada
AG Sessions is a swamp rat who slyly presented himself as a patriot and friend of Trump but is really a globalist. Hindsight has shown the nation conclusively that Jeff Sessions was a total setup from the very beginning. It never really made any sense that the very conservative U.S. Senator from Alabama (i.e. from the real Deep South) would climb on board the Trump train…especially so early in the campaign season. In point if fact, Sessions early support of Trump was completely at odds with his political persona and mousey approach to life in the Senate. Clearly, something was amiss in the relationship struck between Candidate Trump and Senator Sessions. And it’s quite ...

China Hacked Clinton's Private Email Server: Daily Caller
Post Date: 2018-08-28 20:15:25 by Ada
A Chinese-owned firm with operations in Washington D.C. hacked Hillary Clinton's private server "throughout her term as secretary of state and obtained nearly all her emails," reports the Daily Caller's Richard Pollock. The Chinese firm obtained Clinton’s emails in real time as she sent and received communications and documents through her personal server, according to the sources, who said the hacking was conducted as part of an intelligence operation. The Chinese wrote code that was embedded in the server, which was kept in Clinton’s residence in upstate New York. The code generated an instant “courtesy copy” for nearly all of her emails and ...

How Arizona will fill John McCain's seat -- and who might fill it
Post Date: 2018-08-26 21:40:37 by BTP Holdings
How Arizona will fill John McCain's seat -- and who might fill it By Eric Bradner, CNN 4 hrs ago © Carolyn Kaster/AP FILE - In this Oct. 30, 2008 file photo, Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., salutes to the crowd at a rally at Mentor High School in Mentor, Ohio. McCain's family says the Arizona senator has chosen to discontinue medical treatment for brain cancer. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster) As the nation mourns the death of John McCain, Arizona's Republican governor must soon decide who will replace him in the Senate. Under Arizona law, it's up to Gov. Doug Ducey to fill Senate vacancies until a special election is held in 2020. He said in ...

Did Sheldon Adelson Just Capture the GOP?
Post Date: 2018-08-25 07:49:54 by Ada
Billionaire Sheldon Adelson, President Donald Trump’s biggest donor, just secured his role as the GOP’s top 2018 funder with a $25 million contribution to Senate Republicans midterm election efforts. In all likelihood, he also bought himself a direct line to any Republican whose ear he wants to bend. Adelson is outspoken about his priorities—a hawkish U.S. policy towards Iran and unwavering U.S. support for Israel’s right-wing Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his Likud Party—and House and Senate Republicans, as well as the Trump White House, have largely delivered on Adelson’s foreign policy wish list. Adelson, alongside with his wife Miriam, already ...

The New Cold War Flops
Post Date: 2018-08-23 06:32:44 by Ada
Poll shows anti-Russia campaign had little effect Has there ever been a country so vilified as Russia, a leader so demonized as Vladimir Putin? It makes me dizzy just to think of all the crimes that have been laid at that particular doorstep. I could spend the rest of this column simply listing them, from the deaths of numerous Russian journalists to the extinction of Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions – that and so much more! The omnipotent Russian President has apparently poisoned so many Russian expatriates in Britain that the streets are awash in polonium, novichok, and god knows what else. Why, it only took a few thousand bucks spent on some Facebook ads that ...

David Hogg says he plans to run for Congress when he's 25
Post Date: 2018-08-20 21:39:09 by hondo68
David Hogg: We are going to make guns the voting issueParkland, Florida school shooting survivor speaks out at the Washington D.C. March for Our Lives.David Hogg, the 18-year-old school shooting survivor turned gun-control activist, says he’s gearing up to run for Congress when he’s constitutionally eligible.Speaking to New York Magazine, Hogg described his ideal seven-year plan, which culminates with him running for the House of Representatives when he’s 25. “I think I’ve come to that conclusion,” he told the magazine. “I want to be at least part of the change in Congress.” Hogg has protested Republicans including his home state senator, Marco Rubio ...

As School Starts, Locals Talk About the Real David Hogg and It’s Not Pretty
Post Date: 2018-08-17 21:44:06 by BTP Holdings
As School Starts, Locals Talk About the Real David Hogg and It’s Not Pretty By Sophia Clifton August 16, 2018 at 2:49pm As summer comes to a close and kids start going back to school, there is one school getting more media attention than most others. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the site of the February 14 shooting, is in the spotlight as teens from the Parkland, Florida, community began a new school year this week. This past Tuesday — August 14 — also marked six months since the shooting, putting that subject at the forefront of everyone’s minds. Several teens from the school spent their summer as teen activists, both locally and nationally. Some ...

Aug 15, 2018 10:37 AM 20 Even The Washington Post Admits 'Trump Wins Big At Tuesday's Primaries'
Post Date: 2018-08-15 12:51:52 by Horse
The dust has settled after primaries in four states on Tuesday; Minnesota, Wisconsin, Vermont and Connecticut - setting up competitive races for Senate, House and gubernatorial seats this November. And according to the Washington Post, Trump was a "big winner" last night. At least in Republican primary politics, Tuesday once again proved he’s the king. Republican politicians on the ballot Tuesday who dissed him in 2016 raced to undo that, and those who didn’t do it convincingly enough lost their primaries. In Minnesota’s competitive governor’s race, Republican voters nominated a relative outsider, Jeff Johnson, over a former governor, Tim Pawlenty, as ...

11-year-old hacked into a U.S. election website replica in just 10 minutes
Post Date: 2018-08-15 12:17:08 by Ada
11-year-old hacked into a U.S. election website replica in just 10 minutes © Getty An 11-year-old boy hacked into a model of Florida's state election website and changed the voting results in just minutes over the weekend. The successful hack happened during a hacking competition held at DEFCON over the weekend, according to the event's organizers. The annual hacking event hosted a competition where 39 kids between the ages 6 and 17 raced to hack replicas of the Secretary of State websites in six swing states. "The quickest exploit was done by an 11 year old in 10 minutes," the organizers announced in a tweet. The boy, who has been identified as Emmett Brewer, ...

FBI Agents Formed Secret Society to Overthrow Trump
Post Date: 2018-08-15 09:21:04 by Ada
So it all comes down to…a Secret Society to overthrow Trump. Surprise! Surprise! Maybe Trump should have given a ‘fake news award’ to the FBI. Talk about over the top and total insanity! Trump needs to clean house and start with the FBI. And can someone please tell me why these two agents involved in this so-called secret society, and others, never get fired? FBI agents were involved in a secret society…that’s no joke! RosensteinMcCabeMuellerpic001 We have a fake dossier which was funded by DNC and Clinton to get a FISA warrant on Trump, so Democrats/FBI/Hillary could spy on his campaign AND find ‘actual’ dirt. If you ask me, it looks like our tax ...

The Law As Weapon
Post Date: 2018-08-14 08:51:53 by Ada
Robert Mueller is supposed to be investigating Russiagate, which has been shown to be a hoax concocted by former CIA director John Brennan, former FBI director James Comey, and current deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. As Russiagate is a hoax, Mueller has not been able to produce a shred of evidence of the alleged Trump/Putin plot to hack Hillary’s emails and influence the last presidential election. With his investigation unable to produce any evidence of the alleged Russiagate, Mueller concluded that he had to direct attention away from the failed hoax by bringing some sort of case against someone, knowing that the incompetent and corrupt US media and insouciant public would ...

Total Govt Takeover of Internet Begins!
Post Date: 2018-08-12 19:58:51 by Ada
Democrats Demand Draconian Controls “EXPECT HUGE EVENTS BETWEEN NOW AND ELECTION DAY.” — Intelligence Analyst and Former Military Officer Every patriot ought to understand that the 2018 midterm elections are the most important of our lifetime. The Democrats are in extreme desperation mode. Given the exceedingly perilous and rapidly evolving predicament of the Left, they CANNOT lose this election season. And, they MUST win big. Otherwise, they will forever lose their cherished “Sodom and Gomorrah”. More critically, the DNC knows that it must steal every election in sight if they are to retain any political relevance. The Democratic Party is determined to fix ...

Of Course There Is Such a Thing as a ‘Perjury Trap’
Post Date: 2018-08-12 13:53:44 by X-15
Studies will someday be done on the deleterious effect Donald Trump has had on the brains of people who loathe him. It drives them to say things that are as palpably foolish as some of the president’s own doozies. This week’s winner: There is no such thing as a “perjury trap.” Because some of the people making this nonsensical claim are very smart, let’s stipulate that the heated moment we find ourselves in is driven by politics, not law or logic. Special Counsel Robert Mueller wants to interview President Trump. President Trump’s legal team is taking the public position that, although the president wants bigly to answer Mueller’s questions, the lawyers ...

Here we go again! US lawmaker says he was told Moscow played role in Charlottesville riots
Post Date: 2018-08-12 10:56:12 by BTP Holdings
Here we go again! US lawmaker says he was told Moscow played role in Charlottesville riots Published time: 11 Aug, 2018 21:34 Edited time: 12 Aug, 2018 09:00 White nationalist protesters clash with counter-protesters in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017. © Joshua Roberts / Reuters A lot has happened on the one-year anniversary of the Charlottesville riots. Donald Trump has said he condemns racism, his critics have criticized him and, true to form, someone in Washington found a way to blame the Russians. When there's no evidence proving Moscow was behind election-meddling or collusion, it's time to throw the "Russia did it" bombshell elsewhere. Congressman Tom ...

Watch: GOP Ad Should Run Non-Stop Until 2020, Shows Chilling Leftist Violence
Post Date: 2018-08-11 09:48:30 by BTP Holdings
Watch: GOP Ad Should Run Non-Stop Until 2020, Shows Chilling Leftist Violence By Cillian Zeal August 10, 2018 at 7:55am What are the stakes in the election this fall? Is it just control of the House or Senate? Momentum going into the 2020 election? Well, there is that, but something more: the possibility that thuggish intimidation runs roughshod over our political process. (Warning: Video below contains some graphic images.) Those may be harsh words, but that’s essentially the only way to describe what the American left has been involved in since they lost the White House on Nov. 8, 2016. Threats, violence, demagogy, racism — all of these have been the stock- If you ...

170 Voters in Ohio Race 'Over 116 Years Old,' World's Oldest Person Is 115
Post Date: 2018-08-09 19:37:28 by BTP Holdings
170 Voters in Ohio Race ‘Over 116 Years Old,’ World’s Oldest Person Is 115 Supreme Court Makes Landmark Decision Regarding Ohio Voter Fraud By Sophia Clifton August 9, 2018 at 10:47am It’s becoming clear that Democrats will stop at nothing to get their “blue wave” to happen. In Tuesday’s special election for Ohio’s 12th Congressional District, Republican Troy Balderson won by a narrow margin — around 1,600 votes. That’s less than 1 percent of the total number of votes in the entire district, making the election too close to call at the moment and requiring a recount under Ohio law. Additionally, more than 3,000 ...

Trump officials pushing Hope Hicks to join 2020 campaign: report
Post Date: 2018-08-09 17:03:46 by BTP Holdings
Trump officials pushing Hope Hicks to join 2020 campaign: report Jacqueline Thomsen 1 hr ago © Provided by The Hill Members of the administration are urging former White House communications director Hope Hicks to join President Trump's 2020 reelection campaign, just months after she left the White House, Politico reported Thursday. , who was one of Trump's longest-lasting and most trusted aides, joined the president as he traveled to Ohio for a rally on Saturday, and briefly spoke off the record with reporters on Air Force One after the event. Her appearance on Saturday sparked speculation over whether she was returning to Trump's inner orbit. Ten administration ...

High-stakes Ohio election just got closer after county finds hundreds of uncounted votes
Post Date: 2018-08-09 07:17:45 by BTP Holdings
High-stakes Ohio election just got closer after county finds hundreds of uncounted votes Jessie Balmert 8 hrs ago Analysis: Takeaways from day seven of the Paul Manafort trial Democrats see wider path to House after tight Ohio race Former OSU Prof. Explains Close Ohio Election Video by The Associated Press Correction: The number of votes found is 588. COLUMBUS – The tight race between Democrat Danny O'Connor and Republican Troy Balderson just got tighter. Election officials in Franklin County found 588 previously uncounted votes in a Columbus suburb. The result: O'Connor had a net gain of 190 votes, bringing the race's margin down to 1,564. "The votes ...

Like father, like son: Trump Jr. defiant about Russia probe
Post Date: 2018-08-09 07:14:53 by Ada
WASHINGTON (AP) — If Donald Trump Jr. is worried, he sure doesn’t show it. His father, the president, is reported to be fretting about his eldest son’s entanglement in the Russia investigation. And Don Jr.’s role in the special counsel’s probe continues to throw off headlines. But the 40-year-old son is hardly ducking his head. He’s beloved on the right as the swaggering embodiment of the Make America Great Again agenda. And he’s embracing his role as a popular emissary for his father, crisscrossing the country on campaign trips, penning op-eds in support of favored candidates and showcasing his new relationship with former Fox News host Kim ...

Meet the Libertarian US Senator from New Mexico - a leppo?
Post Date: 2018-08-05 22:21:04 by hondo68
New Mexico LP Nominates Gary Johnson for SenateThe New Mexico LP has taken the next step towards getting Gary Johnson into the senate race by nominating him to run for the position. In the past several weeks, the New Mexico 2018 Senate race has considerably heated up. Previously, many did not expect New Mexico to be a competitive race for the potential blue wave. However, Former Governor Gary Johnson is beginning to make a change to this. Last week, Libertarian candidate Aubrey Dunn withdrew from the senatorial race. His son, Blair Dunn, confirmed this news and started speculations that Johnson may enter the race. Within a matter of days, the hype for the former governor grew. Several ...

JUST IN: The Hillary Clinton Campaign Lied About The Infamous Trump Dossier
Post Date: 2018-08-05 17:35:32 by BTP Holdings
JUST IN: The Hillary Clinton Campaign Lied About The Infamous Trump Dossier The Clinton campaign received a steady flow of briefings on its paid-for Christopher Steele written dossier, whose unverified Trump-Russia collusion charges made their way into election news stories and Clinton talking points, The Washington Times reported. The dossier has once again emerged in the midst of the release of four FBI applications to a judge to spy on a Donald Trump volunteer. The petition’s evidence to convince the judge was primarily based on the dossier. With the release of the FBI application, the president took to Twitter to brand the application as a “Clinton Campaign Document.” ...

Glenn Jacobs, aka Kane of WWE, takes home Knox County mayoral race
Post Date: 2018-08-03 01:30:48 by hondo68
Glenn Jacobs, the towering 6-foot-8 giant of a professional wrestler best known as Kane in the WWE, has won an election to determine the next mayor of Knox County in Tennessee on Thursday night.Jacobs, 51, had nearly two-thirds of the more than 80,000 total ballots cast, according to Knoxville ABC affiliate WATE. He was opposing Democratic nominee Linda Haney in the heavily Republican Knox County.It was a far cry from Jacobs' victory in the Republican primary race, which he won by just 23 votes back in May over Knox County commissioner Brad Anders.In a professional wrestling career that stretches back to the early 1990s, Jacobs became one of the longest-tenured performers in WWE ...

‘Ignorant Incoherence’: Limbaugh Exposes Ocasio-Cortez for the Fraud She Is
Post Date: 2018-08-01 21:16:04 by BTP Holdings
‘Ignorant Incoherence’: Limbaugh Exposes Ocasio-Cortez for the Fraud She Is By Ben Marquis July 31, 2018 at 3:39pm Self-described “democratic socialist” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become the new face of the Democrat Party following her shocking June primary victory in New York over the long-serving Democrat Rep. Joe Crowley. As part of her role as the “future of the party,” she has been making the media rounds recently to promote her socialist views, yet in doing so has displayed an even more shocking degree of economic and political ignorance that should utterly shame our nation’s educational system. Conservative talk radio king Rush Limbaugh ...

Chomsky accuses Israel of ‘brazenly’ meddling in US elections
Post Date: 2018-08-01 01:02:11 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Renowned American scholar and political activist Noam Chomsky has accused Israel of meddling in US elections, stressing that the Israeli intervention “vastly overwhelms” any efforts allegedly carried out by Russia in 2016. “First of all, if you’re interested in foreign interference in our elections, whatever the Russians may have done barely counts or weighs in the balance as compared with what another state does, openly, brazenly and with enormous support,” Chomsky said in an interview with Democracy Now! published on Tuesday. “Israeli intervention in US elections vastly overwhelms anything the Russians may have done, I mean, even to the point ...

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