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The Campaign To Rein In the Internet
Post Date: 2017-10-05 06:02:09 by Ada
It’s part and parcel of the “Russia-gate” hoax The latest “news” about Russia-gate is the contention that “Russian-linked” ad buyers purchased $100,000 worth of targeted Facebook ads during the 2016 presidential election. For the most part these ads didn’t urge support for any particular candidate, but, we’re told, they were “divisive,” “controversial,” and definitely Not Very Nice. So what did the ads say? Oh, that’s a secret that’s being closely guarded by all involved. Facebook is refusing to release the ads, and the congressional committee that’s investigating them – yes, our solons are on the case! ...

Yet Another Major Russia Story Falls Apart. Is Skepticism Permissible Yet?
Post Date: 2017-09-29 16:53:35 by Ada
LAST FRIDAY, most major media outlets touted a major story about Russian attempts to hack into U.S. voting systems, based exclusively on claims made by the Department of Homeland Security. “Russians attempted to hack elections systems in 21 states in the run-up to last year’s presidential election, officials said Friday,” began the USA Today story, similar to how most other outlets presented this extraordinary claim. Click for Full Text!

Election in Germany: Sensational Gains for Insurgent AfD
Post Date: 2017-09-26 07:39:49 by Ada
But not even they will stop our ‘creeping socialism’ It is a phenomenon that economists and psychologists can hardly explain when almost 50 million people in a country invest their time and thought to influence ‘the election result’ with their votes by as much as 0.000002 percentage points. And some moral philosophers are perplexed by the conclusion that all these voters probably think that they can, on the grounds of their legitimization of the state’s compulsory monopoly, tamper in the daily life of their neighbours, and also be allowed to plunder them by means of taxes and dues, as well as to command and surveil them. This hubris can only be explained in ...

Will Mark Zuckerberg ‘Like’ This Column?
Post Date: 2017-09-24 11:50:58 by Ada
Mark Zuckerberg may be learning what it’s like to be Dr. Frankenstein. WASHINGTON — The idea of Mark Zuckerberg running for president was always sort of scary. But now it’s really scary, given what we’ve discovered about the power of his little invention to warp democracy. All these years, the 33-year-old founder of Facebook has been dismissive of the idea that social media and A.I. could be used for global domination — or even that they should be regulated. Days after Donald Trump pulled out his disorienting win, Zuckerberg told a tech conference that the contention that fake news had influenced the election was “a pretty crazy idea,” showing a ...

Who in the White House Decided to Wiretap Manafort?
Post Date: 2017-09-21 06:11:27 by Ada
Trump may have been right about Obama efforts to derail campaign. Paul Manafort at the 2016 Republican National Convention /Shutterstock.com President Donald Trump, who is noted for his frequent exaggerations, just might have been right about the Obama administration’s attempts to derail his campaign. CNN, a hostile news source that had previously denounced Trump’s claims that he had been wiretapped at Trump Tower, reported late on Monday that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was in fact tapped by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Depending on the political inclinations of the journalists covering the story, the tale has either been framed as a vindication of ...

Time for a Conservative Anti-Monopoly Movement
Post Date: 2017-09-19 06:37:20 by Ada
Amazon, Facebook and Google: The new robber barons? Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos in 2010. Credit:/CreativeCommons/SteveJurvetson Earlier this month Amazon, announced its plans to establish a second headquarters in North America. Rather than simply reveal which city would become its second home, the Seattle-based tech company opted instead to open a bidding war. In an eight page document published on its website, Amazon outlined the criteria for prospective suitors, and invited economic developers to submit proposals advocating for why their city or region should be the host of the new location. Its potential arrival comes with the claim that the company will invest more than $5 billion in ...

Hillary Clinton EXPOSED: Redirected $800K from campaign to ANTIFA
Post Date: 2017-09-18 16:04:48 by Ada
Hillary moved massive amounts of money from her campaign to help fund ANTIFA. Hillary Clinton is not only fond of funding foreign terrorists in Libya and Syria, in order to overthrow sovereign governments, but it now appears that HRC is very much involved in redirecting money to US terrorist groups whose aim is to tear down the Trump presidency. The Daily Caller first discovered that Hillary Clinton transferred money from her campaign over to her Super-PAC, “Onward Together”… Clinton transferred $800,000 from her failed 2016 presidential campaign to Onward Together shortly before announcing the group’s launch in May, documents the campaign filed with the FEC reveal. ...

The Lucy Stein Gang Rides Into Moscow
Post Date: 2017-09-18 09:30:54 by Ada
Can the Putin Fans League win municipal elections in New York City? Not bloody likely, you’ll murmur, and probably justifiably so. However, in the municipal elections last week, pro-American forces captured one third of the seats in Moscow. A great shock, slightly mitigated by the media silence that accompanied both the election and its results. As a rule, I do not dwell much on internal Russian politics (as opposed to foreign relations). They are parochial, obscure and not democratic. That is true for internal politics in every country I am aware of, but in Russia, they aren’t even competitive. Kremlin wiseguys try and fix the results with all the subtleness of Democratic ...

The party's over: Republicans and Democrats are both finished
Post Date: 2017-09-17 13:29:18 by Ada
Trump's election and his increasing comfort in shifting from right to left prove that the Republican and Democratic parties as we know them are finished. Never before have we seen the leadership of both major political parties so humbled. Here's how this power vacuum will play out in the coming elections. 6:25 PM ET Fri, 15 Sept 2017 | 01:50 Stick a fork in the Democrats and Republicans. Wednesday night's latest round of deal making between President Donald Trump and Democratic congressional leaders is the latest evidence that the major political parties have lost all semblance of real power. Never before have we seen the leadership of both major political parties so ...

Bound to No Party, Trump Upends 150 Years of Two-Party Rule
Post Date: 2017-09-09 21:08:11 by Ada
The high-water mark for independent presidential candidates since Theodore Roosevelt came in 1992, when Ross Perot won 19 percent of the popular vote. Credit Edward Keating/The New York Times WASHINGTON — When Donald J. Trump set his sights on the presidency in the 2000 election, he pursued the nomination of the Reform Party, a home for disenchanted independents. “The Republican Party has just moved too far to the extreme right,” he explained. “The Democrats are too far to the left.” In the end, he dropped the campaign and the Reform Party, the leftover construct from Ross Perot’s two independent presidential candidacies during the 1990s. It was one of at ...

Google says it found no trace of Russia’s interference in US election on its ad platforms
Post Date: 2017-09-08 05:30:49 by Tatarewicz
RT... Google has said it has failed to unearth any facts that would implicate Moscow in exploiting its advertising tools to manipulate the US elections. It comes after Facebook said it had found dozens of Russia-linked fake pages promoting divisive US-related issues. “We’re always monitoring for abuse or violations of our policies and we’ve seen no evidence this type of ad campaign was run on our platforms,” Google said in a statement Thursday, as cited by Reuters. The search engine giant was asked to comment on the issue in wake of the allegations shared by Facebook, its fellow online advertiser, a day earlier. Read more © Jochen Eckel / Global Look Press Facebook ...

Exclusive – Kobach: It Appears That Out-of-State Voters Changed the Outcome of the New Hampshire U.S. Senate Race
Post Date: 2017-09-07 19:29:33 by Ada
For years, the mainstream media has ignored the problem of voter fraud and belittled those of us who are trying to do something about it. And when secretaries of state like me identify cases of fraud, we are told that the number of incidents of voter fraud is too insignificant to matter. Now, however, facts have come to light that indicate that a pivotal, close election was likely changed through voter fraud on November 8, 2016: New Hampshire’s U.S. Senate Seat, and perhaps also New Hampshire’s four electoral college votes in the presidential election. New Hampshire is one of fifteen states that allow same-day voter registration. The benefit of same-day registration is that it ...

More than 5,000 out-of-state voters may have tipped New Hampshire against Trump
Post Date: 2017-09-07 19:01:18 by farmfriend
Over 6,000 individuals registered to vote in New Hampshire on Election Day Nov. 8 using out-of-state driver’s licenses — and since then the vast majority have neither obtained an in-state license nor registered a motor vehicle. Speaker of the New Hampshire House Shawn Jasper, a Republican, issued the findings on Thursday based on inquiries he made to the Department of State, which oversees elections, and the Department of Safety. Since election days, Republicans have charged that a significant number of non- resident Democrats, principally from Massachusetts, flowed into New Hampshire to vote illegally, tilting close elections to their party. Mr. Jasper’s findings give ...

Hillary Clinton feared Trump would follow through with his campaign promise to 'lock her up' in new memoir
Post Date: 2017-09-07 14:00:42 by Ada
Hillary Clinton revealed in her new memoir she feared Trump's campain threat to 'lock her up' after her email scandal She talks about her frustration upon watching anti-Trump protesters after her stunning election loss She asked where their 'solidarity, outrage and passion' had been during the election She also griped about 'Today Show' anchor Matt Lauer's questioning of her emails Calls it 'a pointless ambush' President Obama assured her of victory the night before her stunning loss He told her at a packed rally that 'You've got this' - but Bill Clinton told his wife 'You might lose' Hillary Clinton admitted in her ...

Steve Bannon and Trump’s Populist Victory
Post Date: 2017-09-03 13:05:28 by Ada
Lessons for the Dissident Right Throughout 2016, I would occasionally turn on the television to see how the punditocracy was responding to the mounting Trump tsunami. If you get most of your news online, watching cable news is frustrating. The commentary is so dumbed down and painfully reflective of speaker’s biases, you can always basically guess what’s coming next. With a few exceptions—above all Ann Coulter’s famous June 19, 2015 prediction of a Trump victory on Bill Maher—these pundits again and again told us that Trump would eventually go away, first after he made this or that gaffe, then after he “failed” in a debate, then after people actually ...

After Charlottesville Schumer Wants Trump to Shut Down Voter Fraud Commission=>Democrats Need Their Dead Voters
Post Date: 2017-08-27 11:39:10 by Ada
Following the Nazi-Alt-Left rioting in Charlottesville, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer is calling on President Trump to shut down his voter fraud investigation. Of course, the two events are entirely unrelated but Democrats know they need their fraudulent votes. Wisconsin Democrats lost 300,000 votes in the last election due to voter ID laws in the state. Democrats need their dead and fraudulent voters to win in even a blue state like Wisconsin. The Washington Examiner reported: Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., is calling on President Trump to close down his voter fraud commission in the aftermath of the violence in Charlottesville, Va., and instead said the ...

Steve Bannon to target Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner as he pledges to 'go nuclear' on 'West Wing Democrats'
Post Date: 2017-08-19 21:14:16 by Ada
Steve Bannon, the ousted White House chief strategist, is reportedly considering starting a television network which would allow him to "go nuclear" as he settles vendettas with moderate advisers in the White House and pressures President Donald Trump to pursue a populist agenda of economic nationalism. Allies of Mr Bannon compared him to a "tiger freed from his cage," suggesting things would get "ugly" as he targets the Republican establishment and what he calls "West Wing Democrats". The departure of Mr Bannon came amid one of Mr Trump's worst weeks as president. He and first lady Melania Trump decided not to participate in the annual ...

Post Date: 2017-08-19 08:14:57 by Ada
There is no one left in the White House who has any idea what they’re doing. At least nobody conservative. President Donald Trump never tires of reminding audiences that he is not a politician, and he proves it on an hourly basis. He is by turns a nationalist, a populist, and a demagogue — but rarely acts as a traditional conservative. As the previous occupant of the White House once said, a president’s “success is determined by an intersection in policy and politics.” With the far-right White House strategist Steve Bannon gone, the team left behind appears to be ill-equipped to maneuver the political challenges needed to turn the administration’s ambitious ...

Judge Roy Moore Wins Alabama Senate Special Election, Faces Strange In Runoff
Post Date: 2017-08-16 10:55:12 by Ada
Judge Roy Moore prevailed in the Alabama U.S. Senate primary election Tuesday night and will proceed to a runoff next month against Sen. Luther Strange. With 90 percent of precincts reporting, Moore garnered 40 percent of the vote to Strange’s 32 percent and Congressman Mo Brooks’ 20 percent. The convincing win demonstrated Moore’s enduring popularity in the Yellowhammer State, where he was twice elected chief justice of the state’s Supreme Court.

I've Had Enough
Post Date: 2017-08-13 11:08:43 by Ada
I’m 50, unemployed, and poor. Okay? I don’t give a damn about whether or not Bashar al-Assad runs Syria, about Russia, or any of these other so-called political concerns I’m told to have by the Democratic Party who has learned the sum total of absolutely nothing in the 2016 election. When it was revealed the election of 2016 was more about economic concerns than anything else, the Democrats vowed to work on that—the promptly forgot it and blamed the loss on Russia. Despite the fact that Russia has not laid off Americans or contributed to poverty in the United States. I am tired of Democrats who assume I’ll vote for them because I’m poor. They’re toying ...

Trump’s Attack on Voter Privacy
Post Date: 2017-08-10 22:39:55 by bush_is_a_moonie
“In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions who voted illegally,” tweeted Donald Trump on November 27, following his win. Perhaps in an effort to prove social media blather correct, Trump has issued an executive order creating the Presidential Advisory Committee on Election Integrity. The goals of the committee include “studying vulnerabilities in the voting systems that could lead to voter fraud,” which requires collecting a large amount of personal voter information from the states. After facing serious legal pushback, even his supporters are wondering about its legitimacy. While the purity of the ...

FBI Agents Conducted Predawn Raid Of Paul Manafort's Home
Post Date: 2017-08-09 19:58:59 by Ada
Confirming that Special Counsel Mueller's probe has a particular interest in the business dealing of Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, the WaPo reports that FBI agents "raided the Alexandria home of President Trump’s former campaign chairman late last month, using a search warrant to seize documents and other materials." Federal agents reportedly appeared at Manafort’s home without advance warning two weeks ago, in the predawn hours on Wednesday, July 26, the day after he met voluntarily with the staff for the Senate Intelligence Committee. The WaPo reports that the served search warrant was "wide-ranging and FBI agents working with special ...

What’s Worse: Trump’s Campaign Agenda or Empowering Generals and CIA Operatives to Subvert it?
Post Date: 2017-08-05 16:43:46 by Ada
DURING HIS SUCCESSFUL 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump, for better and for worse, advocated a slew of policies that attacked the most sacred prongs of long-standing bipartisan Washington consensus. As a result, he was (and continues to be) viewed as uniquely repellent by the neoliberal and neoconservative guardians of that consensus, along with their sprawling network of agencies, think tanks, financial policy organs, and media outlets used to implement their agenda (CIA, NSA, the Brookings/AEI think tank axis, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, etc.). Whatever else there is to say about Trump, it is simply a fact that the 2016 election saw elite circles in the U.S., with very few ...

Half of Detroit’s 8 mayoral candidates are felons
Post Date: 2017-08-03 12:30:06 by Ada
Detroit — Half of the eight mayoral hopefuls on Detroit’s primary ballot next week have been convicted of felony crimes involving drugs, assault or weapons, a Detroit News analysis shows. Three were charged with gun crimes and two for assault with intent to commit murder. Some of the offenses date back decades, the earliest to 1977. The most recent was in 2008. Political consultant Greg Bowens said there are candidates with past hardships in every election cycle. It’s not something unique to Detroit or the political arena in general, he said. “Black marks on your record show you have lived a little and have overcome some challenges,” said Bowens, a former press ...

The Clinton Foundation Shuts Down Clinton Global Initiative
Post Date: 2017-08-03 06:40:09 by BTP Holdings
The Clinton Foundation Shuts Down Clinton Global Initiative On January 12, a WARN notice was filed with the New York Department of Labor—the main office of the Clinton Global Initiative would be closing By Michael Sainato • 01/15/17 7:45am Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Mark Wilson/Getty Images The Clinton Foundation’s long list of wealthy donors and foreign government contributors during the 2016 elections provoked critics to allege conflicts of interests. Clinton partisans defended the organization’s charitable work, and dismissed claims that it served as a means for the Clintons to sell off access, market themselves on the paid speech ...

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