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Latest Articles: (s)Elections

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France Votes
Post Date: 2017-04-23 07:39:12 by Stephen Lendman
France Votes by Stephen Lendman A state of emergency exists, declared by outgoing President Hollande in November 2015 after the Paris Charlie Hebdo/kosher market false flag attacks. At the time, Hollande called what happened “an act of war,” suspending constitutional rule, followed by lawmakers enacting France’s version of America’s Patriot Act. He and parliamentarians exploited the incidents to crack down hard on civil liberties, human rights, and other democratic principles. Fear-mongering propaganda persists, convincing people to believe sacrificing fundamental freedoms protects their security. On election day, France resembles an armed camp, following the ...

TRUMPAGEDDON: The Real Back Story Behind U.S. Missile Attack On Syria
Post Date: 2017-04-17 22:29:50 by christine
Excerpt: Trumpageddon The Tomahawk missiles struck a location just south of Homs, Syria, a geographic area that is prominently configured within the End Time prophecies of both Christian and Jewish Zionism. This critical factoid reigns supreme where it concerns Trump’s entire administration, which is heavily populated by hardcore Christian and Jewish Zionists most of whom are closeted. Fundamentally, what is really taking place in Syria at this very moment is the final epochal battle in the prophesied epic war between East and West (in the minds of all Zionists). Not only did the highly melodramatic actor Trump attempt to draw a line in the Syrian sand with 60 Tomahawk cruise ...

Death Of A Presidency, An Empire, And A Monetary System
Post Date: 2017-04-13 20:35:43 by christine
I’m 46 years old, and grew up in New York; and thus, know a lot about Donald Trump. Consequently, if at any time before last summer, you told me he’d one day be President, I would have laughed until I cried. After all, a man famous for bad marriages; a big, insulting mouth; and massively overleveraged investments in some of the worst imaginable businesses – from Atlantic City casinos, to the United States Football League – was as far from what I’d consider “Presidential material” as I could imagine. Frankly, if it weren’t for the acting chops he developed on the Apprentice; a show in which he became famous for insulting people each week – from ...

Paul Craig Roberts 'It's OVER For Trump Anti Russian Neocons Are In Charge Business As Usual '
Post Date: 2017-04-08 22:57:02 by christine

A new found respect for Ann Coulter!!
Post Date: 2017-04-08 11:33:47 by christine

Post Date: 2017-04-08 09:38:50 by christine
Poster Comment:We've been *had* again.

Hillary Clinton Explains Why She Really Lost to Trump
Post Date: 2017-04-06 21:24:04 by BTP Holdings
Hillary Clinton Explains Why She Really Lost to Trump NBC News by KENDALL BREITMAN 1 hr ago Almost four months after her stunning defeat, Hillary Clinton on Thursday primarily blamed her loss to President Donald Trump on four factors that were beyond her control. The former Democratic presidential candidate cited Russian meddling in the election, FBI Director James Comey's involvement toward the end of the race, WikiLeaks theft of emails from her campaign chairman, and misogyny. Clinton's comments came during her first post-election interview at Tina Brown's eighth annual Women in the World Summit in New York City. She was questioned by Nicholas Kristof of The New York ...

US Army Investigator Accuses National Security Adviser McMaster of War Crimes in Iraq
Post Date: 2017-04-05 17:06:26 by Ada
President Donald Trump shakes hands with US Army Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster, his new national security adviser, on February 20, 2017. (Getty) Former commander in charge of US Army Military Police in Iraq says President Trump’s new National Security Adviser, Gen. H.R. McMaster, ‘ordered’ criminal abuse of hundreds of Iraqi detainees in 2005 “Detainees were abused at Tal Afar under orders and command and control of H.R. McMaster,” said Col. Arnaldo Claudio, a retired senior U.S. Military Police officer who served as 18th Airborne Corps Provost Marshal and Chief of Police of the Multinational Coalition Forces in Iraq in 2005. During his conversation with Scott ...

Social Justice Advocate Triumphs in Ecuador
Post Date: 2017-04-03 08:16:28 by Stephen Lendman
Social Justice Advocate Triumphs in Ecuador by Stephen Lendman With around 97% of votes counted, ruling social justice Alianza PAIS candidate Lenin Moreno leads right-wing Western favorite Guillermo Lasso by a 51.11 - 48.89 per cent margin, according to Ecuador’s National Electoral Council (CNE) - calling the process fair and transparent. Moreno claimed victory as Ecuador’s next president. As expected, Lasso alleged fraud, saying: “They’ve toyed with popular will. We are going to defend the will of the Ecuadoran people in the face of an attempted fraud that aims to install what would be an illegitimate government.” No evidence suggests fraud. Plenty indicates ...

DIMS and Mark Cuban go on wild rants over Trump's Russia ties
Post Date: 2017-04-02 09:46:56 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Businessman and billionaire philanthropist Mark Cuban went on a full-fledged Twitter-based rant Saturday on the reasons he believes President Trump may have been cozy with the Russians. https://twitter.com/mcuban/status/848275160721502209

Where the Anti-Russian Moral Panic is Leading Us
Post Date: 2017-03-27 08:39:19 by Ada
‘Show me on this doll where Russia touched you’ They said the election of Donald Trump would usher in an era of political repression in which the First Amendment would come under attack – and they were right, although not in the way they meant it: “Federal investigators are examining whether far-right news sites played any role last year in a Russian cyber operation that dramatically widened the reach of news stories – some fictional – that favored Donald Trump’s presidential bid, two people familiar with the inquiry say. “Operatives for Russia appear to have strategically timed the computer commands, known as ‘bots,’ to blitz social ...

Will Russiagate Backfire?
Post Date: 2017-03-21 07:16:29 by Ada
The big losers of the Russian hacking scandal may yet be those who invested all their capital in a script that turned out to based on a fairy tale. In Monday’s Intelligence Committee hearings, James Comey did confirm that his FBI has found nothing to support President Trump’s tweet that President Obama ordered him wiretapped. Not unexpected, but undeniably an embarrassment for the tweeter-in-chief. Yet longer-term damage may have been done to the left. For Monday’s hearing showed that its rendering of the campaign of 2016 may be a product of fiction and a fevered imagination. After eight months investigating the hacking and leaking of the emails of Clinton campaign chief ...

The Rothschild and Saud Families Fund Both John McCain and Hillary Clinton
Post Date: 2017-03-20 02:59:48 by Tatarewicz
BlackListedNews... On 21 October 2016, I headlined “An Email From Lynn Forester de Rothschild to Hillary Clinton, Against Elizabeth Warren” and reported extensive back-door funding of Hillary Clinton by the Rothschild family. On 15 December 2016, I headlined “U.S. Gov’t. Is Secretly Allied with America’s Enemies“ and noted that: Prior to Hillary’s becoming the U.S. Secretary of State, the Clinton Foundation had collected a total of $10 million to $25 million from the Saud family and their vassals (the Sauds’ subordinate aristocrats, such as the bin Ladens — but all from official government accounts). As the U.S. Secretary of State, she and her ...

Scotland Independence Referendum 2.0?
Post Date: 2017-03-19 08:06:45 by Stephen Lendman
Scotland Independence Referendum 2.0? by Stephen Lendman Ahead of Scotland’s September 2014 independence referendum, most UK and independent polls showed the outcome was too close to call. In the run-up to the vote, pro-independence supporters gained strength. Some analysts believed enough to win. Instead they lost by a 55 - 45% margin. Critics claimed vote-tampering. Registered voters found their names stricken from rolls, disenfranchising them. Observers were confined to perimeter areas, unable to monitor vote counting. Whitehall and Downing Street oppose separatism. One issue is North Sea oil. Scotland is home to Britain’s HMNB Clyde and HMS naval bases. The UK’s ...

A Soft Coup, or Preserving Our Democracy?
Post Date: 2017-03-15 07:49:26 by Ada
Something’s happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear. We Americans have long regarded coups as undesirable political turmoil afflicting nations in Africa, Asia and Latin America in which governments are changed by force rather than through the ballot box. During the past several weeks, political commentators are beginning to use the word when describing the series of events that began last summer with the claim that Russia was somehow interfering in our national election on behalf of one candidate. To be sure, no one expects the country’s armed forces to march on the White House and force Donald Trump out, but some commentators are suggesting that a political ...

Two major US political parties controlled by the same people: Analyst
Post Date: 2017-03-14 07:25:27 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... The two major political parties in the United States are controlled by the same people and corporate money, according to an American politician and political analyst. Art Olivier, a US vice presidential candidate in the 2000 election, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Monday when asked to comment on Ohio Governor John Kasich’s statement in which he said both Republican and Democratic Parties are “disintegrating” because they are not offering anything to people. “I believe the political parties are disintegrating before our very eyes. I think more and more people across this country see no purpose for political parties,” Kasich said on ...

Frontline: Divided States of America
Post Date: 2017-03-11 12:29:53 by sneakypete
The PBS tv show "Frontline" recently ran a "Independent Lens" series titled "Divided States of America" that I recorded,and just got around to viewing. This is a VERY balanced piece of video journalism that covers and explains the events that came about as a result of Obama being elected President with the apparent help of what passes for a Republican Party. It starts with the lame alleged (MY word) attempt of McLunatic to run against him,and shows lots of examples of McLunatic sounding more like a Obama supporter than opponent. At times it sounds like he is actually campaigning for Obomber. It also takes a VERY fair and unbiased look at the emergence of ...

Trump Abruptly Orders 46 Obama-Era Prosecutors to Resign
Post Date: 2017-03-10 21:19:30 by Ada
Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, is among the prosecutors whose resignation President Trump has ordered. Credit Christopher Lee for The New York Times WASHINGTON — The Trump administration moved on Friday to sweep away most of the remaining vestiges of Obama administration prosecutors at the Justice Department, ordering 46 holdover United States attorneys to tender their resignations immediately — including Preet Bharara, the United States attorney in Manhattan. The firings were a surprise — especially for Mr. Bharara, who has a reputation for prosecuting public corruption cases. In November, Mr. Bharara met with then ...

Germany's AfD calls for 'negative immigration' of 200,000 people
Post Date: 2017-03-09 17:22:06 by Ada
BERLIN (Reuters) - The anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany party called for the country to get rid of at least 200,000 more people a year than it takes in, as it faces a plunge in its popularity before elections this autumn. The target for "negative immigration" ("Minuszuwanderung") would be necessary for several years, according to a draft election program the AfD released on Thursday, although it did not specify whether the quota would be met by migrants leaving voluntarily, by deportation or both. At the same time, the co-leader of the AfD said he was not alarmed about plunging support in polls. Its support has dropped to between 8 and 11 percent from a high of ...

Grassley probes FBI's ties to British spy who investigated Trump
Post Date: 2017-03-06 21:38:56 by Ada
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) has opened an inquiry into allegations the FBI worked with the British spy who authored a controversial opposition research dossier on President Trump during the 2016 election. In a Monday letter to FBI Director James Comey, Grassley asked for records pertaining to any agreements the agency may have had with Christopher Steele. The MI6 agent wrote an explosive memo on behalf of Trump’s political enemies alleging that the Russians had compromising information on the president. Comey briefed Trump on the existence of the memo in a private meeting in January. Shortly after, several news organizations published the unverified ...

The Politics Behind ‘Russia-gate’
Post Date: 2017-03-06 07:24:09 by Ada
Exclusive: The hysteria over “Russia-gate” continues to grow – as President Trump’s enemies circle – but at its core there may be no there there while it risks pushing the world toward nuclear annihilation, writes Robert Parry. There may be a turn-about-is-fair-play element to Democrats parsing the words of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other Trump administration officials to hang them on possible “perjury” charges. After all, the Republicans made “lock her up” a popular chant citing Hillary Clinton’s arguably illegal use of a private email server as Secretary of State and her allegedly false claim under oath that her lawyers had ...

Did Sessions Do Anything Wrong?
Post Date: 2017-03-03 09:02:06 by Ada
In a period when any contact with Russia is considered toxic, the attorney general is being tried by innuendo. We are entering into a politically charged environment where ordinary interactions between senior government officials and their foreign counterparts can quickly become toxic. Incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn did nothing wrong when he spoke to Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. It is just as evident that Sen. Jeff Sessions did nothing wrong when he spoke twice to the same gentleman in the context of his membership on the Senate Armed Services Committee. The first Sessions meeting in June was part of a conference organized by the State Department and the Heritage ...

Can Anti-Interventionism Survive the Trump Era?
Post Date: 2017-03-03 08:54:07 by Ada
The defection of the “left” is bad news for the antiwar movement It used to be that the American left, or at least substantial portions of it, were reliable allies in the war against the warmongers No more. What we are witnessing today is a complete turnaround of the American left’s historic foreign policy stance. The glory days of the 1950s and Sixtiest, when liberals and leftists stood together in the fight against the cold war hysteria that led to government persecution of alleged “Communists” and “fellow travelers” are long gone. Today we are subjected to the spectacle of “liberal” Democratic party politicians and their media amen ...

Ecuadorean Presidential Election Run-Off Announced
Post Date: 2017-02-25 07:41:32 by Stephen Lendman
Ecuadorean Presidential Election Run-Off Announced by Stephen Lendman On Wednesday, Ecuador’s electoral commission announced a run-off to choose President Rafael Correa’s successor. On April 2, ruling Alianza PAIS candidate Lenin Moreno will face banker turned politician Guillermo Lasso. Moreno barely fell short of a 40% threshold to win in first round February 19 voting - 39.4% to Lasso’s 28.1%. He’s favored to win in round two. Correa alleged possible electoral irregularities and incomplete vote tallies in six provinces Alianza PAIS historically won. Constitutional law lets the president and parliament call for new elections under extreme circumstances, including ...

Democracy, the God That's Failing
Post Date: 2017-02-23 11:41:31 by Ada
When Professor Hans-Hermann Hoppe made his famous argument against democracy back in 2001, the notion that voting was a lousy way to organize society was still radical even among many libertarians. Virtually everyone raised in a western country over the past century grew up hearing “democracy” used as a synonym for wonderful, good, just, and valid. It takes a great deal of unlearning to overcome this as an adult, and to question the wisdom of representative government installed via democratic mechanisms. Fast forward to 2017, however, and the case against democracy is being made right in front of our eyes. Witness Hillary Clinton, who not long ago gushed about our ...

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