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What to Expect from Monday's Electoral College Vote and Aftermath
Post Date: 2016-12-19 07:44:52 by Stephen Lendman
What to Expect from Monday’s Electoral College Vote and Aftermath by Stephen Lendman On Monday, electors from each state meet to choose the next president and vice president. They alone decide. Voters have no say. Virtually always they pick the ticket winning their state’s popular vote. Never in US history did more than one elector defect. In most, not all states, they can legally go the other way, each elector choosing his or her preferred candidate. No constitutional or US statute law prevents it. Trump won 306 electoral votes to Hillary’s 232, a decisive margin, what should assure his election as America’s next president - whether this year in the chaotic ...

Moscow Attacks!
Post Date: 2016-12-19 06:47:04 by Ada
A senior CIA source tells me ‘with a high level of certainty that Russia’s Vladimir Putin was responsibly for Pearl Harbor, the Korean War, Vietnam and Iraq. This miscreant was also behind 9/11 and ring around the collar. Not since Dr Fu Manchu have we seen such a wicked genius bent on wrecking the West. Vlad the Bad is so nefarious that he’s managed to rig America’s voting machines and probably the Super Bowl. Watching the mounting Red Hysteria in the US is bizarre and amusing. But most amusing is the media furor claiming that the Kremlin has ‘meddled’ in US elections. Or even threw the vote to Manchurian Candidate, Donald Trump. If there was any foreign ...

The Striking Audacity of the Coup-in-Process
Post Date: 2016-12-18 12:46:12 by Ada
Unsubstantiated stories have been planted throughout the presstitute media by anonymous CIA officials that Donald Trump’s electoral victory was the result of Russian intervention. This absurd claim has now been elevated to the even more absurd claim that Putin himself oversaw and even conducted the manipulation of the US presidential election. No evidence has been provided for these amazing claims. The presstitutes are reporting unsubstantiated wild accusations that portend both a constitutional crisis in the US and a crisis with Russia. We know that the presstitutes lie. The presstitutes lied when they reported contrary to the weapons inspectors in Iraq that Saddam Hussein had ...

Neocon Panic and Agony
Post Date: 2016-12-18 10:54:33 by Ada
There are clear signs that the Neocons running the AngloZionist Empire and its “deep state” are in a state of near panic and their actions indicate they are truly terrified. The home front One the home front, the Neocons have resorted to every possible dirty trick on the book to try to prevent Donald Trump from ever getting into the White House: they have organized riots and demonstrations (some paid by Soros money) encouraged the supporters of Hillary to reject the outcome of the elections (“not my President”) tried to threaten the Electors and make them either cast a vote for Hillary or not vote at all tried to convince Congress to refuse the decision of the ...

Obongo vows to provide evidence that Russia hacked the election, then says he can't because it is classified
Post Date: 2016-12-18 01:28:44 by Tatarewicz
PMF... US President Barack Obama vowed Friday to finally present evidence of Russia’s involvement in cyberattacks on US political organizations. The Russian president’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said earlier in the day that the US should “either stop talking or finally present some proof, otherwise it begins to look unseemly” “We will provide evidence that we can safely provide, that does not compromise sources and methods. But I’ll be honest with you, when you’re talking about cybersecurity, a lot of it is classified and we are not going to provide it, because the way we catch folks is by knowing certain things about them that they don’t want us ...

The Pissed-Off Can Piss Off
Post Date: 2016-12-15 17:57:02 by Ada
It had the same effect on them that a man sitting in a front-row seat and sucking a lemon has on the lead flutist performing a Mozart concert. “Them,” needless to say, are the “elites,” a misnomer if there ever was one for the rabble that is Hollywood types, engaged ladies who lunch, cheap celebrities, media persons, reality stars, postmodernist professors, Davos people, LGBT activists, women of color in general, and women of color with more than ten children by different fathers in particular. By comparison, an Italian mob whose team was denied a penalty as the final whistle blew was quite serene and sportsmanlike. (They nevertheless set fire to the stadium and tried ...

From ‘Fake News’ to ‘Fake Intelligence’
Post Date: 2016-12-15 14:08:19 by Ada
Never in the history of the Central Intelligence Agency has it and its surrogates so blatantly and boldly interfered in a U.S. election. The U.S. media, in a matter of hours, altered course from concentrating on «fake news» about innocent pizzerias being linked to child sexual exploitation to spotlighting «fake intelligence» about Russia’s alleged cyber-espionage operation designed to elect Donald Trump president. The CIA leaked to The Washington Post, the owner of which has a $600 million contract with the CIA to provide cloud computing, findings of a secret report on Russia’s alleged «fixing» of the 2016 U.S. presidential election to favor ...

Did the Russians Hack Hillary?
Post Date: 2016-12-15 09:19:38 by Ada
Earlier this week, leaders of the Democratic National Committee and former officials of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign made the startling allegation that the Russian government hacked into Clinton’s colleagues’ email accounts to tilt the presidential election toward Donald Trump. They even pointed to statements made by CIA officials backing their allegations. President-elect Trump has characterized these claims as "ridiculous" and just an "excuse" to justify the Clinton defeat, saying they’re also intended to undermine the legitimacy of his election. He pointed to FBI conclusions that the CIA is wrong. Who’s right? Here is the back ...

The Fake Campaign to Blame ‘the Russians’
Post Date: 2016-12-14 20:02:02 by Southern Style
December 12, 2016The Fake Campaign to Blame ‘the Russians’by Dave Lindorff Photo by thierry ehrmann | CC BY 2.0   The New York Times and Washington Post, the nation’s two top national newspapers, have been breathlessly reporting of late, with little sign of any appropriate journalistic skepticism, on a purported massive and successful Russian conspiracy to throw the US election to their “favored” candidate, Donald Trump. But the Chicago Tribune has weighed in with a more measured piece, suggesting that while the CIA, a particularly secretive and politically driven organization, may be making that claim, the FBI is not convinced. ...

Trump: Polls Made Me Think 'We're Not Going to Win'
Post Date: 2016-12-14 09:20:24 by Ada
Donald Trump was just as surprised as the rest of the country. The president elect said publicly on Tuesday that he expected to lose the election to Democrat Hillary Clinton, based on polls showing him behind in several critical states. "I went to see my wife. I say, 'Baby, I tell you what. We're not going to win tonight,'" Trump said in West Allis, Wisconsin. "The polls are coming out — I always used to believe in those things. I don't believe them anymore." Trump made the comments during a victory rally at the Wisconsin State Fair Exposition Center, where he appeared in public with House Speaker Paul Ryan for only the second time this year. ...

The CIA Has Always Been Incompetent
Post Date: 2016-12-14 08:50:40 by Ada
One of the nicer side effects of the 2016 election has been the trashing of the reputations of US intelligence agencies, specifically the FBI and the CIA. During the election, of course, it became apparent that there was some sort of tug-of-war within the FBI which led James Comey to first declare that no “reasonable” prosecutor would ever go after Hillary Clinton. Then, as election day approached, Comey came back and, contrary to the usual protocol, waged a PR war against Clinton, implying that this time, new evidence suggests she is, in fact, a crook. Naturally, the Democratic party has declared the FBI to be corrupt and has even accused FBI direct James Comey of covering up ...

Russian-Origin Cyber Firm Challenges U.S. Universities to Secure E-Voting Systems
Post Date: 2016-12-14 08:03:13 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
BY: Morgan Chalfant Follow @mchalfant16December 14, 2016 4:59 am A Russian-origin cybersecurity firm that helps governments catch hackers recently hosted a contest where American and British students submitted plans to fix vulnerabilities in e-voting systems. Kaspersky Lab, a global cybersecurity software company whose leader was educated at a KGB-backed institution, announced three finalists in a competition to create technology to secure digital voting systems last week. Students from 19 universities in the United States and United Kingdom submitted proposals to use so-called “blockchain” technology to address security challenges in digital voting systems related to ...

Michigan Launches Audit After Massive Voting Irregularities Discovered in Clinton Strongholds
Post Date: 2016-12-14 05:27:25 by Tatarewicz
RI... Karma's a female dog America demands a recount, in order to protect itself from Kremlin subversion! This was the rallying cry of literally hundreds of unemployed Democrats on Facebook. Ask and you shall receive: Voting irregularities in Detroit have spurred plans for an audit by Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson’s office, Elections Director Chris Thomas said Monday. State officials are planning to examine about 20 Detroit precincts where ballot boxes opened during the recount had fewer ballots than poll workers had recorded on Election Day. Finally, our prayers to Moloch have been answered! Michigan will annul Trump's victory, and award its 16 Electoral Votes ...

Attempted Hack of US Voter Database Traced to IP Address Used by US Government
Post Date: 2016-12-13 14:13:55 by Ada
An attempted hack of a voter database in Georgia was traced to an IP address used by the Department of Homeland Security. We blame Russia, of course. Every pompous television pundit and untrustworthy intelligence agency wants you, the vulnerable news consumer, to believe that Putin hacked the DNC from the Kremlin’s basement, directly resulting in Hillary Clinton’s defeat — even though it was clearly “her turn”. And we must admit — although it pains us to do so — that all the unverifiable accusations and rumors point to direct Kremlin meddling in our beloved American democracy. It’s a simple fact: You cannot find an anonymous source from an ...

From Russia, With Karma
Post Date: 2016-12-13 09:14:18 by Ada
Let me begin this article with a parable: Little Billy came crying home one day, went right up to his mother and cried out, “Mommy, mommy! Timmy punched me in the eye in front of the whole class! And now I’ve got a black eye! Do something, mommy! Do something!” But Billy’s mother said unto him, “Billy! What did YOU do to him to cause him to risk suspension from school by punching you in front of everyone like that?!” Now, here we go again with the latest Election Gate scam from the Democrats and Establishment Republicans. Right, Russia must have hacked the election! They broke into the Democrats’ computers and revealed secrets. Because, gosh, that’s ...

WARNING: An Electoral Coup is Underway
Post Date: 2016-12-12 23:32:21 by X-15
On December 19, 2016 the electoral college will vote. Based on the vote, Trump should receive 306 votes and Clinton will have 232. However, it is possible for many electors to change their vote. They aren't bound by it. There's currently a very well funded attempt to influence electors to flip their votes on December 19th to change the outcome of the election. Despite expectations that it is far fetched, it has a high chance of success. As of today, there are enough electoral votes in play to flip the outcome. The three outcomes in discussion right now: 1.Trump falls short of the electoral count (270) to become President and the election is sent to Congress for a decision. ...

Still Playing Strong .. The Biggest Media Meltdowns to Trump's Win
Post Date: 2016-12-12 11:59:37 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Will be watching these liberal socialist progressive meltdowns for years to come .. Published on Nov 18, 2016

Stop the CIA Coup
Post Date: 2016-12-12 08:08:03 by Ada
The Deep State versus Donald Trump The CIA is up to its old tricks: overthrowing a democratically elected government. Only this time it’s our government. As they are now legally allowed to do ever since the law against covert CIA propaganda in the United States was repealed, the Agency has leaked to the Washington Post reports – via anonymous third parties – of its alleged assessment of a Russian campaign to hand Donald Trump the White House: “The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system, according to officials ...

The NYT Keeps Hyping the Russian US Election Big Lie
Post Date: 2016-12-12 07:36:45 by Stephen Lendman
The NYT Keeps Hyping the Russian US Election Hacking Big Lie by Stephen Lendman No respectable publication would permit a fabricated report headlined “CIA Judgment on Russia Built on Swell of Evidence” and the spurious Big Lies that followed, saying: Russia “deployed computer hackers to sow chaos during the campaign. (CIA) officials presented lawmakers with a stunning new judgment that upended the debate: Russia, they said, had intervened with the primary aim of helping make Donald J. Trump president.” The bottom line: No credible evidence proves it. None exists. Just a lot of agency manufactured “circumstantial” rubbish of no validity whatever. On Fox ...

Anonymous Leaks to the WashPost About the CIA’s Russia Beliefs Are No Substitute for Evidence
Post Date: 2016-12-12 07:16:08 by Ada
The Washington Post late Friday night published an explosive story that, in many ways, is classic American journalism of the worst sort: The key claims are based exclusively on the unverified assertions of anonymous officials, who in turn are disseminating their own claims about what the CIA purportedly believes, all based on evidence that remains completely secret. These unnamed sources told the Post that “the CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency, rather than just to undermine confidence in the U.S. electoral system.” The anonymous officials also claim that “intelligence agencies have ...

Did Russia Elect Trump?
Post Date: 2016-12-12 06:59:07 by Ada
Foreign espionage is routine. Careless use of unsecure email shouldn't be. om On Friday, the Washington Post reported that the CIA has concluded that Russia acted to aid Donald Trump in winning the election. The story follows accusations that the Russian government was behind the hack of the private servers used by the Democratic National Committee, as well as the Gmail account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta. The information obtained was provided to WikiLeaks and other sources like the Romanian Guccifer 2.0 in order to be made public and discredit the Clinton campaign—and potentially influence the outcome of the election. The New York Times is reporting ...

Hillary Rides On Trump Plane
Post Date: 2016-12-11 14:03:53 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

James O’Keefe: Main Stream Media Is Now Powerless
Post Date: 2016-12-06 10:01:27 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Rogue electors brief Clinton camp on anti-Trump plan
Post Date: 2016-12-06 07:52:59 by Ada
Kasich emerges as the group's alternative Electoral College pick. Advocates of the long-shot bid to turn the Electoral College against Donald Trump have been in contact with close allies of Hillary Clinton, according to multiple sources familiar with the discussions, but the Clinton camp — and Clinton herself — have declined to weigh in on the merits of the plan. Clinton’s team and the Democratic National Committee have steadfastly refused to endorse the efforts spearheaded by a group of electors in Colorado and Washington state. But, as with the ongoing recounts initiated by Green Party nominee Jill Stein, the Clinton team has not categorically rejected them, ...

Pennsylvania GOP Slams Secretary of State for Releasing Contact Info of Electors
Post Date: 2016-12-05 11:53:20 by Dakmar
Pennsylvania Republicans are livid with the secretary of state's office for releasing not only the names of the state's electors, but also their home addresses and phone numbers. The GOP is calling the move "unprecedented." Going by recent history, it certainly is. Previously, the secretary of state's office would release the names and home counties of electors. Now all of a sudden, Democratic Secretary of State Pedro A. Cortés discovered a way to release the personal contact information of electors, despite the fact the state had never done so previously.Cortés's office claims they were just following the law on public documents. The GOP isn't ...

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