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Flynn, Pompeo, and the Paradox of the New Nationalism
Post Date: 2016-11-21 09:36:44 by Ada
These two appointments underscore the contradictions at the heart of Trumpism Life is full of contradictions: that’s what ideologues of all persuasions don’t get. And politics – with its inevitable vagaries, compromises, and unforeseen events – exemplifies this reality. You can multiply that principle by at least ten when analyzing President-elect Donald J. Trump and his nationalist supporters. Nationalism, particularly the American variety, is not a consistent ideology to begin with: it starts out as an emotional bias, or – more accurately – an historical tradition, and takes on many disparate forms. One cannot extrapolate from its basic premise – that ...

News Analysis: U.S. media missed biggest story of 2016 election
Post Date: 2016-11-21 04:39:17 by Tatarewicz
DENVER, The United States, Nov. 20 (Xinhua) -- They're still not talking about it. Almost two weeks after the presidential election, the U.S. media has yet to discuss or analyze its role in the worst called election since Dewey-Truman in 1948. Almost 70 years ago, The Chicago Tribune printed the famous "Dewey Beats Truman" headline that Republican Thomas E. Dewey had won the presidential election, but the Missouri Democrat Harry Truman actually prevailed. It is cited as an historic example of media incompetence. On the election-eve of 2016, Reuters said Democrat Hillary Clinton had a 90 percent chance of winning and The Huffington Post said she had a 98.2 percent shot. ...

Movie Review: Silence Patton
Post Date: 2016-11-19 16:32:06 by Ada
I drove home after viewing a “sneak peek” of Robert Orlando (writer/director) and Mark Joseph’s (producer) documentary film about General George Patton entitled SILENCE PATTON thinking about something this film never intended when it was first conceived. I drove home thinking we never learn from the past. The current events of the day, namely the election of Donald Trump, forces one to make comparisons with General George Patton. Oh, I’m going to hear it from veterans who will quickly say: “Donald Trump is no George Patton.” Yes, that is true. But I kept thinking of the lessons learned from the SILENCE PATTON film and I couldn’t help but parallel them ...

Trump Names Bellicose Figures to Top National Security Posts
Post Date: 2016-11-19 06:19:26 by Ada
Advocate of Snowden's Execution Picked to Run CIA President-elect Donald Trump has named a handful of picks for top positions in his incoming cabinet, tapping former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn for the position of National Security Adviser, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R – AL) to Attorney General, and perhaps most controversially of all, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R – KS) to director of the CIA. Flynn was a former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), who in 2014 claimed he was forced into retirement for questioning President Obama’s narrative on the war on terror. Flynn has subsequently run a lobbying firm which was believed to be lobbying on behalf of Turkey’s government. ...

Anyone here value Jeff Rense's opinions ?
Post Date: 2016-11-17 22:00:11 by Rotara
youtu.be/K1HpTkr6_JgPoster Comment:Worship God. This world is shot to hell.

Bizarre Conspiracy Theory Says Trump is Pakistani
Post Date: 2016-11-17 06:32:01 by Tatarewicz
C2C...In keeping with an election that was rife with rumor and innuendo, a strange new conspiracy theory claims that Donald Trump was really born in Pakistan! Although the claims may sound like satirically-tinged sour grapes from disappointed Democrats, the weird story was actually reported on Pakistani television. In the news report, it is alleged that the President-elect was born in Pakistan under the name 'Dawood Ibrahim Khan' back in 1946. Following a tragic accident which saw Khan's parents killed, so the story goes, a kindly British couple saved the nine-year-old future leader of the free world and, in turn, handed him over to the Trump family in America for adoption. ...

Trump standing up to the Establishment and ROASTING Hillary has to one of the top Election moments of the year
Post Date: 2016-11-16 12:51:31 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Alternative Media For The First Time In History Has Surpassed MSM During A Presidential Election
Post Date: 2016-11-16 10:36:41 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
by Pamela Williams Alternative online media has made a great step forward in importance and has evolved to a legitimate news source in the eyes of President Donald Trump.  So much so that President Trump has appointed Steve Bannon, who heads BREITBART an online media news source as his Senior Advisor.  Bannon became Trump’s campaign chief in August.On Election Night this was the headline on BREITBART:  “Breitbart Beats CNN, HuffPo for Total Facebook Engagements for Election Content.”  During the Election online alternative media pushed for a Donald Trump win.  Trump was supported and praised by social media.  He never let us down, and ...

TrumpÂ’s Win IsnÂ’t All About White People: Clinton Lost Black and Brown Votes In Key States
Post Date: 2016-11-16 09:10:34 by Ada
Analysis shows higher turnout in two urban minority majority counties could have kept Michigan and Wisconsin blue. In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s surprising win, part of the “why” picture that has emerged is an uncomfortable truth for Democrats: Hillary Clinton lost votes that Barack Obama had won, particularly in the rust belt and upper midwest. But that doesn’t mean the electoral map has been fundamentally reshaped. Clinton lost in rust belt battleground states that they’ve won in recent elections, but these states aren’t gone from the Democratic coalition for good. In Wisconsin and Michigan Trump’s win margins were razor-thin. Clinton could have ...

Rudy Guiliani Trump's Secretary of State Choice?
Post Date: 2016-11-15 08:26:22 by Stephen Lendman
Rudy Guiliani Trump’s Secretary of State Choice? by Stephen Lendman According to AP News, Reuters, CBS News, NBC News, the Wall Street Journal and other media sources, former New York mayor/Trump loyalist Rudy Guiliani is favored to become his secretary of state. A senior transition team member, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the job is his if he wants it. He told a Wall Street Journal CEO Council event in Washington he’ll decline an attorney general offer, if made. In 1981, Ronald Reagan appointed him Associate Attorney General, the Justice Department’s third highest position. In the 1980s, he was US Attorney for the Southern District of New York before ...

Vote Fraud Monitoring Group Says Three Million Noncitizens Voted in Presidential Election
Post Date: 2016-11-15 08:06:03 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
An organization formed back in 1996 to publicize computerized vote fraud, and which continues to monitor election results to detect vote fraud, has issued a statement that it has uncovered evidence of more than three million people who are not U.S. citizens casting votes in this past presidential election. Gregg Phillips, spokesman for the VoteFraud.org organization, recently tweeted that after completing an analysis of a database of 180 million voter registrations, “We have verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens.” Phillips also tweeted that VoteFraud.org (which is affiliated with the Cincinnati-based Citizens for a Fair Vote Count) is joining with a ...

The Future is Trump
Post Date: 2016-11-15 07:52:57 by Ada
Americans have been to the polls. Everything is over but the shouting — by the loser, that is: honest Hil. I predicted that the best Trump could have hoped for was winning the popular vote but losing the Electoral College but I got it wrong: the Donald has triumphed. An underfunded campaign — he spent barely half of what she did — with a skeletal crew and without the party’s full backing won out because not all of America agrees with the values of Jay Z, Beyoncé, Springsteen, Hollywood in general and gay marriage in particular. Trump appealed to those who have been snubbed, the great ignored. They are mainly blue-collar whites who had long been belittled and ...

Trump, Putin Agree to Normalize US-Russia Ties
Post Date: 2016-11-15 07:17:40 by Ada
Both Agree to Need to Improve 'Extremely Unsatisfactory' Relations Officials have confirmed that Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President-elect Donald Trump spoke on the phone on Monday evening. Putin is said to have called Trump to congratulate him on winning last week’s presidential election. The two are said to have agreed on the need to resolve “extremely unsatisfactory” Russo-American relations, planning for a personal meeting and joint work toward the normalization of ties between the two major nations. According to the Kremlin, the agreement was for a dialogue “on the basis of equality, mutual respect, and non-intervention in each other’s ...

Chicagoan Viciously Beaten for Supporting Trump
Post Date: 2016-11-14 13:53:08 by Stephen Lendman
Chicagoan Viciously Beaten for Supporting Trump by Stephen Lendman The Chicago Tribune reported what most other major media sources ignored, the NYT giving the incident short shrift, publishing a short AP News account. David Wilcox, aged 49, was involved in minor traffic accident, his car “scraped” by another. “I stopped and parked. And I asked if they had insurance, and the next thing that I knew they were beating the s..t out of me,” he explained. Nearby phone video showed him being knocked to the ground, then savagely punched and kicked by five individuals. Onlookers shouted “(y)ou voted Trump…Beat his ass…Don’t vote Trump.” The Tribune ...

A Bullet Fired at the Power Elite by the American People
Post Date: 2016-11-14 10:24:18 by Ada
In a column published here on April 25th, I wrote about Donald Trump’s recent speech in Buffalo. At that time, Trump’s polling number against Hillary was 39.5%. In that column, I made my prediction for November: “Leaving aside the minor parties as the system is rigged against them too, Trump 52; Hillary 48. Call it the defeat of the elite.” Last week, Trump pulled off the biggest upset in American political history. The media class, which, based on their coverage of Trump, I began to call “Pravda,” missed it. The political class missed it. I have watched these folks for decades. They are out of touch with reality, shielded from some of the harsher aspects of ...

Stock Gumshoe's Election Assessment
Post Date: 2016-11-14 09:07:10 by Tatarewicz
My strongest sentiment about the election when it comes to financial markets is that interest rates will probably go up faster than I would have otherwise expected. That’s because the easiest path forward for all politicians, even when other things might be difficult or complex, is giving more and spending more, so if Trump wishes to make a big splash — which seems likely to me — probably an infrastructure spending project and a tax cut are the likeliest financial outcomes of the early days, and both of those are likely to be inflationary and to increase interest rates… as, of course, fears of trade wars could impact demand for US dollars (and debt) overseas. But ...

When People Laughed At The Idea Of Trump Actually Being Elected President! Compilation
Post Date: 2016-11-13 20:16:27 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

The Deplorables Have Spoken
Post Date: 2016-11-13 10:20:49 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
By: Dr. Alex McFarland Posted: Thursday, November 10, 2016 Folks, ignore the pontificators who are already at this moment warning about fascism, jingo-ism, a return to the 1950s, et al. They miscalled all of this, even up until 24 hours ago. And I am talking about some supposed “Christian conservative” writers, too. You’ve got to appreciate just how unlikely all of this is! Countless pundits who utterly missed the ascendancy and victory of Mr. Trump are already equally missing the implications of his victory. Already, some social commentators are describing this victory as being about “white angst,” “male recoil at the prospects of a female president,” ...

The Left Loses Its Unremitting Fight for Control
Post Date: 2016-11-13 07:38:58 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
This week the left -- its propagandizing press, pollsters, and university leftist monoculture -- suffered a long deserved and punishing blow, but what it could not win at the ballot box it is attempting to regain in the streets. They seem to want elections to be resolved by the number of people they can turn out to riot and disrupt. A brief recap of the most astonishing electoral turnabout in recent memory. 1.) The Media and the Pollsters lost their clout by incompetence and deceit Pre-election night polls and media coverage reflected that leftist monoculture. The pollsters should now begin shuttering their shops and looking for real work. After months of predicting a certain ...

Voting is the Problem. Here’s the Solution.
Post Date: 2016-11-13 01:38:25 by Tatarewicz
CorbettReport.com In Douglas Adams’ So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, there is a scene where a spaceship lands on earth and a robot emerges from the craft, proclaiming that “I come in peace” and exhorting the earthlings to “take me to your Lizard.” The story’s protagonist, Arthur Dent, has this strange request explained to him by his friend, Ford Prefect, an experienced galactic hitchhiker: “It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see…” “You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?” “No,” said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down ...

Meet the Neocons, 9/11 Criminals and Goldman Bankers On Team Trump
Post Date: 2016-11-12 23:50:47 by Tatarewicz
BlackListedNews... The voting machines have decided who will be the next puppet figurehead of the Pax Americana deep state for the next four years. The circus is over and the peanut shells are being swept out of the stands. So what do we have to show for all of it? Well, I have some good news, some bad news, and some not-so-good news for you. Let's start with the bad news. Apparently some people voted for Trump in the belief that he was some sort of anti-establishment truth-telling hero of the working class. I hate to be the one to disabuse you of this notion, so let's just look at his transition team, his campaign team, the people who have already been tapped to be part of the ...

John Lewis Christmas Advert - Donald Trump and Hillary (JOE.ie Remix)
Post Date: 2016-11-12 22:40:33 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Nov 11, 2016 Donald trump isn't just for Christmas *FULL CREDIT GOES TO JOE.CO.UK* All Hillary wanted for Christmas was the White House

HELL STILL FREEZING OVER - Chris Matthews utterly destroys Rachel Maddow on Hillary Clinton
Post Date: 2016-11-12 15:14:25 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Nov 12, 2016

Landslide Approved! Trump Officially Wins Michigan (306 Electors!)
Post Date: 2016-11-12 11:15:40 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
It’s official: The majority of Michigan voters elected Donald Trump to be the nation’s next president. According to election totals, Trump won Michigan by .28 percent of the vote — roughly 13,000 votes. “The vote was 47.59 to Trump and 47.31 for Hillary Clinton,” WWJ Lansing Bureau Chief said live on WWJ Newsradio. “The 16 electoral votes for Michigan go to Donald Trump and the Republicans, the first time that’s happened since 1988.” http://detroit.cbslocal.com/2016/11/09/donald-trump-officially-wins-michigan-voting-margin-less-than-a-half-percent/ Now that the dust has settled, Trump is projected to win 306 electoral votes against Hillary’s 232 ...

Trump's Revolution Is Over
Post Date: 2016-11-12 09:26:06 by christine
"President Obama is a very good man. I will seek his counsel in the future." -- Donald Trump (November 10, 2016) The honeymoon with his supporters did not last long, did it? I begin with two statements. First, Donald Trump is not part of what is sometimes called "the conspiracy." Second, he will be on January 20, 2017. We are about to see the capture of Donald Trump. It has already begun. The mainstream media are beginning to see this. By January 20, it should be clear to anybody who wants to look at his nominees for the top cabinet positions. CNN's headline has it right: Team Trump is already filled with Washington insiders. We have already learned that the ...

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