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Megyn Kelly Tells ‘Stunned’ Live! Audience That the Trump Presidency Will Turn Out OK
Post Date: 2016-11-12 08:11:19 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Nov 10, 2016 “After all these elections, half the country is severely disappointed and half the country is thrilled,” she pointed out. “This happened four years ago, as well, and it all winds up being okay. For the people that feel upset today: This is the United States of America and it is the most glorious place to live in the world.” Poster Comment:========================================== This is a really pitiful attempt by the liberal MSM to try and cover their sorry asses after trying to rig the national election and put Hillary Clinton into the White House. Prayers? Megyn was on her knees every night praying to her god that Hillary Clinton would ...

Hillary’s Body Language and Voice During Concession Speech Was Her Best- She Takes A Final Swipe at Donald Trump and Ignores Huma Abedin
Post Date: 2016-11-12 00:43:26 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Before Hillary’s concession speech we heard loud  rap and soul music to set the mood. Then Huma Abedin, Hillary’s former aid and who was one of the one’s responsible for this whole email debacle, shows up and turns to the audience to let her presence be known  that “she’s baaack.” Kaine entered the on the stage with his wife Ann at his immediate side  He kissed her on the lips and brought her up to the dias with him as she stood side by side with him. Maybe she was there to help calm his nerves. But the one thing which I found disconcerting was his referring to WE  (he and Ann) instead of to himself.After all he was the VP nominee, not ...

SHOCK VIDEO: Mom Psychologically Abuses Her Brave Son for Voting Trump in Mock Election!
Post Date: 2016-11-12 00:29:42 by Tatarewicz
InformationLiberation/PMF [Libtard psycho kicks Her Sobbing Child Out of the House Because He Voted Trump in School Mock Election Shocking video shows an African-American mother psychologically abusing her son after finding out he voted for Donald Trump in his school's mock election. The mom makes her son pack a suitcase with all his stuff then leaves him on a street corner by himself as punishment, telling him "bye, Donald Trump lover." The poor kid is crying his eyes out the entire time. It's not clear the original source, but a repost of the video shared on Facebook has amassed over 1.1 million views in only 9 hours. "Please somebody call CPS, this is really ...

Over 2 Million Hillary Supporters Sign Petition To Overturn Election Results
Post Date: 2016-11-11 22:36:51 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
During the third presidential debate back on October 19, then GOP candidate Donald Trump refused to say that he would honor the results of the Nov. 8 election if he were to be unsuccessful in gaining 270 electoral votes. “I will look at it at the time…. I’ll keep you in suspense,” Trump told moderator Chris Wallace. His rival at the time, Hillary Clinton, called the now president-elect’s response “horrifying,” and throughout the accusation of “talking down our democracy.” Clinton would run as long as she could with accusing Trump of undermining the democratic process by refusing to accepted the election results, making it a solid part ...

Bulgaria to QUIT EU? Mass unrest ahead of crucial election could see nation shift to PUTIN
Post Date: 2016-11-11 19:45:16 by Ada
BULGARIANS are growing increasingly angry at the EU, with demands growing the nation should quit the crumbling bloc - just 10 years after joining. General Rumen Radev is likely to become leader of Bulgaria on Sunday and prefers Putin to the EU Disappointed Bulgarians are now looking towards Russia to protect their interests as they claim Brussels' bureaucrats fail to act on their concerns. The country will vote on its next president on Sunday with voters expected to choose air force commander General Rumen Radev as their new leader - who is friendly toward the Kremlin. Gen Radev has stated he believes Bulgaria should re-assess its international alliances, including membership of ...

Why Are Clinton and Obama Being SOOOOO Nicey Nice To Trump? (THEY DON'T WANT TO GO TO FEDERAL PRISON)
Post Date: 2016-11-11 15:58:36 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Nov 11, 2016Why Are Clinton and Obama Being so Nicey Nice To Trump?SR 1340 – Why Are Clinton and Obama Being SOOOOO Nicey Nice To Trump?Good morning, I’m still reporting on the utterly hilarious comedy tag team of the Clintons and President what’s his name Obama.Why oh why are the Clintons and President Obama being so polite to Donald Trump?Easy. In the most stunning power reversal in American history, Donald Trump now hold all the Get Out of Jail Cards for these three evil entities.The ever-so-arrogant Clintons, have still sent out their George Soros paid goons into the streets of America to smash windows and beat up people. How long do they think they can get ...

Just kidding: Stars change their minds after vowing to leave country if Donald Trump wins
Post Date: 2016-11-11 13:31:48 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Just kidding: Stars change their minds after vowing to leave country if Donald Trump winsBy Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Thursday, November 10, 2016 Miley Cyrus, Chelsea Handler and Amy Schumer now have a different message after vowing to leave the country if Republican Donald Trump won the presidency: Never mind.The comedian Handler, who said in May that she had bought a house “in another country just in case,” reversed course Thursday, explaining that she plans to stick around for the good of the nation.Meanwhile, the comedian Schumer dismissed Tuesday her pre-election comment on BBC about moving to Europe, saying it was made “in jest,” and blasted those ...

Make it mean something again
Post Date: 2016-11-11 12:11:28 by sonny
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZBTyTWOZCM Happy Veterans Day - Fellow Freedom4u Patriots Trump/Pence 2016 in a landslide LOL told all you fuckers that this would happen

Hillary Wins the Popular Vote -- Not
Post Date: 2016-11-11 11:47:28 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Okay, let’s address this “Hillary might win the popular vote, isn’t that Electoral College situation just awful” thing head on. No, it’s not awful. It’s great, and it protects the importance of your vote. It’s also uniquely American and demonstrates yet again the once-in-creation brilliance of the Founding Fathers. First of all, she’s probably not going to win the actual number of votes cast. She may win the number of votes counted, but not the votes cast. States don’t count their absentee ballots unless the number of outstanding absentee ballots is larger than the state margin of difference. If there is a margin of 1000 votes counted and ...

Trump win prompts ‘come to Jesus’ meeting for John Kasich, source says
Post Date: 2016-11-11 11:15:57 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times - Thursday, November 10, 2016 Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s staff held a “come to Jesus” meeting early Wednesday as reality set in that Donald Trump would be the 45th U.S. commander in chief.The Buckeye State and its critical 18 electoral votes helped Mr. Trump’s Republican campaign thrash rival Hillary Clinton (279 electoral college votes to 228), despite not having Mr. Kasich’s support. An inside source told The Daily Caller that the billionaire’s stunning victory prompted pleas to cancel an upcoming speech laced with anti-Trump rhetoric.“The inner circle sat him down and had a come to Jesus talk and got him to cancel ...

I'm Getting Nervous About All These Calls for Trump to Unify with the Losers
Post Date: 2016-11-11 10:01:12 by Ada
RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm getting nervous. I am already getting nervous. I know it's early. I'm not getting nervous because of anything I've heard President-Elect Trump say. I'm getting nervous because of things I'm hearing other people say, things totally unnecessary. And I want to take some time today to try to explain why I'm nervous and destroy some myths that seem to always pop up after elections about unity and crossing the aisle and working together and almost apologizing for winning. I'm sick of it. I'm fed up with it. I have watched it happen for now 29 years, and I'm not gonna sit here and stand or sit mute while it happens again. We ...

Why do you think Hillary lost the election?
Post Date: 2016-11-11 07:30:46 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik Poll... Voter suppression 6.9% (104) Voters could relate to Trump's message 63.1% (956) WikiLeaks' publications of her emails 20.3% (308) It's all the Russians' fault 9.6% (146) Voted: 1514 Read more: sputniknews.com/Poster Comment:But with half votes cast for the miserable wretch it shows the deplorable level of political education in US, particularly when it relates to allowing a foreign power to control the nation's top level of government.

LOST $6 BILLION IN ONE DAY - Here’s How Much Mexico’s Richest Man Lost on Trump’s Win
Post Date: 2016-11-10 21:47:00 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
But Slim can now blame Trump’s election for shaving $5.8 billion from his net worth on Wednesday based on data from the Bloomberg Billionaire Index—and he may have more to lose if Trump makes good on his campaign promises. After Trump won the electoral votes Tuesday, Slim shed 10.5% of his wealth—more than any other billionaire on the index on Wednesday—as his major stock holdings fell in value and the Mexican peso plunged as much as 13%. One of Slim’s major holdings, Mexico-based telecom company America Movil SAB de CV, shed 9.7% since election day while trading on the Nasdaq, Another of Slim’s major holdings, industrial and telecom company, Grupo Carso, ...

Post Date: 2016-11-10 20:40:00 by randge
RED ALERT: THEY ARE PROBABLY STILL TRYING TO STEAL THE ELECTION This is a LONG SHOT but we had better pay attention: SUMMARY: They may be trying to steal Arizona and Michigan, and then use special powers to flip 9 electoral votes away from Trump. THERE IS A REASON WHY THEY HAVE REFUSED TO MAKE THEIR TOTALS OFFICIAL. THIS IS NOT OVER YET Trump won Arizona. Why has it not been made official? Trump won Michigan. Why has it not been made official? They are calling the counts "unofficial," WHY? This could be the answer: The following was posted to a popular forum: I am writing this not to alarm, but to inform. I believe the Cabal is going to attempt to steal the election, and ...

Death of a dynasty that was rotten to its core: After 40 years of sex, lies and scandals, the Clintons are to leave public life beset by a crushing humiliation
Post Date: 2016-11-10 19:51:45 by Ada
People had simply grown tired of the Clintons, writes Richard Pendlebury They emerged from scandal after scandal with their ambitions intact But then, the Clintons always came with an awful lot of baggage, as this list of controversies proves . . . Almost 40 years after Bill and Hillary Clinton first entered American public life, they are to leave it beset by crushing humiliation. There will be no first female U.S. President — this time. History will not be made by a wife following her two-term husband into the Oval Office. There will be no dynasty, no President Hillary Clinton. Why did they think they deserved otherwise? A zombie marriage killed long ago by Bill’s ...

The True Scandal of 2016 Was the Torture of Chelsea Manning
Post Date: 2016-11-10 19:03:55 by Ada
A few days ago, we learned that Private Chelsea Manning attempted to take her own life last month for the second time since being sentenced to 35 years at the U.S. military prison in Leavenworth, Kansas. The whistleblower, who provided the collateral murder video, the Iraq and Afghan war logs, and the hundreds of thousands of classified U.S. State Department cables to WikiLeaks, was convicted of espionage. As I waited to vote today, I found myself thinking of her languishing in misery in isolation and incarceration. This election — particularly in its closing stages — has been dominated by controversies over emails, classified documents, and WikiLeaks. We’ve heard endlessly ...

Republicans take the Kentucky House after 95 years of Democratic control
Post Date: 2016-11-10 10:18:05 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Republicans achieved the trifecta in Kentucky politics Tuesday, wresting control of the state House from Democrats in a landslide to complement their rule over the governor’s office and state Senate. “The people of Kentucky have been heard and they want a new direction for the commonwealth of Kentucky,” said an ebullient Gov. Matt Bevin, who is expected to benefit mightily with a GOP-led House committed to his conservative agenda. Republicans last led the chamber in 1921. Going into Election Day, the Kentucky House was the only law-making chamber in the South still controlled by Democrats, who held a 53-47 majority. Longtime House Speaker Greg Stumbo, D-Prestonsburg, was ...

REPORT: Hillary Clinton Couldn’t Stop Crying, Blamed Comey and Obama for Her Stunning Loss (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2016-11-09 22:39:21 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
HT to Itistoolate ============== REPORT: Hillary Clinton Couldn’t Stop Crying, Blamed Comey and Obama for Her Stunning Loss (VIDEO) Jim Hoft Nov 9th, 2016 3:47 pm Leave a Comment Author Ed Klein joined Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV on Wednesday after Donald Trump shocked the world by winning the US presidency in his first ever political race. Klein said Hillary Clinton called a friend and couldn’t stop crying. She blamed FBI Director Comey and Obama for the loss. Ed Klein: Here’s what I know, not my opinion. About 6:30 this morning she called an old friend. She was crying inconsolably. She couldn’t stop crying. And her friend, her female friend from way, way back said ...

PHOTOS: L.A. street artist ‘moving sale’ posters for anti-Trump celebrities
Post Date: 2016-11-09 20:58:11 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Los Angeles street artist Sabo didn’t waste any time celebrating Donald Trump’s victory on Tuesday night. He took to the streets to post parody Sotheby’s ads for celebrity “Election Day Sales” overnight. Several leftist entertainers have vowed to move out of the country if Trump won the presidency, and Sabo is doing his part to help them keep their word. “Get the f*ck out,” Sabo wrote.

AMNESTY REBELLION - Ann Coulter: Trump Victory Was The Defeat of Globalism….
Post Date: 2016-11-09 19:08:10 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Raining on Trump's Parade
Post Date: 2016-11-09 13:06:46 by Stephen Lendman
Raining on Trump’s Parade by Stephen Lendman Thankfully humanity is freed from the scourge of a third Hillary and Bill Clinton crime family co- presidency - she in the lead role with her finger on the nuclear trigger as US military commander-in- chief, perhaps eager to squeeze it. Newsweek magazine jumped the gun, printing a special edition, distributing it to outlets before November 8 - Hillary on the cover below the heading “MADAM PRESIDENT.” Shades of November 3, 1948, the Chicago Tribune headlining “DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN.” A beaming President HST held up a copy of the broadsheet, saying: “That ain’t the way I heard it!” Like polls predicted a ...

Russian Report Warns: American Revolution Has Now Begun, May Last Entire Decade
Post Date: 2016-11-09 08:38:10 by Tatarewicz
Sorcha Faal A sobering new Security Council (SC) analytical report on the US presidential election states that a new American Revolution has begun which today’s popular vote is just the beginning of; and that could fully last up to an entire decade, especially if this election is stolen from Donald Trump. According to this report, Federation intelligence analysts in their “deciphering/uncovering” what the current US presidential election is really all about have heavily relied on “outliers” [a thing situated away or detached from the main body or system] such as artificial intelligence (AI) models, social media trends and psychological analysis of the American ...

Will Improved Russia/US Bilateral Relations Follow Trump's Electoral Triumph
Post Date: 2016-11-09 08:24:59 by Stephen Lendman
Will Improved Russia/US Bilateral Relations Follow Trump’s Electoral Triumph? by Stephen Lendman The greatest risk of a Hillary electoral triumph was possible nuclear war on Russia - perhaps China and Iran to follow. Her defeat lets peace activists exhale for the first time in the campaign - but not relax. Trump is no peacenik. He wants increased military spending at a time America’s only enemies are ones it invents. How aggressive he’ll be geopolitically remains to be seen. Hopefully his election means improved Russia/US relations after years of hostility under Obama. Here are some Trump quotes about Vladimir Putin, positive signs: October 2007: “Look at Putin - ...

President-Elect Trump
Post Date: 2016-11-09 08:18:35 by Stephen Lendman
President-Elect Trump by Stephen Lendman A night to remember! Talk about an Alfred Hitchcock ending! A future Hollywood film awaits about this year’s campaign. Other than for Trump diehards, the ending was a real shocker, following months of deplorable one- sided scoundrel media pro-Hillary advocacy - journalism the way it’s supposed to be entirely discarded. My assessment of the outcome is as follows. Hillary, the establishment candidate, was chosen to succeed Obama last year, likely before she announced her candidacy. Trump, an anti-establishment sounding candidate, unexpectedly emerged last man standing in a field of 17 GOP aspirants. Election rigging in America is ...

Whichever candidate wins, US will be corrupt military state: Activist
Post Date: 2016-11-09 08:03:19 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Early results from the US presidential election 2016 are in, and Donald Trump has won more than the required 270 Electoral Votes to become the 45th US president. The campaigning for the race was extremely polarizing and divisive. Press TV has spoken to David Swanson, American activist and author, as well as Lawrence J. Korb, former US assistant secretary of defense, to get their projections on the direction in which the US would be headed after the election. Swanson believes that the United States is going to be "a corporatized, corrupted military state, seeking empire” regardless of whoever wins and becomes president. “I do not actually know whether it is ...

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