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Mark Cuban had one of the best seats at the debate — here's how he saw it all go down
Post Date: 2016-09-28 07:10:36 by BTP Holdings
Mark Cuban had one of the best seats at the debate — here's how he saw it all go down [Business Insider] Allan Smith Sep 27, 2016, 10:15 AM Mark Cuban View photos (Mark Cuban.AP Photo/Matt Rourke) HEMPSTEAD, New York — Billionaire businessman Mark Cuban said having a front-row seat to the titanic presidential debate at Hofstra University on Monday night was like having courtside seats at an NBA Finals game — and he would know. Cuban, the owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks, later used plenty of sports analogies to describe the performances of both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, as judged from a seat the Clinton campaign called the "best" it could ...

Donald Trump Won Last Night's Presidential Debate, According to Unscientific Snap Online Polls
Post Date: 2016-09-27 18:48:17 by BTP Holdings
Donald Trump Won Last Night's Presidential Debate, According to Unscientific Snap Online Polls staff@people.com by Stephanie Petit September 27, 2016 A slew of unscientific online snap polls are painting Donald Trump as the winner of the first presidential debate Monday night. A Time.com poll has the Republican nominee leading Hillary Clinton by four percentage points – 52 percent to 48 percent – after more than 1,300,000 votes were cast. Time cautions that its survey, like other such polls, is “not statistically representative of likely voters, and are not predictive of the debate outcome will effect the election.” Instead, these surveys measure which nominee ...

First presidential debate: Hillary Clinton scripted, robotic but polished... Donald Trump tag-teamed by Lester Holt and Hillary Clinton with barrage of scripted personal smears
Post Date: 2016-09-27 18:26:29 by BTP Holdings
First presidential debate: Hillary Clinton scripted, robotic but polished... Donald Trump tag-teamed by Lester Holt and Hillary Clinton with barrage of scripted personal smears Tuesday, September 27, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) The first Presidential debate of 2016 is over, and America has breathed a sigh of relief that both candidates are still alive and nothing nefarious happened to either one (so far). The upshot of the debate is that Hillary Clinton was clearly very practiced in delivering an endless stream of lies and had rehearsed a multitude of personal attacks against Trump to generate media-friendly sound bites for mass consumption. Donald Trump, on the ...

3rd party candidate Jill Stein responds to Clinton-Trump duel in real time
Post Date: 2016-09-27 01:41:09 by Tatarewicz
RT... Barred from participating in the Clinton-Trump showdown at New York’s Hofstra University, Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein fights back with her own livestream Q&A contribution to the debate on social media. In answer to a debate question how to achieve prosperity, Stein said Clinton approved of NAFTA, which was signed into law by her husband, then president, Bill Clinton. She said everything that Donald Trump markets is an off-shored manufactured item. “So Donald Trump knows all about it. In fact, he advised that people close their factories and move somewhere and then impose low wages on the workers,” Stein told more than 7,000 viewers on her ...

Trump's Campaign Manager Offered Her Most Brilliant Defense Yet of Trump's Lies
Post Date: 2016-09-26 21:25:22 by BTP Holdings
Trump's Campaign Manager Offered Her Most Brilliant Defense Yet of Trump's Lies How can it be a lie if you don't know which facts are true? By Jack Holmes Sep 26, 2016 We have entered post-reality politics. Donald Trump said last week that NBC's Lester Holt, the moderator for tonight's presidential debate, is a Democrat. The implication was that, like the rest of the liberal mainstream media, Holt would be biased against Trump and that's the only reason he could lose. "By the way, Lester is a Democrat," Trump said in an interview with Bill O'Reilly. "It's a phony system. They are all Democrats. It's a very unfair system." Almost ...

Trump to Seat Bill Clinton’s Mistress in Front Row of Debate to Taunt Hillary
Post Date: 2016-09-26 05:25:23 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... Bill Clinton’s former mistress Gennifer Flowers who Hillary demeaned as a "bimbo" during her husband’s presidential election race has accepted a front row seat at Monday’s debate in hopes of distracting the Democratic nominee who she considers her abuser. This week the Clinton campaign has been playing up the fact that Mark Cuban, a loudmouthed anti-Trump billionaire best known for screaming at referees from courtside seats while watching his Dallas Mavericks basketball team, would be placed in the front row of the debate to distract Donald Trump. "Just got a front row seat to watch Hillary Clinton overwhelm Donald Trump at the 'Humbling at ...

The New Cold Warriors Sic the FBI on Donald Trump
Post Date: 2016-09-26 04:42:36 by Ada
Democrats enlist the “intelligence community” in their campaign for the White House While we have gotten used to the neo-McCarthyite tactics employed by the Clinton campaign linking Donald Trump to the Kremlin, the whole disgraceful operation has reached a new low with the introduction of US law enforcement agencies into the mix. According to a report by Michael Isikoff – who has become the Judy Miller of this smear campaign – the feds are moving in on the Trump campaign: “U.S. intelligence officials are seeking to determine whether an American businessman identified by Donald Trump as one of his foreign policy advisers has opened up private communications with ...

Clinton, Trump in Dead Heat Heading into First Debate
Post Date: 2016-09-25 19:31:17 by BTP Holdings
Clinton, Trump in Dead Heat Heading into First Debate Image: Clinton, Trump in Dead Heat Heading into First Debate (Getty Images) By Cathy Burke | Sunday, 25 Sep 2016 08:48 AM Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are in a virtual dead heat in the race for the White House on the eve of the first debate between the nominees, according to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll. The survey among likely voters split this way: Clinton: 46 percent Trump: 44 percent Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson: 5 percent Green Party nominee Jill Stein: 1 percent. Among registered voters, support goes like this: Clinton: 41 percent Trump: 41 percent Johnson: 7 percent Stein: 2 percent. The ...

More Troubling Evidence That Hillary Clinton Will Start WW3 – Part II
Post Date: 2016-09-25 05:00:23 by Tatarewicz
RI... Back in June, I published a piece titled, More Troubling Evidence That Hillary Clinton Will Start WW3. In it, we learned the following: Michele Flournoy, the former Defense Department official whom Defense One calls “the woman expected to run the Pentagon under Hillary Clinton,” this week advocated for “sending more American troops into combat against ISIS and the Assad regime than the Obama administration has been willing to commit.” In an interview with that outlet, Flournoy “said she would direct U.S. troops to push President Bashar al-Assad’s forces out of southern Syria and would send more American boots to fight the Islamic State in the ...

Obama Orders Investigators To Sabotage Trump
Post Date: 2016-09-24 23:54:20 by Tatarewicz
PMF... Although it is illegal for private persons to contact foreign officials regarding foreign policy, everyone does it - at Bilderberg, at G-20, at the UN, by e-mail, etc. Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Kissinger, they all do it even though they are private persons and violate federal law while doing it. Never underestimate the evil Obama is capable of doing. The Russian connection may alarm some US voters, and Obama is making sure it does. Suggestion: Avoid contact with Trump advisors. Talk through the news media, not privately, until Trump wins the election. Otherwise, he may not win. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ U.S. intelligence officials are seeking to ...

Debate Preview: What Both Candidates And The Moderator Have To Do
Post Date: 2016-09-23 20:08:07 by BTP Holdings
Debate Preview: What Both Candidates And The Moderator Have To Do AP Photo/Nati Harnik [AP Photo/Nati Harnik] By: Ben Shapiro September 23, 2016 With the long-awaited debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton slated for Monday night, anticipation grows. Will Trump throw the kitchen sink at her? Will Hillary bodyslam Trump on policy? Will the moderator, Lester Holt, intervene to challenge the candidates in any serious way? Here’s what each candidate has to do on Monday night in order to win – and what Holt has to do to keep things under control. Trump. Hillary has been portraying Trump as an unacceptable alternative. She has to do so, given that her own unfavorable ...

Post Date: 2016-09-23 17:51:05 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
DEBATE RULES: NO COUGHING BREAKS **Exclusive** Fri Sep 23 2016 11:30:40 ET If presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton slips into a coughing fit or any other medical crisis during Monday's high-stakes debate, she will have to power through, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned! "There are no commercial breaks," a commission source explains. "Period." Debate moderator Lester Holt does not have the authority to cut away from the stage during the epic 90-minute showdown. And microphone audio for either of the candidates is not to be manipulated. Clinton has experienced severe coughing episodes throughout the election year. During a Labor Day campaign stop she ...

The Trumpian threat to the global order The liberal rules-based system established after 1945 is under unprecedented strain
Post Date: 2016-09-22 21:19:11 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
September 22, 2016 by: Philip Stephens There is nothing surprising about www.ft.com/topics/people/Donald_Trump" data-trackable="link">Donald Trump’s admiration for Vladimir Putin. The would-be US president and the Russian leader share an authoritarian bent. They disdain multilateral engagement in favour of the raw politics of power. Above all, they are transactional. Deals are to be shaped by narrow definitions of national interest, unconstrained by international rules or shared values. Mr Putin wants to erase the humiliation of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Mr Trump promises to “make America great again”. The reason for the Russian ...

Let's Play A Game
Post Date: 2016-09-22 20:26:29 by X-15
Let's play. Obama urged black voters to support Hillary to defend his legacy as the first (semi) black president. Before the UN he said: "I will consider it a personal insult, an insult to my legacy if this community (the black one, folks) lets down its guard and fails to activate itself in this election. You want to give me a good send-off, go vote." Now, imagine the result had this been the news item: Presidential hopeful Donald Trump said Saturday that he will take it as a “personal insult” if the White American community fails to turn out for the presidential election and encouraged white voters to support him. Game over. The time is all but here, indeed ...

5 Things Trump Must Do in the Debate to Crush Hillary
Post Date: 2016-09-22 19:35:44 by BTP Holdings
5 Things Trump Must Do in the Debate to Crush Hillary Image: 5 Things Trump Must Do in the Debate to Crush Hillary Donald Trump (MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images) By Dick Morris | Thursday, 22 Sep 2016 02:39 PM As we point out in our new bestseller "Armageddon: How Trump Can Beat Hillary," there is a fundamental flaw in Hillary Clinton's campaign approach and the debate coming up on Monday should make it evident. Hillary and the Democrats have based their campaign on demonizing Donald Trump, calling him dangerous, unpredictable, racist, Islamophobic, demagogic, sexist, lacking in temperament and judgement, bombastic, jingoistic and a litany of other names. His supporters ...

CLAIM: Historic event to occur in the next six days that will end the rise of Trump and seize the future of America for totalitarian globalists
Post Date: 2016-09-22 17:23:39 by BTP Holdings
CLAIM: Historic event to occur in the next six days that will end the rise of Trump and seize the future of America for totalitarian globalists Thursday, September 22, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) You didn't really think the criminal cabal of globalists was going to idly stand by and let the voters elect an anti-establishment candidate, did you? According to the latest insider buzz I'm hearing, a staged event of historic magnitude is set to take place in the next six days that will end the populist rise of Donald Trump and allow totalitarian globalists to seize control of America through political means. I post this article in the hopes that perhaps ...

NYT Bashes Real Democracy in Russia, Ignores Its Fantasy Version in America
Post Date: 2016-09-22 08:09:50 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Bashes Real Democracy in Russia, Ignores Its Fantasy Version in America by Stephen Lendman Times editorial policy appears driven to reach new abysmal reporting and opinion lows, a deplorable laughing stock, especially on geopolitical issues, notably when America goes to war. Earlier I called the self-styled newspaper of record a lying machine, again proved in disgracefully bashing Russian parliamentary elections last Sunday - a process scrupulously open, free and fair, independent monitors reporting few irregularities, none affecting final result. Even Times editors admitted voting went smoothly “without many…irregularities.” Instead of praising Russia democratic ...

His Final Battle: The Last Months of Franklin Roosevelt
Post Date: 2016-09-20 17:18:23 by X-15
Keep in mind what we are seeing in Hillary Clinton's obviously FAILING health as you read this. The parallels, including the coverup, are eerily familiar. //////////////////////////////////////////// Roosevelt is entering his sixties when Lelyveld’s story begins, and he is still fighting his own body’s attempts to betray him. Sixty was older then than it is today, and after twelve years in the presidency his appearance sometimes left visitors alarmed. In his memoir of interviewing him that year, Turner Catledge, a respected reporter for The New York Times, recalled that at first glimpse of the president he was so “shocked and horrified” that he had an impulse to ...

Trump predicts ‘more and more’ bombings because U.S. leaders are ‘stupid’
Post Date: 2016-09-20 07:08:47 by Tatarewicz
Yahoo... Donald Trump says there will be “more and more” bombings like those that occurred in New York and New Jersey over the weekend because the country’s “stupid” leaders have been “weak” on immigration. “It’s a mess, and it’s a shame,” the Republican nominee said in an interview with “Fox & Friends” Monday. “I think this is something that maybe we’ll get — will happen perhaps more and more all over the country because we’ve been weak. Our country’s been weak. We’re letting people in by the thousands, the tens of thousands.” Trump pointed to President Obama’s recently announced ...

Clinton is more dangerous than Trump: Green Party nominee
Post Date: 2016-09-20 04:41:45 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... US Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein says Republican nominee Donald Trump is a moron who would be neutralized by his own party if elected, but Democratic ticket Hillary Clinton poses a greater threat to America and the world. “Donald Trump, I think, will have a lot of trouble moving things through Congress,” Stein said in a Politico podcast interview on Monday. “Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, won’t … Hillary has the potential to do a whole lot more damage, get us into more wars, faster to pass her fracking disastrous climate program, much more easily than Donald Trump could do his,” she explained. The Green Party has ...

Putin-Led United Russia Party Scores Overwhelming State Duma Election Triumph
Post Date: 2016-09-19 07:34:48 by Stephen Lendman
Putin-Led United Russia Party Scores Overwhelming State Duma Election Triumph by Stephen Lendman Recent polls showed United Russia with around 50% support. In December 2011 elections, it won 49.67% of the votes, two-and-a-half times more than its nearest rival. With over 95% of lower house State Duma votes counted, United Russia scored an impressive 54.2% triumph. Only four of the competing 14 parties achieved the minimum 5% threshold to qualify for any parliamentary seats. The Communist Party came in second with 13.5% electorate support - followed by the Liberal Democratic Party at 13.3% and Fair Russia at 6.1%. Putin commented on Sunday’s vote, saying “(t)he situation is ...

Very Funny Amazon Reviews of Hillary's New Book (83% Give it 1 Star!)
Post Date: 2016-09-19 03:17:15 by Tatarewicz
RI... With health concerns mounting, email leaks hurting, and poll numbers tumbling, Hillary Clinton has had a tough couple weeks (poor thing)... but the news just got a little worse as Hillary’s newest book, “Stronger Together,” which provides a policy blueprint for where she hopes to take the country if she is elected president, sold just 2,912 copies in its first week on sale, according to Nielsen BookScan. As The New York Times reports, both Mrs. Clinton and her running mate, Senator Tim Kaine, have promoted the book on the campaign trail, but the sales figure, which tallies about 80 percent of booksellers nationwide and does not include e-books, firmly makes the book ...

Ex-US Diplomat Warns Hillary Will Start Nuclear War With Russia & China
Post Date: 2016-09-19 00:25:56 by Tatarewicz
EU Times Former U.S. diplomat James Jatras warns that Hillary Clinton will start numerous “regional wars” if she is elected, including a potential nuclear confrontation with Russia, China or both. “Hillary has never met a war she does not like. She is a true believer in the idea that the US can, as this vanguard of all progressive humanity, use military force to transform the world. We are looking at numerous regional wars and very possible at nuclear war with Russia or China, or both,” Jatras told Sputnik Radio. Jatras, who worked for 18 years as a foreign policy advisor to Senate lawmakers, said that Hillary is the candidate of “endless war” and has ...

Poll: Trump catching Clinton in critical Electoral College vote
Post Date: 2016-09-18 14:18:07 by BTP Holdings
Poll: Trump catching Clinton in critical Electoral College vote Published September 17, 2016 FoxNews.com A Reuters poll released Saturday shows Hillary Clinton’s once-significant Electoral College lead dropping sharply in recent week -- with much tighter races in Florida, Ohio and other key states that will decide the national contest. The wire service’s weekly tracking poll of more than 15,000 Americans projects that Clinton -- “if the race was held today” -- has a 60 percent chance of winning by 18 electoral votes, compared to having an 83 percent chance last week. Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, or her Republican rival, Donald Trump, will need 270 ...

Ferguson Activist Victorious in Court-Ordered Do-Over Primary
Post Date: 2016-09-18 13:54:33 by Dakmar
A political newcomer scored a landslide victory Friday in a court-ordered special election to decide the Missouri 78th State House District Democratic primary election.Bruce Franks Jr., a black business owner and activist, will be the Democratic Party’s candidate on the November ballot.Franks is favored to beat Republican Erik Shelquist in a district which the Democratic Party dominates."We stood against the machine," St. Louis Public Radio reported Franks told an exuberant crowd of more than 100 supporters. "We didn’t have the money. We didn’t have the relationships. But none of that matters when you have the people."Franks, who was on the front lines of ...

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