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What if the Fix Was In? (Clinton)
Post Date: 2016-07-21 23:46:30 by Tatarewicz
LewRockwell.com What if the folks who run the Department of Political Justice recently were told that the republic would suffer if Hillary Clinton were indicted for espionage because Donald Trump might succeed Barack Obama in the presidency? What if espionage is the failure to safeguard state secrets and the evidence that Clinton failed to safeguard them is unambiguous and overwhelming? What if President Obama never really liked his former rival whom he appointed as his secretary of state? What if he had no real interest in seeing her succeed him because he and his wife simply could never trust her? What if, when Clinton suggested to the president that the U.S. wage a secret undeclared ...

Trump's convention pledge to nation: Safety will be restored
Post Date: 2016-07-21 19:39:41 by BTP Holdings
Trump's convention pledge to nation: Safety will be restored By JULIE PACE and ROBERT FURLOW Jul. 21, 2016 6:57 PM EDT Autoplay: On | Off 6 photos Donald Trump Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, center, gives a thumbs up as he talks with... Read more CLEVELAND (AP) — Donald Trump will pledge to Americans Thursday night that "safety will be restored" and the middle class will experience "profound relief" if he becomes president, using his acceptance speech at the Republican convention to paint an optimistic vision of the nation's future. "I have a message for all of you: The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon ...

Post Date: 2016-07-21 02:19:15 by Tatarewicz
SGT... IN ANY RACE THAT HAS ONLY TWO CANDIDATES, REFUSING TO SUPPORT ONE OF THEM IS A DEFACTO ENDORSEMENT FOR THE OTHER, AND THIS IS EXACTLY HOW THE BUSH FAMILY IS PLANNING ON WORKING TO ELECT HILLARY CLINTON AS PRESIDENT. Jeb Bush, when he ran against Donald Trump for the nomination, took a pledge that he would support whoever it would be of the 17 people running who finally became the nominee. When the dust settled, Donald Trump emerged victorious. Jeb Bush has now decided to break his promise to support the nominee. His brother and father have also decided, for the first time in their political lives, to withhold their votes and support of the Republican nominee. FOR THE FIRST TIME ...

Op-Ed If Trump wins, a coup isn't impossible here in the U.S.
Post Date: 2016-07-20 04:34:26 by Tatarewicz
Yahoo... Americans viewing the recent failed coup attempt in Turkey as some exotic foreign news story -- the latest, violent yet hardly unusual political development to occur in a region constantly beset by turmoil -- should pause to consider that the prospect of similar instability would not be unfathomable in this country if Donald Trump were to win the presidency. Trump is the most brazenly authoritarian figure to secure the nomination of a major American political party. He expresses his support for all manner of strongmen, and his campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has actually worked for one: former Ukrainian president and Vladimir Putin ally Viktor Yanukovich. At the Republican ...

How Donald Trump Will Follow the Money
Post Date: 2016-07-20 03:25:39 by Tatarewicz
RI... Imagine hordes of American theocrats, white supremacists, nativists, NRA worshippers, all in an 'open carry' orgy, descending on the Republican convention in Cleveland in the wake of Orlando, Dallas, Nice and Baton Rouge. What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to a fully armed and dangerous spectacular featuring, for instance, the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) – allied with the Golden State Skinheads (GSS) - sending a posse to the GOP show to“make sure that the Donald Trump supporters are defended from the leftist thugs.” Cleveland’s courts are ready to process up to 1,000 arrestees daily, and stay open 20 hours a day. Strip clubs are “pumped for ...

‘Lock her Up’: Christie raises hell at Republican convention over Clinton
Post Date: 2016-07-20 02:24:22 by Tatarewicz
RT... Chris Christie’s “Guilty!” speech squarely directed at Hillary Clinton has swiftly started a ruckus on Twitter with people both poking fun at and scolding him for bringing a medieval witch-hunt to the Republican convention. All through his anti-Hillary speech, Christie has been encouraging the crowds to chant “Guilty” and “Lock her up”. #ChrisChristie asks the crowd at #RNCinCLE if Hillary Clinton is guilty or not guilty t.co/itc5iBzb2Rpic.twitter.com/mnuc20lipj — RT America (@RT_America) July 20, 2016 Despite losing a battle for Trump’s love and the next vice-president spot, Christie took to the stage with a lengthy speech to smear ...

HILLARY CLINTON is losing her mind and the ELECTION...(THANK GOD)...2016
Post Date: 2016-07-20 01:50:17 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Trump Foreign Policy Advisor: 'Americans Are Fed up With the BS'
Post Date: 2016-07-19 06:28:10 by Tatarewicz
RI... "You look at Libya, and you go, 'Jesus, why the hell did we do that?' That's beyond stupid." (Spiegel Online International) Subscribe to Spiegel Online International 50 minutes ago | 195 2 Donate! Gen. Michael T. Flynn Originally appeared at Spiegel Online International Mike Flynn, 57, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), has served as a foreign policy advisor to Donald Trump since the autumn of 2015. For a time, Flynn had been considered as a possible vice presidential candidate for Trump before the announcement Friday that Indiana Governor Mike Pence would be made his Republican Party running mate. SPIEGEL: General, we are here to ...

Anti-Trump Factions Disrupt Vote at Republican Convention Republican Party fissures put on display at first day of convention
Post Date: 2016-07-18 17:00:41 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
"The chair has found insufficient support for the request for a record vote," Womack said, ruling out the possibility of a roll call. Republican factions trying to stop Donald Trump's presidential nomination noisily disrupted a vote on convention rules, putting on full display the the fissures in the party on the first day of its national gathering. Delegates from Colorado were seen walking out of the convention hall, and former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli was spotted angrily throwing his convention credentials to the floor after an effort to seek a roll-call vote on convention rules was cut short. The disruption came as Trump and party officials were opening ...

2016 US Presidential Race Fast Facts
Post Date: 2016-07-17 07:03:20 by Tatarewicz
US Election Stats compiled by Sorcha Faal: Republican Party Nominee: Donald Trump: Money Raised: $66 million Money Spent: $64 million Total Spent Against Trump: $120.9 million Democratic Party Nominee: Hillary Clinton: Money Raised: $314 million Money Spent: $225 million Total Spent Against Clinton: $25.7 million Poll numbers verified as of 14 July 2016: Hillary Clinton: 43.1% vs. Donald Trump 40.4% States Won: Donald Trump: 40 Hillary Clinton: 33 Delegates Won: Donald Trump 1542 of 1,237 needed. Hillary Clinton 2800 of 2,382 needed. Spin Cycle: Lying Crooked Hillary Donald Trump's File Total number of Americans eligible to vote: 219 million Total number of Americans registered ...

Trump: The Right Kind of Enemies; the Wrong Kind of Friends
Post Date: 2016-07-15 21:06:53 by BTP Holdings
Trump: The Right Kind of Enemies; the Wrong Kind of Friends July 01, 2016 AFP 25_26_Trump_Friends • Neocon Bill Kristol, others foaming at the mouth for fear their influence will be minimized by Donald Trump. By John Friend — Regardless of one’s views of Donald J. Trump, who officially secured the GOP presidential nomination on May 26 by obtaining the 1,237 minimum delegates prior to the Republican convention later this summer, one thing is certain: He has shaken the political establishment to its very core. Since the populist businessman announced his presidential bid last June, he has been hysterically attacked and denounced by almost every sector of the mainstream ...

Trump’s Campaign and Elite-Financed Hate: What Does the Law Say?
Post Date: 2016-07-15 20:39:30 by BTP Holdings
Trump’s Campaign and Elite-Financed Hate: What Does the Law Say? July 12, 2016 AFP 27_28_Trump_Protests By Dr. Matthew Johnson — Imagine a third world country where, during an election cycle, a large corporation with ties to the ruling party hires thugs to destroy opposition candidates. They threaten the lives of its leaders, shut down rallies and assault hundreds of opposition supporters. There are several assassination attempts against the opposition leader during the presidential race. The state media refuses to report on the subject except to blame the opposition for its “provocation.” It invents stories about “opposition violence” without evidence so ...

Charles Koch Compares Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to Cancer and a Heart Attack
Post Date: 2016-07-15 05:15:15 by Tatarewicz
Yahoo... Conservative billionaire Charles Koch on Monday likened the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to a choice between cancer and a heart attack. The CEO of Koch Industries made the comments in an interview at the Fortune Brainstorm TECH 2016 conference in Aspen, Colo. “I see two people that, as of this point, we’re not supporting,” he said, when asked what he thought of the presidential race, adding that he had no intention of choosing between the two. “If I had to vote for cancer or a heart attack, why would I vote for either?” In an interview earlier this year, Koch said “it’s possible” that Clinton could be a better president ...

What Trump’s Advisor May Have Been Discussing in Moscow
Post Date: 2016-07-13 03:02:50 by Tatarewicz
RI... A possible Donald Trump Foreign Policy Advisor, Carter Page spent a few days in Moscow, officially to participate in the graduation ceremony of the Russian School of Economics on July 7. The honored overseas guest gave a lecture to a hundred newly qualified masters and bachelors graduates: “How to increase potential in unstable times”. He underlined that he was in Russia as a private person, which was why he wouldn’t talk politics or answer questions about which Russian officials he met during his visit. “At the height of a presidential election campaign,these visits are not accidental,” - Director of the Institute for Globalization Problems Mikhail Delyagin ...

Indiana Gov. Pence tries out for Trump vice president as speculation swirls
Post Date: 2016-07-13 02:00:23 by Tatarewicz
Yahoo... WESTFIELD, Ind. — Donald Trump held the latest audition in his quest to find a vice presidential running mate, appearing at a campaign rally here Tuesday night with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who is said to be on the presumptive Republican nominee’s shortlist for the job. Pence, a former Republican congressman who has a reputation for being a mild-mannered but staunch conservative, introduced Trump with a fiery speech, praising him as a “fighter, a builder and a patriot” who will bring “no-nonsense” leadership to the White House. “Donald Trump understands the frustrations and the hopes of the American people, like no other American leader in my ...

Mike Lee, tea party senator, may help decide Trump’s fate at convention
Post Date: 2016-07-13 01:40:27 by Tatarewicz
Yahoo... CLEVELAND — This week, watch Mike Lee. The mild-mannered first-term U.S. senator from Utah will arrive here Wednesday night or Thursday morning to cast a significant vote in the long-odds battle being waged by some Republican delegates to snatch the party’s presidential nomination from Donald Trump. Lee, 45, is one of Utah’s two members on the convention Rules Committee, which will vote at the end of the week on a motion to unbind the 2,472 convention delegates next week. If the committee sends the resolution to the convention floor, the whole convention would vote up or down on the measure. The obstacles facing the Dump Trump effort are high. Multiple Trump ...

Nomi Prins: Trump Wins (Even If He Loses)
Post Date: 2016-07-11 22:27:05 by Horse
“Establishment: A group in a society exercising power and influence over matters of policy, opinion, or taste, and seen as resisting change.” -- Oxford Dictionary Early on in his presidential bid, Donald Trump began touting his anti-establishment credentials. When it worked, he ran with it. It was a posture that proved pure gold in the Republican primaries, and was even, in one sense, true. After all, he’d never been part of the political establishment nor held public office, nor had any of his family members or wives. His actual relationship to the establishment is, however, complex in an opportunistic way. He’s regularly tweeted his disdain for it. (“I wish good ...

Kristol: Romney or Kasich Should Oppose Trump at Convention
Post Date: 2016-07-11 08:28:01 by BTP Holdings
Kristol: Romney or Kasich Should Oppose Trump at Convention Image: Kristol: Romney or Kasich Should Oppose Trump at Convention Bill Kristol (AP) By Brian Freeman | Sunday, 10 Jul 2016 07:21 PM With the Republican National Convention just a week away, Bill Kristol, editor of the respected Weekly Standard has appealed to either Mitt Romney or John Kasich to announce their willingness to serve as the GOP presidential nominee so that delegates know they have a real choice other than Donald Trump. Kristol argues that the main problem with the movement to reject Trump at the convention is that no other candidate has presented himself as a possible nominee, and, thus, delegates fear that the ...

Is Hillary Morally Unfit to Be President
Post Date: 2016-07-11 04:09:53 by Tatarewicz
Russia Insider Does Hillary Clinton possess the integrity and honesty to be president of the United States? Or are those quaint and irrelevant considerations in electing a head of state in 21st-century America? These are the questions put on the table by the report from FBI Director James Comey on what his agents unearthed in their criminal investigation of the Clinton email scandal. Clinton dodged an FBI recommendation that she be indicted for gross negligence in handling U.S. security secrets, a recommendation that would have aborted her campaign. But Director Comey dynamited the defense she has been offering the country. Comey all but declared that Clinton lied when she said she ...

Analyst Warns Election Will Trigger an Entitlement Epidemic
Post Date: 2016-07-09 21:26:37 by BTP Holdings
In a matter of weeks, an army of dangerous citizens from around our country will walk into their local polling place. They’ll sign in. And just like you, they’ll wait their turn to vote. At first glance, nothing about any of these voters will seem out of place. Because they’ll look just like every other person who shows up to exercise their right to vote. But nothing could be further from the truth. Because each of them has an ulterior motive. And when they pull the curtain behind them, a majority will do the unthinkable . . . They’ll elect the politician who has promised them the most benefits. And it will destroy our country. In an exclusive presentation, Andrew ...

Unconventional #33: How Paul Ryan could decide whether Trump is dumped in Cleveland
Post Date: 2016-07-09 06:52:53 by Tatarewicz
Unconventional is Yahoo News’ complete guide to what could be the craziest presidential conventions in decades. Here’s what you need to know today. 1. Inside the plot to ‘save’ the GOP from Trump — with Paul Ryan’s help A few months ago, conservatives desperate for a white knight to ride into the Republican National Convention in Cleveland and rescue the party from presumptive nominee Donald Trump turned to House Speaker Paul Ryan. Help us, Paul, they cried. You’re our only hope. Ryan turned them down flat. But a scenario is shaping up that may force Ryan to play the white knight after all. As chairman of the convention, Ryan will command the podium in ...

Gen. Michael Flynn Is a Possible Trump Vice President Pick. And He's a Good Guy
Post Date: 2016-07-09 04:30:28 by Tatarewicz
RI... As the military's top spy, Michael Flynn repeatedly butted heads with the Obama administration during a rocky tenure in which he was ultimately forced out. He then broke ranks with most national security leaders in Washington when he became one of the earliest backers of Donald Trump. Now Flynn, 57, who has both briefed Trump in person and penned memos for him, has emerged as more than a valued informal adviser — he’s a potential running-mate. Trump associates say that Flynn has been the subject of growing discussions inside the campaign, as Trump himself has signaled publicly that he is exploring a running mate beyond the ranks of politicians, including from the ...

Rep. Ratcliffe: FBI’s investigation confirms Hillary Clinton is unfit to hold higher office or handle sensitive security information ever again
Post Date: 2016-07-08 13:40:53 by X-15
WASHINGTON – Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) issued the following statement in response to FBI Director James Comey’s testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Thursday regarding the FBI investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of an unsecured personal email system: “After listening to more than four hours of testimony from Director Comey, I am left with zero doubt that Hillary Clinton is disqualified from holding higher office and from handling sensitive national security information ever again. The facts provided by Comey clearly confirm that Clinton was grossly negligent in the handling of our nation’s most sensitive intelligence, ...

Is Trump like Hitler? Media Propaganda Exposed
Post Date: 2016-07-07 19:36:16 by BTP Holdings
Is Trump like Hitler? Media Propaganda Exposed Contrarian Dude 566 views Published on Jul 6, 2016 Is Trump like Hitler? Media Propaganda Exposed Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:The media lies!

Newt Gingrich Speaks at Donald Trump Rally in Cincinnati, OH (7-6-16)
Post Date: 2016-07-07 09:03:31 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Jul 6, 2016 Wednesday, July 7, 2016: Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich Speaks at a Donald Trump Rally in Cincinnati, OH (7-6-16)

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