Title: Wanda Sykes at WH Correspondent Dinner - I think Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker, but he was so strung out on Oxycontin he missed his flight. Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:May 10, 2009 Author:. Post Date:2009-05-10 11:54:53 by christine Keywords:None Views:160 Comments:12
I personally think it's best just to let GOP National Chairman Limbaugh slay himself day after day, but it would take a long time for comedians to dish out as many insults about him as he has about all the "lib'ruls" over the years.
He benefits from a double standard, also, being a right-wing "shock jock." Don Imus was fired a few years ago for "racist" comments that were arguably no worse than what "Half-Brain" says on a regular basis without repercussions.
Heard a rebroadcast of one of his shows yesterday explaining the recent Republican re-branding and what it means to be a conservative.....I must agree with Wanda ... he is strung out on Oxycontin
I can't think of anyone who has been more destructive to America than the NeoCon/globalist/Zionist group that has exerted control over the conservative movement. None. Wanda and Obama are pikers compared to Rush Limbaugh.
In the run up to the Republican convention during every Republican debate Ron Paul told all who would listen that the party had lost its way...only to be told by the likes of Rush and Hannity that he was being anti-American....why any body still listens to these morons leaves me to conclude the Republican party might as well fold up its "big tent"
The DEMS should thank the right wing pundits for their unswerving support for lil Bush while he committed numerous (treasonous) criminal acts, destroyed any notion that the Bill of Rights applies to anyone in the U.S., waterboarded, renditioned, pre-emptively attacked and generally shit all over the conservative members of his party ... to such a degree that many voted for the new tyrant in charge.
Anyone that holds out hope for the current system to correct itself is brain dead.