This country is nothing but a bunch of bitchy children running around with dangerious toys killing people all over the planet.
I think/feel that there are really no real men left in this country, and I will tell you why...
10) Charlton Heston is dead. He was a man, even if he was an actor.
9) Most men today seem to think that he with the most toys win. They are big muscle bound selfindulgent, loud, and stupid. Being macho and thinking you are an alpha male too busy with yourself just shows me what you really are.
A big monkey. Hey alpha males with your toys and free time! Your country is almost totally destroyed and the owners are doing black magic rituals with children. Get a clue.
8) What is with men who cannot raise children properly, especially their daughters? Why are you drunks and idiots who buy expensive toys when your kids and grandkids are in debt and struggling just to put food on the table?
This just pisses me off to no ends. It makes me want to kill your ass, but hey, I don't have a million bullets...
7) Men having kids/marry women just so they can be around them forever. This is a joke, right? Are you so insecure that you have to do this to them? I know they want children, that is what women do, but how hard is it to be a real man, marry a women and love her, and take care of her?
Is that too much to ask for? Duh, obviously it is.
6)Why do men in this country kill women and children in other countries? Does it give them raging hard ons?
Another reason why an alpha male is just an idiot who pisses all over everyone.
The sad part is that women are raised to think that men with confidence are actually sexy. But most men today are confident for all the wrong reasons.
They have money, a nice car blah blah blah. But they only care about themselves and it shows.
5) Short Men. Hey, I hate to break it to you, but you guys overcompensate waaaaaaay too much. Honest. I know, you are short and you have an ego. But what is left of us real men just kind of look at you and shake our heads. Cockyness shows you are not a real man. Sorry.
4) Men don't really seem to have feelings anymore. You know, concern for others welfare?
Opening doors for women, treating women with some respect, buying them presents on their birthday, giving them kisses and hugs....
Wow, manly men don't do this. They go and get a gun and shoot at the range. Or go fishing. Or work. Or drive around in their overpriced piles of shit american sports cars, or just hang out at their mcmansions... Whew, That is real tough[/not].
3) Sports. What the fuck is it with men and sports? It is kinda gay. When and why did sports on tv take the place of gladiator contests? Oh, wait...All sports are is mis idenification with testosterone. And beer ads with fake tits.
2) Neokhans. What? You know your country is fucked when you have a cock sucking homo for a president, only whimpy assed jews in his cabinet, and the only reason we go to war is for a pussy assed country that could not stand on it's own two feet without sucking our lifeblood from us?
1) And the number one reason why I think there are no real men left in this country?
They let government tell them what to do. They go to war, pay their taxes, vote, let their women down, drink alcohol to show they really aren't as manly as they want you to think, and pretty much only give a fuck about themselves.
What a joke this country is. I would leave, really, and I should, I have enough money to.
But, I think I owe it to the women here I know and love to stay and at least be present when the shit hits the fan, the money is all looted, and the blacks/minorities are attacking the people who still have some food in their refridgerator. Fuck off manly men. You are nothing but 73 cents of house hold chemicals I can buy at walmart...You know, walmart? The place women go to get substandard food since you sick fucks don't grow anything anymore? Or you don't support them enough after destroying their self esteem. This rant is for all the men in this country who don't give a damn about the future, the enviornment (your mother), or anything for that matter except feeding your own insecurities as a way of not growing up.