Title: Best Town Hall meeting... so far. Source:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rRE5UK6NQU&feature=player_em URL Source:[None] Published:Aug 23, 2009 Author:An Oath Keeping Marine Post Date:2009-08-23 16:32:13 by wakeup Keywords:None Views:13638 Comments:20
The Constitution has done nothing to prevent all of this and was never meant to. In fact it supposedly gives the authority to do these sorts of things and very likely may be the cause.
This has become quite a surreal comedy.
We have Medicare recipients in a completely socialized medical system saying they don't want socialized medicine, lmao.
And Marines on disability getting a check and likely medical fully immersed in the socialized military industrial warfare welfare complex saying it is his decision where he gets medical insurance, lmao.