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Title: Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins
Source: [None]
URL Source: http://www.666blacksun.com/Xianity_communism.html
Published: Sep 11, 2009
Author: Ben Klassen
Post Date: 2009-09-11 09:46:10 by Itistoolate
Keywords: None
Views: 125
Comments: 9

Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins

The following excerpt was taken from "Nature's Eternal Religion" by Ben Klassen

Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins

To hear the Kosher Konservatives tell it, a fierce, intensive battle is raging today between the evil forces of communism and the sacred forces of Christianity. We are led to believe that it is an all out battle between good and evil. We are told that these two forces are the very essence of two poles of opposition — in complete and diametrical conflict. It is a sham battle. The fact is they are both degenerate products of the collective Jewish mind, designed to do one and the same thing — to destroy the White Race. If we take a closer look at these two evil forces that have bedeviled and tormented the minds of the White Race for all these years, we find that they are not on opposite sides at all. We find that they are both on the side of international Jewry, doing the job they were designed to do, namely: confuse and confound the White Man's intelligence so that he himself will help the Jew in destroying the White Race.

In comparing the two we find that they are strikingly similar, and not opposites. In fact, there are so many similarities in the two programs and in the philosophy of these two creeds that the hand of the same author can easily be detected. That author is the International Jewish network. They and they alone wrote both the creed of Christianity and the creed of communism. Both communism and Christianity preach against materialism. Communism designates those productive and creative forces of our society to which we owe in such large part the benefits of a productive White civilization, as "bourgeois." It then lashes out with unparalleled fury at the bourgeois and tells us over and over again that they must be destroyed. Instead of giving credit where credit is due, it slanders and vilifies these constructive and productive elements, namely the bourgeois or the capitalists, as the ultimate in evil. Christianity tells us basically the same thing. It tells us that it will be more difficult for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to heaven. It tells us that we should "sell all thou hast and give it to the poor," an insidious piece of advice that, if followed, would make us all a pack of roving bums and beggars. It would most surely cause the breakdown of our society. Christianity further tells us "lay not up treasures on earth, but lay up treasures in heaven." Throughout, the implication is clear. Don't accumulate unto yourself any of the good things in life. If, through hard work, you've already managed to accumulate some wealth, get rid of it, give it away, give it to the poor, above all, give it to the Church, they'll take it, with relish. The net result of this fantastically bad advice, of course, is that it will more easily pass into the hands of the Jews, who do not subscribe to such foolishness. They hope to make fools of us, knowing very well the old saying "A fool and his money are soon parted," is only too true.

The other side of the coin is that the leaders of both Christianity and communism themselves are fantastically materialistic. When we look at the Catholic Church on down through the ages, we find that whereas they were extracting the last mite from the poor widow, the church itself was gathering up and hoarding gold, silver and precious gems in unbelievable quantities. Not only was it taking in and gathering all the gold, silver and precious stones that it could, but it acquired huge amounts of real estate, and the Catholic Church today is undoubtedly the most fantastically wealthy institution on the face of the earth. Even through the Dark Ages when poverty was widespread, mostly because of Christianity itself, we find these huge and fabulously rich cathedrals, built in the midst of poverty, with gold encrusted altars and apses and vaults and columns and walls. The leadership of the Church caused to be built huge and great Basilicas, Cathedrals, Abbeys, Baptisteries, Mausoleums, Convents, and Churches. Practically all of these were so lavish and so huge in comparison with the meager surroundings of the times, that they flamboyantly stood out as the main repository of all the material wealth — gold, silver and architectural lavishness — of both their era and their geographical location. The church never has bothered to explain why it was so necessary to have such lavish wealth on display to the worshipping faithful, who were told time and again that it was evil to "lay up treasures." Unto this day, churches are built to be flamboyant, garish and bizarre. Money seems to be no object.

The Vatican, that citadel of "spiritual" leadership, which also preaches, "lay not up treasures on earth," does not practice what it preaches. On the contrary, what it practices is indeed the height of hypocrisy, and the antithesis of spirituality. It goes all out for laying up treasures on earth. It has amassed unto itself a portfolio of 5.6 billion dollars in stocks alone, not to mention all of its real estate, art treasures and other valuables. It enjoys an annual income of 1.5 billion dollars, much of it undoubtedly collected from the "widow's last mite," as well as its vast holdings. Next Back Home The United States religious establishment as a whole is valued at 102 billion dollars. In 1969, of the 17.6 billion dollars United States individuals contributed to charity, 45 percent, or 7.9 billion dollars was earmarked for religious purposes. Pretty materialistic for a religion that "shuns" earthly treasures and preaches "my kingdom is not of this world." Likewise, the communist bosses in Russia, practically all of which are Jews, have accumulated unto themselves all the riches of the countryside. While the communist slave laborer is toiling away twelve hours a day and then comes home to a dingy, dirty, filthy, crowded little apartment shared with other families, his Jewish bosses have opulent palaces spread all over the countryside. They drive the best of cars, chauffeur driven, of course, and eat the best of foods. Not only that, but they have the best of planes at their disposal to fly wherever they see fit to govern their slave laborers. These Jewish communist bosses usually also have at their disposal imported clothes and tailors and a galaxy of servants. When they need a rest from running their slave empire, they have private villas on the Black Sea or other choice vacation spots at their beck and call. And so it goes in the Proletarian Worker's Paradise.

Let us pass on to the next similarity. Both communism and Christianity make extensive use of the weapons of terror, both psychological and real. Undoubtedly the most ghoulish and vicious concept ever contrived by the depraved and collective mind of Jewry is the concept of hell. Can you think of anything more horrible than placing millions of people in confinement in a superheated torture chamber and then burning them forever and ever without even the mitigating mercy of allowing them to die? With this piece of "Good News," and "Joyful Tidings," Christianity set out to conquer the minds of its superstitious and unreasoning victims. The fact that such a torture chamber was non-existent did not at all detract from the fact that it was a real threat to those who were made to believe that it was real. To a child, for instance, if you tell him that the Boogieman is going to get him, and he innocently believes you, then the threat is just as real as if a Boogieman actually existed. And so it is with hell. To those that have become convinced that it exists, this horrible threat is just as real as if it did exist. However, Christianity did not stop with using psychological terror alone. Those who deviated from the official church line were declared as heretics and forthwith burned at the stake. The idea of using fire in one form or another as a means of torturing their opponents seems to have obsessed these "loving" Christians' minds. According to van Braght's famous Martyr's Mirror, some 33,000 Christians were put to death by other so-called Christians by means of burning at the stake, a grizzly type of revenge. Among my ancestors alone (who were of the Mennonite faith) some 2,000 martyrs were burned at the stake by these ever-loving Christians. One outstanding feature about this burning at the stake business was that they were always White people who were being burned. Never have I ever heard of a Jew being burned at the stake for not believing precisely along specified lines of Judaism, even though they did not believe in Christ at all. Burning at the stake wasn't the only means of torture and death used by these love-dispensing Christians who were so eager lo spread their message of love.

During the Inquisition, and other times, all the beastly refinements of torture that the depraved human mind could devise were used to extort confessions and whip the unbelievers or heretics into line. The thumb-screw, water-dip, the iron corset, drawn and quartered, gouging out one's eyes with hot irons, and the rack (slowly tearing limb from body by means of stretching) were but some of the devices used by these ever-loving Christians to spread their gospel of Love. When the communists came along and used physical torture as one of their instruments of conquest, they had very little left to invent but what the Christians had already utilized before them. And this is as can be expected, since it was Jewish fiendishness that designed the means of torture for both. Nor did the Church hesitate to use wholesale warfare to batter down whole nations that did not submit to their religious dictation. In fact during the 16th, 17th and 18th century the main causes of war were religious dissentions in which one religious group sought to force their beliefs on their opposites by wholesale warfare and slaughter. The communist record of using wholesale terror, both psychological and physical, is so recent, so widespread and so well known that we need hardly review it here.

In Russia alone the Jewish communist regime used terror on a scale unknown before in the annals of history. In order to exterminate the best of the White Race in Russia, namely the White Russians, the Jews slaughtered some 20,000,000. The terror, the killings, the murders that are going on in Russia today defy the imagination of the average White Man's mind. In any case, both communism and Christianity are using, and have used, terror extensively, both psychological and physical, to subjugate their victims. Whereas the Christians excelled in psychological terror, the communists excel in physical terror. But in both cases the Jews were experts in using whatever type of terror best accomplished their ends. Both communism and Christianity have a book that presumably lays down the creed of their movement. Christianity has the Jewish bible which was written by Jews, mostly about Jews, for the purpose of uniting the Jewish race and for destroying the White Race.

The communist bible is Karl Marx's Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx in conjunction with Friedrich Engels, both of whom were Jews. Both of these Jewish creeds, communism and Christianity, are highly destructive, and when followed, tear down the fabric of the society that has fallen victim to them. Christianity teaches the evilness of man, that he is a no-good, unworthy sinner, that he is born in sin and that his every instinct is evil. Communism preaches that the productive, creative element of our society, namely the "bourgeois" as they call them, is rotten and evil, and must be destroyed. It can be safely said that any sound, healthy society that turned either to complete Christianity and practiced all of its principles, or any society that practiced pure communism, would soon destroy itself. Again we want to vigorously point out that contrary to what these Kosher Konservatives are always telling us, communism is by no means the same as socialism or collectivism. The latter are basic constructive elements of any healthy society, but communism is an undisguised Jewish slave-labor camp. Since I have gone into this matter in considerable detail in another chapter, we will not take further space to review this idea here. Both communism and Christianity preach the equality of man. Christianity preaches that we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord, whereas the communists preach that we all must become equal in the communist society. The latter argue that the only reason we are not equal is entirely due to environment, and this little quirk of Nature they are going to correct. By the time they get through processing us all in an equal environment, they assure us they will have leveled us all down to where we are all equal.

This will only be too true, for the White Race will be leveled down to where they are all equal to a horde of miserable slaves, whereas every Jew, on the other hand, will be a king. Not only do both communism and Christianity preach the equality of the individual, but they also preach the equality of races, another vicious lie thrown in the face of Nature. Both creeds have a very tricky dogma that is rather nebulous and confusing, not to say contradictory, in itself. They both, therefore, have set up a hierarchy that interprets what the correct dogma of the day is and everyone is to toe the line or suffer the consequences of an entrenched power structure. Christianity and communism both have had their schisms. In the case of Christianity, the followers that differed were called heretics and in the case of communism, those that stray from the official line are called deviationists. In the case of Christianity, the Great Schism, of course, was during the Reformation when the Protestant segment developed and broke away from the Catholic Church. It then proceeded to split and splinter in a thousand different directions from there on out, all to the detriment and destruction of the White Race. The first great split, of course, was when the Byzantine Empire split from the Roman or Western half.

Among the communists there were a number of schisms such as the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks, and a number of other schisms, before the communists ever came to power. After they did come to power, there were the Stalinist communists and the Trotskyite communists, the latter being vigorously pursued and purged from the ranks. Now we presumably have the Mao wing of the communist party and for a while we had the Tito deviationists, and so on. In any case, the main idea in Christianity and communism is the same: On top of a confusing and impossible dogma sits a tight powerful hierarchy which dictates and interprets what the line of its followers must be, and terror, death and reprisal are the consequences to those who dare to think for themselves. It is not at all surprising that the archenemy of both these Jewish creeds is Adolph Hitler, because he dared to come out with a healthy, natural social structure that embodied those principles that were in harmony with the natural laws, and with the healthy instincts for the preservation of the White Race. We, therefore, find the Jewish press, the communist press, and Christianity, all in chorus, denouncing Adolph Hitler, and telling us what a terrible, terrible man he was. All perpetrate and repeat over and over again the same Jewish lies about Hitler that the Jews themselves have dreamed up and supplied to their toadying stooges. The similarities between these creeds go on and on. Both preach the destruction of the present society. They especially zero in on the destruction and downgrading of the more creative and productive elements of society as a whole. Both denounce and vilify the better elements of established society and rejoice at human failures and weaknesses, thereby claiming to prove the correctness of their communist-Christian theory.

The Jews, who are the perpetrators of communism, envision the United Nations headquarters to finally rest in Israel and in particular, in Jerusalem. Christianity too, continuously keeps talking about Zion, the New Jerusalem, and looks to Jerusalem as the Holy Land, its origin and spiritual headquarters. Both of these Jewish creeds consistently follow policies which are disastrous to the welfare of the White Race. I have already gone into considerably detail about the catastrophic effects of Christianity on the great White Roman civilization. I have also pointed out previously that the Jews in communist Russia killed off 20,000,000 of the best White Russians. However, the programs and policies of both these creeds extend much further than these two major catastrophes of history and to point out how disastrous the effects of both Christianity and communism have been upon the fortunes of the White Race would require a whole volume in itself. I believe we have scattered throughout this book a mass of such examples that it is hardly necessary to again repeat them here. Another similarity that manifests itself in both of these Jewish creeds is that both have an incurable ability to put forth a profuseness of verbiage that is extremely vague and beclouded with confusion. Not only is the verbiage profuse, but incredibly lacking in substance. This is an old Jewish trick to confuse and confound the minds of their opposition, the latter being deceived into thinking that all this vast collection of words must have some higher meaning beyond their comprehension.

To further destroy and beat back the opposition, both creeds have developed to a high state the art of hurling vicious trigger words and hate words at their opponents. The Christians developed such hate-trigger words as atheist, heathen, heretic, apostate, blasphemy, pagan, sinner and anti-Christ. The communists have developed a whole stable of similar trigger words, and some of these are Fascist, Nazi, racist, bigot, prejudice, and anti-Semitic. Without anyone really stopping to analyze what each of these words mean and why they should be considered as bad, these words have been developed to a high state of implied evil so that by just merely calling these names, you need not really debate the issues, but mercilessly strike down your opponents without resorting to any debate or reasoning whatsoever. If the similarities between Christianity and communism seem rather striking, there is a very good reason for their parallel ideology. That reason is, of course, they were both concocted by the Jewish power structure for the common objective of destroying the White Race. Unfortunately, up to this point, both their ideologies have been devastatingly effective. It is partially the purpose of this book and the Creativity Movement to confront this devastating attack on the mind of the White Race and expose these twin Jewish ideologies for what they are. Furthermore, I am firmly convinced, and it is my measured conclusion, that the Jews could never have foisted modern communism on a long suffering humanity, had they not First softened up, unhinged and confused the intellect of the White Race with the fallacious snares of Christianity. It is therefore the further objective of Creativity to help straighten out the befuddled thinking of the White Race to where they then can, and will, expunge both of these twin Jewish scourges from the face of this planet.

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#1. To: Itistoolate (#0)

The church never has bothered to explain why it was so necessary to have such lavish wealth on display to the worshipping faithful

It's like the machines in the Top 500 list of supercomputers.

Anti-racism is code for white genocide.

The call of "equality," is a siren song that can only mean the destruction of all that we cherish as being human. -- Murray Rothbard

It is perfectly legitimate to assume that the races are different in their cognitive abilities and in their willpower and accordingly are unequally suited for the task of setting up societies, and that the better races are characterized in particular by their special ability to strengthen social bonds. -- Ludwig von Mises

Prefrontal Vortex  posted on  2009-09-11   12:28:31 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#2. To: Itistoolate (#0)

Furthermore, I am firmly convinced, and it is my measured conclusion, that the Jews could never have foisted modern communism on a long suffering humanity, had they not First softened up, unhinged and confused the intellect of the White Race with the fallacious snares of Christianity. It is therefore the further objective of Creativity to help straighten out the befuddled thinking of the White Race to where they then can, and will, expunge both of these twin Jewish scourges from the face of this planet.


http://kaygriggs.blogspot.com/ On freedom4um.com, Alex Jones is more dangerous than Henry Kissinger. May you live in interesting times.

Clitora  posted on  2009-09-11   12:33:35 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#3. To: Itistoolate (#0)

Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins

This guy doesn't have a clue what Christianity is, or he does and is just another tool sent to destroy it.

Catholicism and Communism: Jewish Twins [fixed]


MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT. CATHOLIC OR JEWISH? PART III. THE ILLUMINATI .... It seems that the Jews regarded America as the New Jerusalem: “. ... watch.pair.com/mystery-babylon-3.html

"...as long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speech http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/luther.htm / http://bible.cc/psalms/83-4.htm

AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt  posted on  2009-09-12   9:01:15 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#4. To: AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt (#3)

The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO Christianity & The NWO Part I EXCLUSIVE TO RENSE.COM By Eric Jewell sum14hizwrd@tcworks.net 2-25-2. Part II Eric Jewell will be Jeff's Guest, Thursday, ...


Itistoolate  posted on  2009-09-12   9:04:55 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#5. To: Itistoolate (#0)

Christianity is not Communistic; Judaism is. That's why Communism was originally called "Jewish Bolshevism" and all the top communists were (and still are) Jewish.

There's no place better thanTurtle Island.

Turtle  posted on  2009-09-12   9:05:31 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#6. To: Turtle (#5)

then why do Christians support Israel/Jews?

Itistoolate  posted on  2009-09-12   9:08:13 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#7. To: Itistoolate (#6)

then why do Christians support Israel/Jews?

That's a non sequitur. Judaism being Communistic has nothing to do with deluded Christian Zionists supporting Israel because they think doing so will bring Jesus back.

There's no place better thanTurtle Island.

Turtle  posted on  2009-09-12   9:11:04 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#8. To: Itistoolate (#4) (Edited)

The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO

Good article and good point, thanks. However THAT is not Christianity, either:

"....It is certain that Senator Joseph McCarthy did much research on the Communist conspiracy. He came too close when he discovered British Israel and its Kingdom Message propaganda. The following quotes are from an article with the title: GEORGE WASHINGTON'S SURRENDER: "And many of the people of the land became Jews." Esther 9:17. "The confession of General Cornwallis to General Washington at Yorktown has been well hidden by historians. History books and text books have taught for years that when Cornwallis surrendered his army to General Washington that American independence came, and we lived happily ever after until the tribulations of the twentieth century."

"Jonathan Williams recorded in his LEGIONS OF SATAN, 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that "a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown." Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem to be a self contradiction: "Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry." And indeed George Washington himself was a Mason, and he gave back through a false religion what he had won with his army.

"Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion. What he predicted has come to pass. A brief sketch of American religious history and we have seen Masonry infused into every church in America With their veiled Phallic religion.

"Darby and the Plymouth Brethren brought a Jewish Christianity to America. Masons Rutherford and Russell started Jehovah Witnesses' Judaism which is now worldwide with their message of the divine kingdom. Mason Joseph Smith started Mormon Judaism with its Jewish teaching of millennialism.

"At the turn of the twentieth century there appeared the Scofield Bible with a Jewish interpretation of the prophecies. With wide use of this "helpful" aid all the American churches have silently become synagogues. We now have Baptist Jews, Methodist Jews, Church of God Jews, apostate Catholic Jews, and many Protestant Jews throughout America. We are aliens in our own country because of false religion. All are praying for divine deliverance into that "Divine Government" which Cornwallis knew to be the British Empire.

"A false religion has been used to deceive us into allegiance to our enemies of Yorktown and Bunker Hill. No! Not a gun has been fired but the invisible and malignant process of conquering America with the Jew's religion has gone on unabated. The Union Jack has been planted in our hearts with religious deception. All has happened "legally," "constitutionally," "freely" and completely within our most sacred trust -- our churches. Religious deception is painless innoculation against truth. It cannot be removed from the conscience with surgery, yet it is the motivator of our actions and directly controls our lives. Once man gives over to false religion, he is no longer rational because he originates no thought. His life is controlled by whomever controls his religion. ......

The Union Jack

by Helen Peters






"In the late 1930s, the British Israel World Federation Movement's Destiny Magazine published articles identifying September 2001 as the target date for beginning their planned global theocratic state -- a "Kingdom of Heaven on Earth." ****The date is only less than 6 days off, but what else happened on Sept 2001 or 2001 in general besides the attack on the WTC.

Here is the article from the British Israel World Federation written in the late 1930's reffering to Sept 2001...." http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=78816

You'll note the date is September 17, 2001

O-M-G....I just looked at page 3..... http://www.jordanmaxwell.com/art...rael/british-israel-3.htm

THEY KNEW back in the '30's that Jesus was born on September 11, 3BC! The Jews call him YESHU, which means "may His name be blotted out/forgotten".


Rosh Hashanah 5762 - September 17, 2001 - Magazine It was the morning of Rosh Hashanah, and Rabbi Ze'ev stood on the reading platform in the center of the Baal Shem Tov's synagogue amidst the Torah scrolls, ... http://www.chabad.org/magazine/default.../Rosh-Hashanah.htm

Presidential Message for Rosh Hashanah September 17, 2001. Presidential Message for Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah, 5762.

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
September 17, 2001

Presidential Message for Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah, 5762

I am pleased to send warm greetings to Jews in the United States, Israel, and other nations around the world as you observe Rosh Hashanah. This year's observance comes in the wake of great tragedy and at a time of national mourning and recovery.

Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of a New Year within the Jewish community, and it is a time for personal reflection. As you prepare for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, may this solemn period bring forth a deeper devotion to your faith's noble ideals. During this time of renewal and recovery, may countless others join in praying for peace and for the growth of religious tolerance around the world.

Rosh Hashanah celebrates Judaism's remarkable heritage, and it is a reaffirmation of God’s mercy, glory, and love. As you look ahead to the coming year, I join with other Americans of diverse backgrounds and beliefs in receiving inspiration from your faith, your holy acts of repentance, and your loving kindness. May this year's celebration bless all who participate as we heal from the wounds inflicted by the recent terrorist attacks.

Laura joins me in sending best wishes for a blessed Rosh Hashanah.



September 17--Constitution of the United States signed, 1787. .... http://www.annieshomepage.com/september2.html

September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack Timeline - The History Beat Sep 21, 2001 ... .... Thursday, September 13, 2001 On the orders of Elizabeth II, the 'Star-Bangled Banner' is played during the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. This was witnessed by a huge crowd, many singing along.

Friday, September 14, 2001

Church and memorial services held throughout the world. These include a special service held in London, which was attended by a black-clad Queen and 15000 mourners. A three minute silence at 11 o'clock was oberved throughout Europe. The 'Star-Bangled Banner' is performed in front of the Brandenburg Gate and at mass gatherings in Paris and Ottowa. National days of mourning are observed in Ireland and South Korea. Ireland was reportedly bought to a standstill on the day. ... http://history.searchbeat.com/911.htm


Spirit of Antichrist Prince Charles raps US over bad image of Islam

Prince Charles has criticized America over its poor portrayal of Islam ahead of his upcoming visit to the States. The Supreme Governor of the Church of England stated that he finds Americans need to gain a better understanding of Islamic culture and beliefs.

Quote: "The Prince raised his concerns when he met senior Muslims in London in November 2001. The gathering took place just two months after the attacks on New York and Washington. "I find the language and rhetoric coming from America too confrontational," the Prince said, according to one leader at the meeting.

Prince Charles, head an ears in the New Age movement, defied English law when he stated he preferred to be known as the "Defender of Faiths", rather than the "Defender of THE Faith", his official title as head of the Church of England. Some Christians believe Prince Charles may also be a prime candidate for the role of Antichrist, due to the fact that he claims to have inherited an unbroken bloodline from Jesus Christ (which according to Scripture is blasphemy), and is head of the Merovingian Order, one of the highest Masonic orders in the world. Prince Charles, it is claimed, can also trace his lineage from practically all of the most powerful leaders in world. I personally don't think he is "the Antichrist", but nevertheless his power stretches well beyond the borders of the United Kingdom. He even recently requested to inherit the title as King of Europe, but was refused by the European Parliament....."


I was at Judicial Inc. last night and the Jews made me mad all over again....the beastial way they treat the Palestinians, but I kept reminding myself that THE ILLUMINATI/CITY OF LONDON ET AL CREATED "ISRAEL".

British Freemasonry Covets Israel
Without British Freemasonry there would be no modern state of Israel. In the 1860s, the British-Israelite movement was initiated from within Freemasonry. ...

I have to run, and there is so much more I want to say about this. Your author may be part of the Illuminati/CIA/British-Israel "Earl of Dysert" "Christian Identity" movement to get Christianity to destroy itself. See:

Roots of Racism and Anti-Semitism - Freedom Domain Political ... Dec 20, 2001 ... To further this goal all Earl of Dysart fronts including all identity movements ... And here is the Page for the British Israel "Charity" ... http://www.freedomdomain.com/Racism/racism.html

"...as long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speech http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/luther.htm / http://bible.cc/psalms/83-4.htm

AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt  posted on  2009-09-12   9:56:25 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

#9. To: Itistoolate (#8) (Edited)

"In the late 1930s, the British Israel World Federation Movement's Destiny Magazine published articles identifying September 2001 as the target date for beginning their planned global theocratic state -- a "Kingdom of Heaven on Earth." ****The date is only less than 6 days off, but what else happened on Sept 2001 or 2001 in general besides the attack on the WTC.

Here is the article from the British Israel World Federation written in the late 1930's reffering to Sept 2001...." http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=78816

You'll note the date is September 17, 2001

-M-G....I just looked at page 3..... http://www.jordanmaxwell.com/art...rael/british-israel-3.htm

THEY KNEW back in the '30's that Jesus was born on September 11, 3BC! The Jews call him YESHU, which means "may His name be blotted out/forgotten".


Rosh Hashanah 5762 - September 17, 2001 - Magazine It was the morning of Rosh Hashanah, and Rabbi Ze'ev stood on the reading platform in the center of the Baal Shem Tov's synagogue amidst the Torah scrolls, ... http://www.chabad.org/magazine/default.../Rosh-Hashanah.htm

"....As part of an effort to read Biblical and historical significance into the events of the last two weeks, some people turned to Nostradamus and came up with a prediction that was never written by him. Some people even felt poetic license to alter an already false quote to make it "fit" the events a little tighter.

What a waste of time. All they had to do was open a Tanach [Hebrew Bible/Old Testament] and read, among other prophets, Yeshayahu [Isaiah] and Daniel (Chapter 8). Yeshayahu wrote:

The prophecy that Yeshayahu son of Amotz saw, concerning Judah and Jerusalem: It will happen in the end of days . . . Its land became full of silver and gold with no end to its treasuries; its land became full of horses with no end to its chariots. Then its land became full of false gods; each one of them bows to his own handiwork, to what his fingers have made. Humankind will have bowed and man will have humbled himself; yet, You will not forgive them. Humankind's haughty eyes will be brought low and men's arrogance will be humbled; and G-d alone will be exalted on that day. For G-d, Master of Legions, has a day against every proud and arrogant person and against every exalted person -- and he will be brought low; and against all the lofty mountains, and against all the exalted hills; and against every TALL TOWER and against every FORTIFIED WALL . . . (Yeshayahu 2:1, 7-15)

The Zohar* is also laced with passages, many quite obscure but clearly about the "End-of-Days" and Yemos HaMoshiach [the Messiah]. After the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, this section of Zohar immediately began making the rounds. I wonder who remembers or finds these things?....

Far fetched as it may seem at first, what happened in New York and Washington was a function of the original null and void of primordial creation, in a major way. All chaos anywhere in creation is a function of the original "tohu" that the Five Books of Moshe are meant to vanquish. In light of this, can we call it purely coincidental and incidental that the Pentagon has five sides, or that the Twin Towers looked like two big Hebrew "vavs," the letter which represents the number SIX?

And by the way, the Vilna Gaon's* version of the Zohar says that the twenty-fifth day should read, "twenty-third day," which, this year was the Tuesday of infamy [Elul 23 5761, September 11, 2001].

[* Elijah Ben Solomon Zalman (the 33;33;Vilna Gaon33;33; or 33;33;Elijah Gaon33;33;; acronym Ha-GRA = Ha-Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu; 172033;33;1797), one of the greatest spiritual and intellectual leaders of Jewry in modern times.--Encyclopaedia Judaica]

The Vilna Gaon also wrote:

The time for this revelation is not known, though, it is known that it cannot be in the fifth millennium . . . It can only be in the SIXTH millennium . . . What this means is that there is one year during which redemption can come, and that is the year after the Sh'mittah* year, for that is when the Chesed is revealed in the "mouth" of Yesod, and that is when Moshiach comes . . . (Safra d'Tzniusa, Chapter 1)

[*Sh'mittah year 5761 = October, 2000 through September 17, 2001. Year after the Sh'mittah year = 5762 (which started September 17, 2001), Jubilee year? Please see Jubilee for more info.]

Forget the Kabbalistic jargon for the moment. The point is that finding Biblical significance for the events of history, especially when they shake the very foundations upon which we have built our lives is not only possible, but necessary. For, what we are finding out and will continue to find out is the opposite of what we have come to believe, and that is, not only is the past not only the past, it is the present as well.

For, you can change your clothes and even become more advanced. But G-d will always be G-d, man will always be man, and the purpose of creation will never change, ignore it as we might.

Rabbi Pinchas Winston
Perceptions - Parashas HaAzinu: Developing Our SIXTH Sense
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 "


"....In the Kabbala it states:

"240 years before the seventh millennium (i.e., the year 6000 from creation), the lower waters will rise and cover the entire world, and only Eretz Yisroel [the Land of Israel] will remain, which will float on the surface of the water like Noach's Ark; they will approach Gan Aiden [Garden of Eden], the place from which the four rivers leave. The people who survive will be completely righteous, and there they will be whitened, purified, and made spiritual." (Yalkut Reuveini, Shichechus Leket, "Eretz Yisroel v'Chutz L'Aretz," 6; in the name of the Rokeach--Gali Razyah) [Quoted by Rabbi Pinchas Winston in his "Perceptions" email list, http://www.torah.org]

6,000 - 240 = 5760 which begins on September 11, 1999. ...."

"...a woman clothed with the sun..."


I have to run, but....

September 11, 1999 - September 11, 2009.... 10 'days' of [shock] and awe??

Aren't years sometimes referred to as "days" in the Bible??

Misc Study: Number Patterns in Scripture
URL: http://philologos.org/bpr/files/Misc_Studies/ms028.htm ..... We are called to 10 days of awe and repentance before the Feast of the Tabernacles to ... http://philologos.org/bpr/files/Misc_studies/ms028.htm

Rosh HaShanah
URL: http://philologos.org/bpr/files/Jewish_Feasts/js002.htm ... On this day you are to bow, bend the knee and prostrate yourselves in awe and thanksgiving. ... The Ten Days of Penitence (Rosh HaShanah through Yom Kippur) are thought of ... http://philologos.org/bpr/files/Jewish_Feasts/js002.htm

Judaism 101: Days of Awe
The ten days starting with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippur are commonly known as the Days of Awe (Yamim Noraim) or the Days of Repentance. ... http://www.jewfaq.org/holiday3.htm

Joseph's Birthright and the Identity of Israel Today





-Cui Bono?-

THE HOUR OF THE TIME Tape No. 459: "End Scarlet Begin Beast" Wednesday, October 12, 1994

Ancient Mystery Babylon "sat on", or controlled, six historic world powers. Modern Mystery Babylon--English Freemasonry--"sat on", that is, funded and controlled, the seventh: Nazi Germany.

Likewise, English Freemasonry is today in control of the contemporary seven-nation Trilateral Commission. And there is a great propaganda campaign being waged across this country to make you believe that you are part of the promise of British Israel, so that you will help destroy freedom.

The Trilateral Commission is a third-generation offspring of English Freemasonry:

The first-generation offspring is the Round Table, created by Cecil Rhodes;

The second generation consists of the three Round Table Groups: the Council on Foreign Relations (or known as the CFR); the Royal Institute of International Affairs (or the RIIA), located in Chatham House, which is, ladies and gentlemen, the headquarters of British Intelligence, their private club, so to speak; and

The Institute of Pacific Relations, (or IPR).

From the Round Table Groups sprang the third generation in 1973 known as the Trilateral Commission, which was then given the task of implementing English Freemasonry's concept of one-world, idealism.

The "Tri" of Trilateral, of course, refers to three regions of the world: North America, Western Europe, and Japan. This division may also correlate with the three-part body of the Beast.

"Commission" bespeaks the function given the Trilateral Commission by English Freemasonry. Quote:

"...to foster closer cooperation among these three regions."

End quote. The nation members of the Trilateral Commission are the seven most potent industrial powers of the world: the United States of America, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Membership also includes the heads of major oil companies, multi- national corporations, and international banks. Aristocrats and politicians are members as well, including our past President, George Bush.

Our current President, Bill Clinton, is a member of the Bilderbergers, which we know is a cover for English Freemasonry's Round Table. And as a Rhodes Scholar, Clinton is an Anglophile.

Since its founding, the Trilateral Commission has met annually to discuss solutions to common problems that hinder English Freemasonry's control and goal of controlling world government.

A few months following each annual meeting, the heads of state of the seven industrial powers hold a summit to work out a strategy for implementing these solutions, a strategy that often involves each nation's legislature.

Of course, the subversive lawmakers are Anglophile politicians, groomed by the Round Table Groups, to assure passage of any bill that would serve the special one-world interest of English Freemasonry. Indeed, John's "seven mountains" on which the "woman sitteth" appear to be the seven nation Trilateral Commission on which English Freemasonry "sitteth".

Lt. Col. James Bo Gritz is a 32nd Degree Freemason of the Scottish Rite.

Babylon was the dominant world power when Jeremiah prophesied. Some of his prophecies were pronounced and carried out upon the Babylon of his day. Others were directed at a future Babylon, which name describes an entity, not a literal city of Babylon. We should not, for instance, be looking for the literal city of Babylon in modern Iraq to be rebuilt to fulfill Jeremiah's end-time prophecy.

And remember, wherever you here "end-time" it translates "end of the age"; for the real word that is translated is "aeon" which means "age".

Jeremiah, Chapter 51, Verse 13 describes the location of the end-of- the- age, spiritual Babylon. Quote:

[Jeremiah 51:13:]

"O you who dwell by many waters, abundant in treasures, your end is come, the measure of your end." [not KJV]

End quote. Taken literally, this cannot mean modern Iraq since Iraq is not surrounded by many waters, nor abundant in treasures.

Great Britain, however, is abundant in treasures. She is also completely surrounded by many waters: the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the North Sea to the north and east, and the English Channel to the south.

In Verse 42, Jeremiah says, quote:

[Jeremiah 51:42:]

"The sea has come up over Babylon: she has been engulfed with its tumultuous waves." [not KJV]

End quote. Now, taken figuratively, "sea" means "peoples", as in Revelation, Chapter 17, Verse 15, quote:

[Revelation 17:15:]

"...The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues." [not KJV]

End quote. London boasts of having every nationality within its city limits. It is not really an English city, but an international city.

An interesting scripture concerning the Mother of Harlots is found in Revelation, Chapter 18, Verse 7. And it reads, quote:

[Revelation 18:7:]

"How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow."

End quote. Could this scripture signify the seat of Mystery Babylon as well as allude to an actual queen sitting on the modern Babylonian throne?

Consider, dear listeners, Queen Elizabeth II of England. As Head of State, she is Patroness of English Freemasonry and Head of the Church of England.

Her Consort, Prince Phillip, third Duke of Edinburgh, is a Freemason.

The Grand Master of the British Brotherhood is the Duke of Kent, the Queen's cousin.

In January 1983, the Queen and her Consort toured the United States. There seemed to be no apparent reason for her visit other than the honor bestowed on her by the Bohemian Club of California during the last evening of her stay. And it was quite an extravaganza.

The Bohemian Club is a west coast center for the inner elite of Templar Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the United States. Some of its members are Senator Allen Cranston; former FBI and CIA Director William Webster; former Secretaries of State George Schultz and Henry Kissinger; George Bush; and many, many others.

On February the 3rd, 1983, a five-minute segment of the Bohemian Club's extravaganza in honor of Queen Elizabeth was aired on all three television networks.

The event began with a view of the Queen sitting slightly high in the middle of the auditorium, as if on top a pyramid.

Two dancers entered the stage, wearing huge hats hanging from cable.

The cone of the first hat was representative of a walled city with a pyramid, or ziggurat, towering in the middle, reminding one of descriptions of ancient Babylon. Obviously, it portrayed ancient Babylon, as you will soon see.

At the base of the pyramid, two doors continuously flapped open and shut, displaying inside a large picture of Prince Charles--successor to the British throne--and his wife, Princess Diana.

As the dancer and hat moved stage right, the second dancer entered from stage left.

The cone on the second hat portrayed the city of London with Big Ben towering in the center.

When both dancers centered themselves with the brims of the huge hats reaching from one end of the stage to the other, a voice, as if out of the very air, bellowed, quote:

"Oh, Queen, you have traversed the ages from Babylon to London."

End quote. Ever so slightly, and without a smile, Queen Elizabeth nodded as if in agreement to the statement.

That night, the Bohemian Club, an arm of Templar Scottish Rite Freemasonry, acknowledged London as the seat of Mystery Babylon.

Queen Elizabeth accepted that acknowledgement.

If London is the city that the Apostle John saw in his vision, Queen Elizabeth's life and nation will be short-lived. For who knows better the headquarters of its rival than the ruthless French Knights Templar Scottish Rite of Freemasonry?

There will come a time--there WILL come a time--when God will no longer tolerate the sins of Mystery Babylon and will destroy her. Before that happens, however, God in His mercy, warns his people to sever their relationship with the Whore of Babylon.

In Revelation, Chapter 18, Verses 4 through 5, God warns, quote:

[Revelation 18:4, 5]

Verse 4: ...Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Verse 5: For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

End quote. Revelation, Chapter 17, Verses 12 through 18; and all of Revelation 18 record the end of the age destruction of Mystery Babylon. This--this--absolutely horrible description says that it will be so rapid and complete that it can only be accomplished by modern nuclear weaponry.

Revelation, Chapter 18, Verses 10 and 11, describes the financial depression that this destruction will bring upon the whole earth. Quote:

[Revelation 18:10, 11]

Verse 10b: ...saying, Alas, alas that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.

Verse 11: And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more.

End quote. The headquarters of Mystery Babylon cannot, dear listeners, be Rome. It should be obvious that if Rome were obliterated by a nuclear bomb today, the world economic system would not suffer.

Conversely, if London, the financial capital of the world, were likewise destroyed, the world economic system would suddenly halt, collapse, as indicated in the scripture.

English Freemasonry is the Mother of Harlots.

London is Mystery Babylon.

Ground Zero is at 10 Duke Street, St. James, London, England, SW1: the 33rd Degree Supreme Council Headquarters of English Freemasonry.

Now, you know the identity of the Queen of Babylon, and you know the identity of Mystery Babylon. And now there is no excuse for not coming out of her, as you were admonished to do in the book that you all claim cannot lie.

In Isaiah, Chapter 28, Verses 15 through 18, I quote:

[Isaiah 28:15:]

"...We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us; for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves.

Isaiah also says, and I quote:

[Isaiah 28:17, 18]

Verse 17: Judgment also will I lay to the [measuring] line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.

Verse 18a: And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand;....

End quote. George Bush was a member of what is known as the Brotherhood of Death, also known as the Russell Trust.

"Hell" in the Bible literally means "grave" or "crypt".

He took his initiation in the crypt at Yale University. The symbol of the Knights Templars is the Skull and Bones, which is also the symbol of the Brotherhood of Death, or the Russell Trust. It is also a prominent symbol in Freemasonry. Also, in the Rosy Cross, the Knights of Pythias, and many others. Many, many others.

It is time, it is time, ladies and gentlemen, to mature. You now know the identity of Mystery Babylon ......."

Deliver thyself O Zion that dwellest with the Daughter of Babylon.



12 And when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, lo, an horror of great darkness fell upon him. 13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; 14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance. kingjbible.com/genesis/15.htm

NIV© If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. bible.cc/galatians/3-29.htm


"...as long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speech http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/luther.htm / http://bible.cc/psalms/83-4.htm

AllTheKings'HorsesWontDoIt  posted on  2009-09-13   11:15:18 ET  Reply   Trace   Private Reply  

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