127. To: starz (#87) Hey num-num,
This is news discussion forum, not a place to annoy the people here with your bible thumping.
There is a forum topic for those who want to discuss religion among themselves. It doesn't belong on news threads.
You annoy others by shoving your bible down their throats.
I've had a lifetime of annoying bible-thumpers shoving their bible down my throat - who didn't even understand the content. They only had rote comments, and were dumb as a rock on what any of it meant. On several occasions I challenged them on their knowledge and left them babbling, and even questioning their faith.
So, on this website, bible-thumping isn't permitted.
If that bothers you, leave.
Goldi-Lox posted on 2009-09-20 23:14:26 ET Reply Trace 128. To: yukon (#125)
You'd know all about that.
JohnA posted on 2009-09-20 23:22:59 ET Reply Trace 129. To: Goldi-Lox, starz (#127)
This is news discussion forum, not a place to annoy the people here with your bible thumping...You annoy others by shoving your bible down their throats...on this website, bible-thumping isn't permitted.
Why don't you kiss Meguro's queer ass a little more? Or is it War the Commie's ass? Or Floyd's? Or Freddy's?
You're a damn hypocrite and a liar. NOW we find out your real feelings about Christians??
I've had a lifetime of annoying bible-thumpers shoving their bible down my throat - who didn't even understand the content. They only had rote comments, and were dumb as a rock on what any of it meant. On several occasions I challenged them on their knowledge and left them babbling, and even questioning their faith.
So NOW at least we know where you've been coming from...
THIS "Bible-Thumper" is telling you to shove IT up your JAP ass.
liberator posted on 2009-09-20 23:26:18 ET Reply Trace 130. To: liberator (#129)
I find it offensive during MY HIGH holiday to have to tolerate the rudeness of those trying to con others into their faith.
It's like taking a s**t on my dining table.
Goldi-Lox posted on 2009-09-20 23:29:33 ET Reply Trace 131. To: liberator (#129)
Because of you and starz, I've moved this to the Biker bar.
You've polluted the thread now to the point I no longer want to see it.
It WAS news. Now it's your s**t-hole.
Goldi-Lox posted on 2009-09-20 23:32:18 ET Reply Trace 132. To: Goldi-Lox (#130)
I find it offensive during MY HIGH holiday to have to tolerate the rudeness of those trying to con others into their faith.
So Christian talk and discussion is "offensive" during your "HIGH Holiday," eh? Oh I forgot - now it's considered "conning"? As though.
You wanna talk about "rude"?? You've made War seem like Miss Manners.
It's like taking a s**t on my dining table.
And your decidedly anti-Christian rant was like sh*tting on my head and ALL heads of those Christians posting at this forum.
You are such a disappointment.
liberator posted on 2009-09-20 23:43:35 ET Reply Trace 133. To: liberator (#132)
And you are a rude jackass.
I'm done with you.
Goldi-Lox posted on 2009-09-21 00:01:58 ET Reply Trace Trace