Texas Farmer Claims He Caught Legendary 'Chupacabra' POSTED: 7:33 am PDT August 25, 2005 UPDATED: 8:17 am PDT August 25, 2005
COLEMAN, Texas -- A Texas farmer may have found what some would call a "chupacabra," a legendary animal known for sucking the blood out of goats.
Trap Catches Strange Animal
Reggie Lagow set a trap last week after a number of his chickens and turkeys were killed.
What he found in his trap was a mix between a hairless dog, a rat and a kangaroo.
The mystery animal has been sent to Texas Parks and Wildlife in hopes of determining what it is. Copyright 2005 by NBC4.tv. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Poster Comment:
go to the link and see the video.
once again, belief systems die hard...couldn't be, right?
here's the proof, and, it is on an nbc affiliate.
These reports began surfacing after hurricane andrew allegedly destroyed a govt research station, letting these critters out
how interesting, we have a new 'hobbit' creature, now this...but of course, all those bigfoot reports are still hoakey...