And just in case you think I was off-base with my assessment of Alex Jones pathetic self-promotion and stalling tactics
here is a video from Russia Today which Jones has posted on the front page of his website. In it he is asked directly about whether or not he supports a revolution in this country
immediately he holds up a copy of his new DVD thats for sale, and says the following at around the 2:40 mark in the interview:
Our republic is falling. Thats why (reaches for his DVD to hold up in front of the camera) I have made the film
Fall of the Republic. I am calling for a revolution of ideas. A renaissance, a TRUE FREE MARKET
I am calling for a peaceful revolution under the bill of rights and the constitution
the peoples right, under the declaration of independence, to take their government back when it becomes oppressive and tyrannical
I dont want a military coup
Jones message is clear; the government is tyrannical and oppressive, the globalists have used us and our taxes to seize control of most of the rest of the worlds economies and now they are in the process of turning our labor base into that of a 3rd world nation so that our business interests and the Wall Street bankers can compete on the global market
and what we should do about it
is buy his DVD and sit around and think about it.
Its also important to note that the ONLY problem he seems to have with the neoliberal free-market ideology that is at the root of all of this, is the fact that it has become corrupt. Well, that is the entire POINT of that Chicago School economic model. It always has been about removing regulation and oversight in order to ALLOW CORRUPTION since the very FIRST laboratory they set up in Chile on Sept. 11th, 1973. Deregulated, unchecked markets and unlimited free-trade is DESIGNED to allow for maximum corruptions and graft on a global scale. By telling his followers this, he is basically saying to them that they shouldnt oppose the POLICY, but rather a few bad apples who have corrupted it. This is blatant pro-neoliberal propaganda on the level of George W. Bush coming out prior to the passage of the TARP Bill begging people not too allow the system to fail. We MUST protect the system. The SYSTEM must NOT be allowed to fail.
You will NEVER change a corrupt system this deeply embedded in a power structure without force
without a revolution. Power yields to nothing except more power. As long as Jones and Beck continue to pacify the very segments of the population who are most likely to rise up, the established power structures that Jones has made a fortune railing against will remain firmly in control of our collective future.
Just like the Glenn Beck video in which he used his recent Tampa speech to sell his recent book and plug his upcoming book, Jones used his time on the Russia Today interview to sell his video. Just like Beck who advised his followers to sit around for 100 years doing nothing, so too is Jones telling his people who the way to fight back, is through ideas and not direct action. And just like Glenn Beck, who portrays the Obama adminstrations corruption on socialism, Jones too misleads his followers.