"These symptoms are characteristic of the mycoplasma infections found in some blood-tested chemtrail observers. We have positively identified many of these ..." www.consumerhealth.org/ar...lay.cfm?ID=20000830164825
2. Mycoplasma Chemtrails
"MYCOPLASMA: The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases (Nexus Magazine) Several strains of mycoplasma have been "engineered" to become more dangerous. ..." www.bariumblues.com/mycoplasma_from_chemtrails.htm
3. Mycoplasma gulf war illness lyme chemtrails disease Fibromyalgia ...
"Mycoplasma and the cyst form of the Lyme spirochete are being found in much of the chronic illness population. Mycoplasma Fermentens Incognitus, one of the ..." www.bariumblues.com/designer_diseases.htm
How efficient are jet engines at burning all fuel?
Because the combustion of fuel within the gas turbine engine 12 is not completely efficient, the high temperature exhaust gas 18 exiting the gas turbine engine 12 and passing through the exhaust stack 14 contains an amount of unburned fuel corresponding to the efficiency of the combustion process.
This amount of unburned fuel may vary within a range of about 0.01 percent to about 1 percent depending upon operating conditions.
so, while a gas turbine might be passing one percent of its fuel into the atmosphere, it is definitely creating one gallon of water for every gallon of fuel it burns.
if a 747 burns a gallon of fuel a second, it's producing a gallon of water (as water vapor) every second, or about 15 tons of water vapor per hour.
what happens when that water vapor hits the cold unsaturated air at altitude?
under certain conditions, it condenses to form contrails, which may persist long enough to form contrail cirrus clouds that spread, depending on temperature, humidity, and pressure altitude.