I tried to find one for me and my kiddies, but they don't make them anymore. You have to purchase one off of E-Bay and hope all the parts are in the box. Of course, they want "antique" pricing.
Aren't those crop circles from last year AWESOME! They get better every year. I am hoping that 2010 reveals some new artwork to inspire us. Over time, they have become increasingly complex.
Yes, they are like an unspoken challenge. See if you can top this! I believe it is groups of college students doing this. It would be interesting to see how many of these have colleges in near by town.
Seems like I remember one TV show having a contest to see if these can be created in one night with very successful results.
Seems like I remember one TV show having a contest to see if these can be created in one night with very successful results.
All of the man-made crop circles committed by hoaxsters LOOK man-made, and are not perfectly symmetric like the circles which are made by unknown entitites.
All of the man-made crop circles committed by hoaxsters LOOK man-made, and are not perfectly symmetric like the circles which are made by unknown entitites.
Not true. I saw one demonstrated by college students that rivaled anything you can show me. Clean lines, complex geometry etc. It was even done at night in the dark.
Not true. I saw one demonstrated by college students that rivaled anything you can show me. Clean lines, complex geometry etc. It was even done at night in the dark.
I find that hard to believe, unless it were a six foot diameter circle or something. Please post an image if you have one.
I doubt it was TRULY similar in the way the grass was weaved and/or genetically altered, and that there was no abnormal magnetic readings within the circle, as found in the REAL circles.
Did the man-made one you saw look anything like these?
Did the man-made one you saw look anything like these?
Those are man made. I find it incredible that you would believe it is more plausible that aliens from a distant galaxy did this rather than a group of creative college students. Why discard a plausible explanation for an implausible one?
You're insane. Of course, you'll never post an image of that man-made crop circle you claim you witnessed, more than likely because you never witnessed it.
I find it IMPLAUSIBLE that we are alone in this universe, and find it incredible that people are so short sighted and can ignore SO much evidence, all because they cling to their religious beliefs that don't allow them to think beyond some book a bunch of desert people pieced together thousands of years ago.
I find it IMPLAUSIBLE that we are alone in this universe
I think most of us share your opinion but what I don't share is your zeal that an alien culture gives a damned about us. And if they did, I am confident in all their creativity to come all this way to do nothing more than make a few crop circles in some wheat and relative grain crops during harvest season.
I think most of us share your opinion but what I don't share is your zeal that an alien culture gives a damned about us.
There is evidence that we had visitors from the heavens even back to prehistoric times. The Indian Vedic legends speak of sky ships, and the Sumerian legends speak of gods from another planet who taught them science, agriculture, and government.
The Universe may well be a VERY busy place, and we are just noticing those interactions more than in the past due to our technological advancements this past century.