Someone who's actually served, please weigh in here.
I haven't, but I know a libertarian friend that did get called to server on a GJ in MD.
On a GJ, you get to ask any question you want of the jackboots. It's very informal and you can challenge them on their constitutional authority to bring whatever charges they are seeking.
On the one in MD, they only needed a majority of votes on the whole GJ to have an indictment be served, so there's no hanging it. At the very least you can embarrass the gov agents and make them trip over themselves answering questions YOU come up with, so they dance for you. At best, you can educate your peers on the jury and slow the machine down for a bit.
For my friend, I think he served every Thursday for a month or two. Something like that.
Yes, absolutely getting on a GJ is as good as it gets in clogging the gears and without being a political prostitute. Go for it.