Title: NIA's new film End of Liberty Source:
[None] URL Source:http://inflation.us/videos.html Published:Oct 31, 2010 Author:NIA Post Date:2010-10-31 11:06:36 by christine Keywords:None Views:455 Comments:6
'End of Liberty' is now out. This is the most important film you will ever see. Please spread the word about 'End of Liberty' to everybody you know on this Halloween day. To watch 'End of Liberty' immediately, please go to our video page at: http://inflation.us/videos.html This movie was made possible by all of the thousands of warning signs that were submitted to us by thousands of NIA members. It is very important for millions of Americans to see this movie. It is the only way we can prevent America from seeing a complete societal collapse!
This is hard to listen to. I stopped flying soon after 911 because of experiences at Miami and Atlanta airports. Problem is people snap one by one and get mashed by THE SYSTEM, People need to snap all at the same time and let THE SYSTEN fear them.