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Religion See other Religion Articles Title: IT ALL BEGAN WITH A "TREE" The Truth About Christmas How ironic that the very first rebellion against Jehovah God - involved a Tree. In the Garden of Eden - Satan perched himself upon a Tree and performed a Ventiloquist Miracle - using a snake as a puppet. And over the next thousands of years, mankind continued to rebel against Jehovah God, using Trees in their Religious Services. Peoples of many Lands have not only wroshipped Trees, but they have even worshipped the "Spirits" that supposedly lived within these trees. It is common for Witches and Pagans to perform some of their most sacred ceremonies in the groves of Trees. There is ample historical evidence to show how many different religious groups around the World have used Trees in their worship. The Bible has scriptures in which Jehovah God has repeatedly condemned the use of Trees in idolatrous worship. He had commanded His people over the ages - to pull the offensive trees down - that were used in worship of the many gods and goddesses of Pagandom. And then we have "Christendom" - who has adopted the "Tree Worship" of the pagans. The origin of why they place gifts at the foot of an evergreen tree has been obscured from their minds. And even now, around the world - people are making gift offerings under a tinsel tree - every Dec. 25th. Tree Worship In wintertime they thought the gods Now Christendom has followed them The coldness of December Yes certain fir-like evergreens And so they take the evergreen There's nere a place around the world IT ALL BEGAN WITH A "TREE" Satan curled himself upon the limb of a tree in his attempts to deceive Eve into disobeying God. He convinced her that the fruit of a certain tree - was very desirable to look upon. In time, he succeeded in tricking her into eating the fruit of that tree. All those who follow Satan's lead in rebellion against Jehovah God have taken tree veneration as one of their major forms of worship. "It was and still is in many parts of Europe the custom to go out to the woods, cut down a tree and bring it into the village, where it is set up amid general rejoicings; or the people cut branches in the woods, and fasten them on every house. The intention of these customs is to bring home to the village, and to each house, the blessings which the tree-spirit has in its power to bestow." -Relics of Tree Worship in Modern Europe The Golden Bough. 1922. Sir James George Frazer (18541941). "Places for worship of Baal were often high places in the hills consisting of an altar and a sacred tree. Teachings of "Sacred Trees" were not exclusively limited to Babylon, Assyria and Baal Worshippers. These customs were widespread throughout many ancient cultures." -Source: Mythology by Edith Hamilton New American Library, 1942, page 312 "The practice of tree worship has been found in many ancient cultures. Often, trees were brought indoors and decorated to ensure a good crop for the coming year. Trees have also been linked to divinity. Egyptians associated a tree with the god Baal-Tamar, while the Greeks and Romans believed that the mother of Adonis was changed into a fir tree. Adonis was one of her branches brought to life." -Winter Holiday Roundup Origins and Meanings of Christmas Items by David Johnson "Part of Tammuz worship was to place golden balls on the tree which were representative of the testicles of Tammuz, as he was also considered a god of sex." -ALL ABOUT "CHRISTMAS" 2000 B.C.E. to 2007 C.E. by Ed Stevens, James Trimm & Baruch Ben Daniel "Tree-worship was rooted in the oldest nature worship, which included offerings to them or the placing of lights upon them." -Tree and Plant Worship; Chpt XIII Stat. Account, iii. 27; Moore, 151; Sébillot, i. 262, 270 "The Christmas tree is specifically a Babylonian symbol. On Christmas Eve the Yule Log is thrown onto the fire. On Christmas Day there is the tree, covered in decorations and surrounded with presents, representing the resurrected Nimrod of Babylon." -The True Meaning of Christmas by Mike Gascoigne; 1996 "The Christmas tree custom is also a pagan tradition stemming from Nimrods mother in her attempt to immortalize her son." -Seven Seals Publication The True History of Christmas An Excerpt From: The Biography of Noble Drew Ali The Exhuming Of A Nation "Scandinavians celebrated the solstice as Yule. In Norse mythology the first man sprang from an evergreen tree. During the Middle Ages the Feast of Adam and Eve was celebrated on December 24. Evergreens were decorated with red apples." -The Christmas Tree "A Modern Herbal" by Maud Grieve. "Evergreen trees were important fertility emblems for pre-Christian ceremonies marking the winter solstice. The decoration of Christmas trees is a survival of pagan tree veneration." -John Williamson, in "Christmas Greenery" The Dallas Morning News (December 6, 1986) The evergreen was their favorite tree to use for their idolatrous rites, since it remained green all year round - which to them was indicative that a god was living within it. Yes, while all the other trees appeared to die in the bitter cold of winter, the evergreen appeared unaffected by the freeze and remained green and vibrant. The cruel winters gave the pagans reason to try to appease the tree gods. They longed for a mild winter, and looked to the tree dwelling gods to help them. Gifts were traded for these favors or requests. Thus, they decorated the evergreen trees as a way of honoring the indwelling tree spirits. They also placed gift offerings beneath the branches at the foot of the trees, as tokens of good will in their efforts to please the god of the tree. Like a sacrifice upon an altar to their gods, the gifts were offered as appeasement to the evil spirits. But instead the altar was a "TREE". Yes, the very object of rebellion was now being placed in a position of honor and veneration.. Yes, they placed gifts at the foot of the evergreen trees, in their form of worship, as offerings to the spirit gods that lived within the tree. And just as Satan had hoodwinked Eve into obeying him, he also tricked the early pagans into doing the same. "Pagan Germans were tree worshipping people. Like the old Romans they prized evergreen trees as a sign of life in winter time. Branches were brought inside to give shelter to the wood spirits who dwelled in these trees. Sometimes small trees were brought inside." - Merry Christmas, A History of the Holiday; by Patricia Bunning Stevens The Spirit Within The Tree x34.xanga.com/3aec867727c30221243266/z173549735.bmp "evergreen tree worship survives in the adoration of the Christmas Tree. People the world over venerate the tree. The veneration of tree spirits, has been an important feature of Asian cultures." -Pole-Spirits North and South (Santa Claus and the Origin of the Christmas Tree) by Patrick Harrigan; researcher and journalist "TO the Nordic people of Scandinavia, any tree that did not die by losing its foliage through the bitter cold of the long freezing winters was considered to be harboring a tree-spirit of unfailing life. Appropriately called evergreens, it is not surprising, therefore, that evergreen trees are adopted for use as Christmas trees." -Pole-Spirits North and South (Santa Claus and the Origin of the Christmas Tree) by Patrick Harrigan; researcher and journalist "Pre-Christian Europe, where trees and forests were especially venerated, was a veritable hotbed of tree worship, and remains so to this day in one form or another. The cult of the tree was especially prevalent among the early Celtic and Nordic peoples of western and northern Europe respectively." -Pole-Spirits North and South (Santa Claus and the Origin of the Christmas Tree) by Patrick Harrigan; researcher and journalist "Celtic wizards or magicians, called druids, selected sacred tree groves as the best sites for their esoteric ritual performances. Oak and ash trees were felt to be especially powerful as bearers of magical wisdom." -Pole-Spirits North and South (Santa Claus and the Origin of the Christmas Tree) by Patrick Harrigan; researcher and journalist "The proximity of Christmas to the time of the winter solstice was no accident and served to identify certain pagan beliefs and practices with Christian themes. Thus, winter solstice-time rites of the evergreen tree easily evolved into those of the modern Christmas tree." -Pole-Spirits North and South (Santa Claus and the Origin of the Christmas Tree) by Patrick Harrigan; researcher and journalist Has Satan once again tricked people Millions upon millions of human beings A Mockery What a mockery upon God and what contempt for mankind - that Satan has coerced people to honor and venerate a tree ! Even in their ignorance, Christendom gives glory to the very thing that caused Adam and Eve to lose eternal life. Yes, look at the Christmas tree with it's sparking lights and glorious tinsel. Even the star upon the top gives elegance like a crown, as if it were a King on a pedestal to be exalted and glorified. And the gifts which are said to be given to Christ - are really being presented to a tree beneath it's very Feet. And those who place the gifts there, must get upon their knees in order to place the gifts beneath the spreading branches of this evergreen god. As much as people may deny it - they are still acting out an age-old custom of tree worship. They never stop and think of why the presents cannot go on a Table, or somewhere else - but they must be placed beneath the tree - in much the same way that pagans have placed their gift offereings to their pagan gods - beneath their Feet. Ancient Proof Ancient Proof of Tree Worship "Tree worship was a common feature of pagan religion among the Teutonic and Scandinavian peoples of northern Europe before their conversion to Christianity. They decorated houses and barns with evergreens to scare away demons." -COMPTON'S INTERACTIVE ENCYCLOPEDIA, 1997 Edition; article on "Christmas" "The Christmas tree, now so common among us, was equally common in pagan Rome and pagan Egypt. The Christmas tree is Nimrod - the slain god of Babylon, come to life again." -The Two Babylons Alexander Hislop "People in Scandinavia once worshipped trees. When they became Christians, they made evergreen trees part of Christian festivals." - THE WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA, 1966 Edition Article Titled - "Christmas" "Tree worship was a common feature of pagan religion among the Teutonic and Scandinavian peoples of northern Europe before their conversion to Christianity. They decorated houses and barns with evergreens to scare away demons." -COMPTON'S INTERACTIVE ENCYCLOPEDIA, 1997 Edition; article on "Christmas" "Since earliest times everygreen trees have been worshipped as symbols of life, fertility, sexual potency and reproduction, and were often brought into the house and set up as idols. The pagans of old have hung apples and other fruit as a food offering and would offer gifts to the tree, which is where we get putting presents under the tree. This was purely pagan in origin." -- Holidays and Holy Days, Decorating A Tree - Why ? "Virgil, the Roman poet, speaks of decorating pine trees in honor of Bacchus, the god of drinking and revelry." Customs have been preserved in practically every part of the world of hanging objects upon trees in order to establish some relationship between the gift giver and the tree. Tree worshipers, believed that their sacred trees contained the spirits of all sorts of gods. "The decorating of an evergreen tree was part of the worship of Tammuz or Baal, the Sun-god of ancient Babylon. Through the Church of Rome the Babylon of the Apocalypse this act of Baal-worship has been handed down through the centuries. Deluded Protestants, by setting up Christmas trees in their homes, schools and churches, are guilty before God of upholding and perpetuating a practice peculiar to the worship of Baal. How can anything connected with the worship of Baal be pleasing to the Lord?" --The Pagan Origin of Christmas; A Reminder Rev. William MacLean (1907-85) "the male reproductive organ was of tremendous importance in the Mystery Religions representing, no doubt, power and fertility. Trees were common phallic symbols connected with the sun god. the Ball shaped ornaments, representing the womb were hung all around the phallus. Today, families gather together in breathless anticipation and delight when the obelisk (tree49;top ornament) is placed in its position of honor. When you learn that it represents the sexual union between the Babylonian mother-goddess and her sun49;god, son/husband (Nimrod), it becomes an object of disgust." --(The Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th edition, 1973) "Part of Tammuz worship was to place golden balls on the tree which were representative of the testicles of Tammuz, as he was also considered a god of sex." -ALL ABOUT "CHRISTMAS" 2000 B.C.E. to 2007 C.E. by Ed Stevens, James Trimm & Baruch Ben Daniel In this fashion, the growing universal(catholic) church allowed massive numbers of pagans to come right into the so-called "Christian" religion, while retaining their ancient superstitions, festivals and objects of worship! "The modern Christmas tree was born in the 8th century, when St. Boniface was converting the Germanic tribes. The tribes worshipped trees, decorating them for the winter solstice." Gift Offerings "Since earliest times evergreen trees have been worshipped as symbols of life, fertility, sexual potency and reproduction, and were often brought into the house and set up as idols. The pagans of old have hung apples and other fruit as a food offering and would offer gifts to the tree, which is where we get putting presents under the tree. This was purely pagan in origin." "Offerings were placed by the folk on sacred trees, because the trees were the abode of spirits or divinities." "Pagan families would bring a live tree into the home so the wood spirits would have a place to keep warm during the cold winter months. Bells were hung in the branches so they could tell when a spirit was present. Food and treats were hung on the branches for the spirits to eat and a five-pointed star, the pentagram, was placed atop the tree." "Pagan Germans were tree worshipping people. Like the old Romans they prized evergreen trees as a sign of life in winter time. Branches were brought inside to give shelter to the wood spirits who dwelled in these trees. Sometimes small trees were brought inside." "It was and still is in many parts of Europe the custom to go out to the woods, cut down a tree and bring it into the village, where it is set up amid general rejoicings; or the people cut branches in the woods, and fasten them on every house. The intention of these customs is to bring home to the village, and to each house, the blessings which the tree-spirit has in its power to bestow." "In pagan Roman times trees were decorated with trinkets. In the celebration of the pagan Yule season, the ancient sun-worshiping Teutons are said to have decorated fir trees." "Tree worship was common among the pagan Europeans and survived their conversion to Christianity in the Scandinavian customs of decorating the house with evergreens." A Compromise "This compromise between paganism "The Church often effected a compromise. "The Romans called their December celebration "So leave the corruption "Historians have found evidence of tree decoration Would Christ be honored Of Course NOT ! "The gospel required men to reject "The early Christians discouraged the use of "During the days of the apostles in the first century, "In the days of Christ, December 25th "Familiar to early Christians was the Saturnalia, "To the pagans, the Saturnalia was fun. "About Christmas...As for the first believers, "At the time of persecution, "It was customary to hold great feasts "Down to the fourth century ` "the early church fathers frowned upon the "In the scriptures, no one is recorded to have kept ` "the Christian usage in general was to "...the day of one's death is better ` "The apostles and early true Church never "The Christian Jews in Christ's day "The notion of a birthday festival was far from the Jews and early christians - ` "birthday parties...were something disgusting "For quite a long time, December 25th had NOT been "Gift Giving - during the Roman festival of Saturnalia, "the Church father Origen was proclaiming it "At first the ancient Church frowned upon "We Christians neither cover our doorposts with wreaths, "And have no fellowship "Christians of the first century did not celebrate "the earliest Christians simply weren't interested "The Christians, strong in their faith, "But what makes you Christian people so offensive "December 25th is not the birthday of Jesus... "Faithful men of God who knew and loved "...In the Scriptures, no one is recorded to have kept "Christmas... It was not celebrated in the first "Christmas...was not instituted by Christ "During the first two centuries after Christ's death, Warnings From the Bible "...I will punish those who.... "Thus says the Lord: 'Learn NOT the way There is a condemnation in the Bible - of those "...An idol is nothing but a tree Idol worship under "green trees" is condemned "Their religion is worthless! "the origin of the "tree" with Nimrod (Baal), "thus saith Jehovah, "...I will punish those who.... Making Excuses "The man...COMPROMISES with worldlings, "Faithful men of God who knew and loved "...they have no excuse whatsoever "They have no excuse; "...according to the hand of Jehovah... "Formerly, when you did not know God, "...in the last days... Post Comment Private Reply Ignore Thread Top Page Up Full Thread Page Down Bottom/Latest
#1. To: Itistoolate (#0)
Your article is completely correct. Christyinsanity has totally hijacked the Heathen Yule celebration and converted it to "Christmas". The Christmas Tree is actually a symbol of the Great tree Yggdrasil, the tree of life. Other hijackings are the New Years resolution which were originally Oaths sworn on a sacrificed Boar. "The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally not a 20 percent traitor" - Ronald Reagan
The relationship between morality and liberty is a directly proportional one. "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." - Ben Franklin
Rockrfeller tree ILLUMINATED.
The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock Pt. 04
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