AZ High School Students Chain Themselves to Desks to Protest Mexican-American Studies Change
Is this what the leftists had in mind when they called on the youth of the nation to rise up?
A Group of rowdy high school students chained themselves to desks at the local school board chambers in order to protest a curriculum change. They chanted, screamed, and banged their hands on the desks for two hours, preventing the meeting from taking place.
What deserved such an outburst?
According to KSAZ-TV, the students are upset that the board is considering no longer allowing a Mexican-American history class a class that teaches history from a Mexican-American perspective to substitute for the required U.S. history class:
like the black women, who seem to think that by sheer volume and over supply of meaningless, loud mouth sounds, they can somehow craft an argument that will overpower reality and re create it in their own puerile fantasy scenario.
clicks, hoots and whistles, once we stop paying for this shit, these assholes will move back to the treeline where they belong....seriously, belong, in a tribalist, primitive society.