Title: Jose Guerena SWAT Raid Video From Helmet Cam Source:
[None] URL Source:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XP0f00_JMak Published:Jun 3, 2011 Author:The "Men" In Black Post Date:2011-06-03 19:13:47 by wakeup Keywords:None Views:12729 Comments:27
i can't think of anyone here who would not be outraged at what the pigs did to this young man.
I can think of one, but I won't mention shoon... oops.
This raid is more proof that the swat yahoos don't do any research at all before they go into these situations, which could work out very well for someone who is smart and prepared.
Generally, our troops, including the special ops guys, use what we call "cordon and knock": they set up a perimeter around the target location to keep people from moving in or out,and then announce their presence and give the target an opportunity to surrender. [sic]
What might be amazing to American cops is that the vast majority of our targets surrender when called out.
"They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time." -- Col. Puller, USMC
Almost all residential construction has entry doors hinged in...wonder why?
Almost commercial construction has the doors hinged out.
Think about it, and make the necessary changes, if you can, or want to.
Sweet Jeebus! What are you a freekin' terrorist?
Aside from it being illegal (city ordinances, building codes etc.), reversing a standard residential door leaves the hinges on the outside, allowing the hingepins to be removed and the door easily taken out.
I did it to my house, but did it in a way you can't see it except under close inspection. Theres also nothing to grab onto so there's no way to pull the door out. On the "high security" storm doors, the cops just hook a chain onto their APC and the door, back up and off comes the door.
It's difficult & expensive to do, and you have to do it yourself (lest you end up like Edgar J. Steele), but it can be done. PM me if you want to know how.
Godfrey Smith: Mike, I wouldn't worry. Prosperity is just around the corner. Mike Flaherty: Yeah, it's been there a long time. I wish I knew which corner. My Man Godfrey (1936 2011)
"This is all part of the effort by ZOG to scare the living dooky out of the citizens, as a means of terrifying them into submission.
I remember back, following the atrocity at Waco, where Clinton and the Hildebeast & Reno were ordering the BATF and FBI and DEA to schedule these black helicopter style 'urban assault exercises' in various towns and communities across the country. Complete withblack ninja suit clad jackbooted thugs, rappelling down from hovering black helicopters, lighting off smoke grenades, and going to all sorts of ridiculous - and almost comical, Hollywood- production-style lengths to send a message to the citizens that ZOG would not hesitate to kill their dissident asses if they ever got any ideas about giving ZOG the middle finger.
Alex 'Judas Goat' Jones did a series of documentaries during that time, describing what was going on and pretending to be outraged by it - but, actually, what he was really doing was to help sell the fear and intimidation that the ZOG thugs wanted to plant into the minds of the citizens, using his videos as the vehicle to reach the militias and patriot movement people.
End result? For me, I've decided that not one member of any 'law enforcement' agency is to be considered an ally to the cause of liberty. These treasonous bastards wear the uniform of ZOG and do the bidding of ZOG, and if and when the SHTF, these cockroaches deserve to get priority placement."
Have you ever noticed how residential doors hinge in, so better to be kicked in?
Offices, business and banks tend to hinge out.
These can be changed.
Good intel !!! Thanks !!!
You have to understand that all slavery and freedom originates in the mind. When your mind allows you to accept and understand that the United States, Great Britain and the Vatican are corporations which are nothing but fictional entities which have been placed into your mind, you will understand that our slavery is because we believe in fictions.
Video enabled death squads making snuff films for pervert control freak bureaucrats.
This is obscenity!
The death of the Constitution in living color.
Ex-military paid to execute other ex-military. Trained well in the streets of Falluja then bring their training home to Arizona where the real money is.
Ex-military paid to execute other ex-military. Trained well in the streets of Falluja then bring their training home to Arizona where the real money is.
I saw this coming long ago. It is still hard to believe we are here, dealing with these issues. 'Rather heavy, me thinks. Will these animals do anything they are told and paid to do? Do they have no moral compass at all? It must have been burned out of them while fighting "over there."
At a minimum they are lost souls. Wait 'til they wake up. Zombies... I have seen it before. Imagine the video games these kids were trained on and the dope they used to deal with the mindless violence.