no arguing with that point...I've never claimed they were safe. Honestly though, those darn Spyders have gyros linked into the computer system which makes them almost impossible to turn over or flip. My friend that just bought his... had just bought a new 1600 Kawasaki and he felt very unsafe with only 2 wheels under him...sold the 1600 for a new Spyder and loves it. It's an incredibly stable platform...but it's still not as safe as riding around in a Hummer...funny isn't it...I'm old enough to remember a "hummer" as something you received...not something you rode around in! LOL
Yeah...they're really nice. The salesperson in this area told my friend they were behind in orders almost 6 months...can't keep them in stock! Hopefully Mrs. Lod gave you a hummer for denying you a Spyder!! LOL