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Author! Author! See other Author! Author! Articles Title: Behind the Georgia Guidestones (Implementing the Killer Commandments) Behind the Georgia Guidestones (Implementing the Killer Commandments) By Coral Snake Part 3 of a 5 part article. Last time we looked into the history of the Progressive brand of totalitarianism behind the Georgia Guidestones and how it was developed by BOTH big business and big government. In this part we will be looking at how the commandments of the Georgia Guidestones are being implemented now and who in big business and big government is doing the implementing. We will start with the arch genocidal company of big business in this article, Monsanto inc. The danger of this company and its partnerships with big government through corruption of the patent office can not be underestimated. There is every reason to believe that Monsanto sees itself as the private company directly in charge of implementing Commands 1 and 2 of the Georgia Guidestones. Monsanto you see is positioning itself to control THE ENTIRE FOOD SUPPLY OF THE EARTH through the corrupt Progressive decision by the patent office and the courts that life forms can be patented. The food supply is directly tied into the first and second commandments of the Georgia Guidestones (radical genocidal population reduction and Eugenic selection of the humans to survive that deliberate population decline). Monsanto aids the promulgation of commandments 1 and 2 of the Georgia Guidestones in two ways. One is simply the act of monopolizing the food supply through our corrupted patent and copyright system which takes great pains to assure that NOTHING owned by the Progressive giant corporations it supports will ever enter the public domain again to be improved upon by a non Progressive outsider. The other is through the use of various PATENTED chemicals and genetic manipulations it adds to our food supply supposedly for our own good that are known to be toxic, cancer causing and otherwise unhealthy, again with the approval of the Progressive FDA which was supposedly set up specifically to keep such chemicals and genetic manipulations from entering our food supply. Here again we see the absolute partnership between big business and big government in the promulgation of commandments 1 and 2 of the Georgia Guidestones. Probably the deadliest things that Monsanto is directly responsible for adding to our lives are Aspartame, Round Up herbicide and Franken foods based on Terminator Seeds supposedly designed to protect their patents. Aspartame is a deadly, neurotoxic, cancer causing sugar substitute which is used in most no cal soft drinks, chewing gums (including those that also use sugar), and some baked goods. Originally this poison was made by a big pharma company named J. R. Serle but this company was bought up by Monsanto shortly after the legalization of Aspartame as a substitute sweetener. Aspartame was later sold off to a company using its commercial name Nutra Sweet when the bad news started coming in about its health affects but Monsanto must share the murder charge for all the deaths caused by Aspartame when they owned the product. Round Up, far from being a simple anti weed herbicide is in fact unhealthy for just about everything that lives much like Aspartame. The truth about this poison in our food supply was that the first genetic engineering Monsanto did on food plants was to develop artificial strains of them that could survive the application of Round Up because natural food grasses were dying with the weed grasses when Round Up was first being applied to our fields and Monsantos activities in promulgating commandments 1 and 2 of the Georgia Guidestones was starting to become too obvious. We can only think that Round Up is even deadlier to animals because plants have more solid cell walls protecting their precious DNA than animals INCLUDING US have. Next to Round Up the next genocidal gimmick to come out of Monsanto is genetically engineered terminator seeds that are good for only one generation of plants. Terminator seeds threaten the extinction of several staples that Monsanto is trying to keep a patent monopoly on and would be great for promulgation Georgia Guidestones commandments 1 and 2 if they are allowed to become the dominant seed used in farming staple crops. However there are even worse aspects to Monsantos and other progressive corporations Frankenfoods as genetically engineered and or cloned plants and animals are allowed to dominate the food markets. We Are beginning to see that the same types of unhealthy aspects similar to Aspartame and other big pharma products in Frankenfoods These include cancer, genetic mutation and birth defects malnutrition (the Frankenfoods simply are not as nutritious as their natural cousins) and other forms of toxicity. Next to Frankenfood and toxin companies like Monsanto the companies collectively called big pharma are major killers of people in line with the Georgia Guidestones commandments 1 and 2. Big pharma promises to do everything from extending the lives of cancer victims (usually created by Big Pharma, Big Frankenfood, Big Tobacco and the cell phone system) to extending your sex life to the time of natural death (usually caused more by Big Pharma, Big Frankenfood, Big Tobacco and the cell phone system than genuine natural causes these days. You see, every processed Big Pharma drug you take has side effects many of which can be fatal. Aspartame itself was originally intended to be an anti ulcer drug by the former big Pharma company J. R. Serle that invented it. However when they saw that it had a sweet taste however they decided to use it as a replacement for another cancer causing chemical sweetener Saccharin that looked on the way to being exposed and banned. (Previous to this two other sweet poison monsters from Big Pharma. Sodium Cyclamate and Calcium Cyclamate were actually exposed and banned). Probably next to fake sugars of assorted types the second main cause of death from Big Pharma comes from something that gives humans even greater pleasure than sweets, SEX!! Two Popular Big Pharma drugs, Viagra and Cialis are specifically designed to extend the male sex life beyond the age limits where such practices are healthy and safe. This in itself leads to heart attack and stroke deaths as well as possible side effects on the sexual and urinary systems that can be harmful or fatal. Needles to say Viagra and Cialis are major contributors to the deaths needed to promulgate commandments 1 and 2 of the Georgia Guidestones. However the worst Big Pharma poisons aimed at the elder age brackets of the population are probably the arthritis relief drugs known as Enceds. These tend to shorten your life in the same way as Viagra and Cialis (heart attacks and strokes) without even giving you a lengthened sex life in return. In addition they have also been known to produce death by hemophiliac like bleeding, especially from the stomach and other digestive related internal organs, and from the nose. However it isnt only the elder age brackets that are attacked by genocidal Big Pharma in their following commandments 1 and 2 of the Georgia Guidestones. The artificial sweeteners and discipline pills like Ritalin and Prozac given to children in the schools of the State are mainly aimed at kids younger than eighteen. Ironically one of these school discipline pills, Ritalin is chemically related to Methamphetamine also known simply as meth or speed, a common target in the War on drugs. For some strange reason this Big Pharma monster even though it is chemically related to the most infamous upper in the War on Drugs actually acts as a downer in children producing that vacant botish sheeple attitude that looks like they are paying attention to the propaganda being taught that the States school teachers and the genocidal Progressives like out of school children. That is those school children that survive the experience, Like all Big Pharma products school discipline drugs are loaded with side effects up to and including DEATH!! However your kid does not have to be subjected to these strange upper/downers in the school discipline drug family to be a victim of the first and second commandments of the Georgia Guidestones via Big Pharma Vaccines can do the job even better. The main side effects here vaccine reactions that resemble the disease supposedly being protected against (I wonder why, could it be because they use LIVE VIRUS in some of these monstrocities!!!). Another source of side effects in vaccines is the MERCURY preservative used in them. Weather or not mercury poisoning through vaccines causes Autism the fact is that ALL of the non precious heavy soft metals (mercury, lead, cadmium and related metals) are potent BRAIN TOXINS in animals including man. The only heavy soft metals that at least for now appear non toxic are the ones that the Progressives just seem to hate with a passion, GOLD AND SILVER. To get the sheeple ready for the slaughter required by commandments 1 and 2 of the Georgia Guidestones certainly includes the need of brainwashing institutions whose information can not be legally refuted or exposed to the world for what it is. In the current world of Progressivism these institutions are the government schools and the entertainment / news corporations. To work on the sheeples brains both of these institutions have produced vast amounts of propaganda protected by virtually permanent copyright using both the captive audience approach of compulsory attendence at schools operated by STATE approved teachers and administrators, (Yes this is true of private schools as well,) and entertainment using characters popular with children and young adults.) School has changed under Progressivism from an institution where children learned how to read, write, spell correctly, learn proper English grammer, learn their nations history, geography and constitutional form of government and basic science to a place where the implementation of the Georgia Guidestones is taught though a system of Values Clarification Education. Values Clarification is designed to be taught either as a separate class in State schools or State approved private schools or snuck into legitimate classes like reading, writing or English. The basic format for Values Clarification consists of various versions of the Death Game. Probably the most common variation of the Death Game is the Lifeboat variation where students are chosen to act out rolls of survivors of a ship sinking like the Titanic on a life boat while the rest of the students vote on which of the characters to dump overboard to the sharks. It is all to obvious that Values Clarification is being used to train children to be the SS of the next holocaust as demanded by the Progressives who set up the Georgia Guidestones. Other variations of the Death Game involve the aftermath of nuclear accidents or war and similar situations where some have to be sacrificed for the good of the whole or collective. One recent version of the Death Game that was played in England over the internet had children to vote death on characters based on their global warming carbon footprint rather than bad or unproductive social traits which were usually the reason for voting a character off the life boat or out of the fall out shelter. This tied with the first and second commandments of the Georgia Guidestones should give one pause to think about why Progressives promote climate change propaganda so extensively. The characters for the Death Game are usually chosen based on the income and religious and political beliefs of a given students parents which are gained by prying questionnaires given to children at the beginning of a Values Clarification based class. Students chosen to be the type of characters who invariable get the axe tend to those of non Progressive parents while the those that are allowed to remain survivors are invariably played by the students with Progressive parents. However the Death Game is not the only abomination of modern Progressive Public education designed to implement the first and second commandments of the Georgia Guidestones. Even worse is Death Education a public school class that invites children to ultimately call the right to their own existence into question. Sometimes they do and the high teen and pre-teen suicide rates we see today are the results of this treasonous and murderous class. Another abomination of public education is the dumbing down of the legitimate subjects, particularly reading, math, history and science. This has two purposes. The first is to make students ignorant of American History, particularly the parts of it concerning the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Individual Rights and their origin with GOD, not the State. The other purpose of dumbing down education is to make students into dependent sheeple when they grow up to be adults because sheeple are easier to lead to the super slaughter demanded by the Georgia Guidestones than well educated human beings are. Most of a childs non school time is spent with the Television, the Internet, the radio or some other electronic device these days. However all of these are seen by Progressives as a continuation of the child students Progressive education. Progressive propaganda is either overtly shown or hidden in most childrens television programming and web sites. Indeed it was a childrens site on the Internet that presented the version of the Death Game based on climate change carbon footprints. This was not the first time the Death Game was presented in the form of entertainment however. The first time to my knowledge of the use of the Death Game in a children / young adult entertainment medium was in Time Werner / DC Comicss Batman series. Here the Death Game was used as a gimmick to give the second Robin (Jason Todd) the axe. Time Werner is a very well established Progressive big business institution and an expert along with the current Progressive version of the Disney corporation at presenting unanswerable propaganda to children by way characters protected by the oldest standing link between Progressive big business and Progressive big government, Permanent Copyright. Basically what Permanent Copyright does is allow One World and Georgia Guidestones oriented Progressives to wash our childrens brains with permanently copyrighted text books And school based television programming and films whose contents can never be legally exposed publicly by those against the Progressivism and One Worldism being depicted. Effective brainwashing is also done with the television cartoon and comic book characters that are popular with children and young adults, again with no answer allowed through the same or another popular character because of the Permanent Copyright Progressive entertainment corporations hold on all such characters. Batman as a for instance has been used to promote the Values Clarification Death Game outside the public school environment where it began with the Jason Todd fiasco. Batman has also been used to promote gun control heavily as well as other Progressive causes. In case you dont know it as a for instance Superman (another permanently copyrighted DC / Time Werner character) is no longer an American Citizen thanks to the child brainwashers at the Progressive Time Werner corporation. They used the Permanent Copyright they have on him to get him to renounce his American citizenship and go UN / One World all the way from now on. However it is in the technology and industrial areas are where the connection Progressive Fascist combination of big Progressive business and big Progressive government really gets vicious. Technology and industry suppression has been a major preoccupation of Progressives in both the public and private sectors virtually since the beginnings of their movement. Probably the most obvious work of suppressing an alternative industrial model to our current polluting and Progressive monopolized model can be summed up in a single scientific classification word CANNABIS. The Cannabis were referring to here is not the kind you get high on that is used under the names marijuana and ganja however. It is the non drug INDUSTRIAL HEMP PLANT which is the nominate subspecies of the Cannabis sativa complex, Cannabis sativa sativa. (The high drug content members of this complex that are used as marijuana and ganja are Cannabis sativa indicta which is the commercial marijuana grown and sold by drug cartels, and Cannabis sativa ruderalis which is preferred by stoners who prefer growing their own over dealing with the cartels because of the plants flower pot size.) No matter what one may think of marijuana the fact is that the non drug nominate Cannabis plant INDUSTRIAL HEMP is literally a wonder plant. Indeed Henry Ford made an entire car with the exception of the parts that had to be metal INCLUDING THE FUEL shortly before the ban on marijuana from the plastics and oils made form the Industrial Hemp plant. Furthermore these plastics were biodegradable and would not have been the environmental hazard that todays petrochemical plastics are. One did not have to make hemp plastic fibers however to use hemp for textiles. Indeed plain hemp fiber was responsible for clothes and other textile products that lasted for hundreds of years after their wearing and other use in museum collections. For you vegans out there hemp seed is probably the closest to meat of any of the protein seed plants in existence for nutritional value. However because it is a sibling of two other plants that produce mainly drugs this wonder plant was successfully attacked by Progressive big business and Progressive big government and banned along with its smokable siblings. (The two marijuana plants are pretty useless for any of the industrial or food uses associated with the Cannabis plant complex.) There is strong evidence that the actual target of marijuana laws was in fact the Industrial Hemp Plant that was threatening the centralized big business/big government petroleum based model of industrial society with a decentralized relatively durable and non polluting industrial society that could have kept 19th century individualism and low price competition going for well into the future. Three basic modern industries would have been affected by the continued legalization of the Industrial Hemp Plant, these were energy (Hemp fuels were seriously being considered as an alternative to gasoline for vehicles once Henry ford showed it could be done.), Food (The completeness of hemp seed amino acids and proteins), Clothing and textiles (The natural hemp fiber was just as durable as any faux fiber that the petrochemical industry could put out, paper made from this fiber also has an outstanding record for durability and for not needing acid in its manufacture like many dead tree papers do.) Housing (construction materials made from hemp proved more durable than those made from other plants or petrochemicals again because of hemps wonder fiber.) and last but not least medicine (we are finally realizing that the active drug in marijuana THC does have some legitimate medical uses particularly with Glaucoma blindness and cancer cases.) The evidence that the attack on marijuana was actually designed to illegalize hemp comes from who headed up the anti marijuana campaign of the 1920s that included such infamous movies as Reefer Madness that eventually led to the laws banning ALL Cannabis plants including Industrial Hemp. Reefer Madness and similar films of the 1920s were the products of three well known Progressive big business empires whose very existence was threatened by a renewal of Hemp based industry. These were the Mellon and Rockefeller empires (Energy) the Du Pont empire (petrochemicals for fibers and other types of plastic) and the William Randolph Hurst empire (tree based paper and forestry). However hemp is not the only example of technology and industry suppression by Progressives. The technologies of Nicola Tesla also have a long record of both suppression and misuse by big business and big government in Progressive cahoots with each other. Indeed through a system in NeoCON Progressive Sarah Palens Alaska called HARRP these technologies may be being used in the continuing Progressive war against America and its Constitution and for the commandments of the Georgia Guidestones to this very day. It is believed in some conspiracy theory circles that HAARP is in fact largely responsible for the climate changes attributed to global warming. However most of the sheeple have one question for those who believe that Progressivism is either a Conspiracy for a New World Order on Its own or the latest manifestation of an older conspiracy like the Illuminati. That question is Why arent they more successful if they have been at this for a century or more? That question is why this is a FIVE chapter article rather than a four chapter one. BEFORE we can present solutions for ending the rule of the Progressives which is the object of the fifth chapter of the article we must first KNOW that a Progressive conspiracy does exist and how successful it was or was not. This can only be done by comparing the last century where the Progressives did not have power in America (the 19th Century) to the remainder of the centuries of Americas existence (20th and 21st Centuries) when they did. This is the object of the next (Fourth Chapter) of this article.
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#1. To: Coral Snake (#0)
Actually, it's "NSAIDS" or "Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs". Great article.
Thanks for this article. Naming the parties promoting the guidestones agenda as "progressives" is probably as accurate as is possible for purposes of explaining them to the general public but the truth is that the perpetrators of the guidestones are Luciferian demonics. Human beings have a tendancy to reduce ideas or concepts to their simplest form wherein they are able to grasp them. Right here on 4UM we have a very intelligent audience sitting in the gallery watching the onstage events after having purchased their ticket knowing that in the next act the actors will kill everyone in the theatre.
"Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else." Frederic Bastiat
I really think that too much is being made of the "Guidestones". I believe that they are nothing more than a plan to follow in the event of a world wide catastrophe in the event that there would be survivors to start all over. I mean, how diabolical is this? "Avoid useless laws and petty officials"
"As I write, highly civilized human beings are flying overhead trying to kill me. They do not feel any enmity against me as an individual, nor I against them. They are only doing their duty, as the saying goes....." ~George Orwell, London, 1941
hey, dawg. i see you're still tickin'. ;)
A conspiracy theory no longer means an event explained by a conspiracy. Instead, it now means any explanation, or even a fact, that is out of step with the governments explanation and that of its media pimps. ~Paul Craig Roberts
It depends on who'se using the terms "useless" and "petty". "Gun control" as a forinstance is a very useful law for a secret organization bent on mass genocide but most of us on this forum would consider it "useless" to our own goals of restoring invividual liberty. The terms "useless" and "petty" are very vague and open ended as to what they mean in the context of that particular commandment of the Guidestones. The only honest interpretation of any other commandment of the Guidestones has to be made in line with the first two commandments thereof (Genocide and the restoration of Eugenics). And as for any so called "natural" catastrophy that the Guidestones look foreward too, DON'T EVER FORGET HAARP, CHEMTRAILS and even the many conventional bombings of civilians that are going on in the world today. These days "natural" disasters can be ARRANGED by the genocidal Satanic Psychopath "Progressives" who had those Guidestones set up secretly in the middle of the night.
Oh, yeah, and sadly, NSAIDs is sumthin I know sumthin about.
good to see your handle.
"So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause." -Padme, Star Wars III, Sith
Well, if you think of it in African govt terms all a country really needs are laws scribbled in pencil and a machete militia to effect control of defeated/disarmed/impoverished people. How diabolical is that? And the terms "useless" and "petty" both call for values judgments, no doubt made by those whose ambiguous decrees are not subject to review or revision. No, this plank of The Guidestones Manifesto is bone chilling in its implications.
Thanx sweets. Ewe 2.
I replied before seeing yours. Well said.
Regardless, I'd vote for a law like that in a referrendum....
"As I write, highly civilized human beings are flying overhead trying to kill me. They do not feel any enmity against me as an individual, nor I against them. They are only doing their duty, as the saying goes....." ~George Orwell, London, 1941
I understand but, is that a fair comparison? Having lived in CA and voted for referendums in the past I know that the voters' guidebooks will contain brief but comprehensive explanations of any initiatives/referendums on the ballots. And it would not be possible to place such a proposal before the people if it was as ambiguous (i.e. requiring the affected party/reader to self define relevant terms) as this plank of El Manifesto De Los Lizardos. And, the author(s) of the Guidestones mischief ain't/aren't asking for your vote or mine-He, she or IT announced what some hope is in store for us whether we like it or not. So, your cheerful support is about as meaningful as the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki voting for bombing runs by ENOLA GAY and BOCHSCAR. This is evidenced by the absence of a phone number or web address to ask questions or register complaints and/or comments. ("Dear King Of The Lizard People, What if I'm not satisfied. Can I get my money, my freedom, my organs and/or my life back?") And, at the risk of seeming unfriendly, aren't you even the slightest bit uneasy with anonymous planners and plans to remake the world in accordance with their goals? I mean, what if they're a bunch of socially inept, women hating preppie geeks who thought it all up during their regularly scheduled Friday Night Bentley-Rolls Car Club Roundups & Circle Jerks In The Woods?
I've already explained my take on the Guidestones. Anyone who sees the utility in eliminating useless laws and petty officials is OK by me.....your take (and mine) is, of course, total conjecture
"As I write, highly civilized human beings are flying overhead trying to kill me. They do not feel any enmity against me as an individual, nor I against them. They are only doing their duty, as the saying goes....." ~George Orwell, London, 1941
Great post Dawg. Nice to cybersee you again, been a while.
Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end. Lord Acton He (Gordon Duff) also implies that forcibly removing Obama, a Constitution-hating, on-the-down-low, crackhead Communist, is an attack on America, Mom, and apple pie. I swear these military people are worse than useless. Just look around at the condition of the country and tell me if they have fulfilled their oaths to protect the nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. The only difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits. Albert Einstein
It's not conjecture that the Guidestones manifesto is a wish list drafted by someone (the "theys"?) who believes that the quality of some lives would be greatly improved by sterilizing the planet of non essential if not actually harmful human life ("us"?) Intellectual consistency and honesty demands that any ambiguous terms be defined from that perspective and to "their benefit." Is it your belief that if the "less benign" planks are realized, i.e. 5.5 billion souls are transferred to another jurisdiction that you will be among the surviving "theys"? Or are we to extrapolate from your seeming reluctance to be concerned about the Guidestones' clearly exposed agenda that this single plank (that could have been lifted from a paleocon/libertarian platform) is all that is worthy of comment or contemplation simply because it resembles rhetoric that is familiar to you? My fear is that any group ambitious enough to keep the promise of "Avoid(ing) useless laws and petty officials" may be more than just a contingency to "follow in the event of a world wide catastrophe", and perhaps instead intends to fan the flames that eventually consume the blue planet. Someone is doing that very thing right now, and I have to wonder just how many secret elite clusters are operating beneath the soothing veil of "ignorance by moonlight" we all share. AND, I also wonder why you would seize on a single plank then project only responsible, humane goals onto those who went to such lengths to secretly communicate such a chilling agenda.
Back at you my friend, and thank you.
Again, my take on the Guidestones is that of a beacon of reason designed for the survivors after a world catastrophe. I don't see the connection between them and the catastrophe, whatever it may be....
"As I write, highly civilized human beings are flying overhead trying to kill me. They do not feel any enmity against me as an individual, nor I against them. They are only doing their duty, as the saying goes....." ~George Orwell, London, 1941
You believe that the Guidestones' wishful thinking that the planet be depopulated by 90% is a beacon of reason? Those who could even conceive of such horror are likely more than capable of implementing it, and they'd bear watching if we knew who they are. But, if you're comfy whistling past the future boneyards and perpetual funeral pyres then it was nice chatting with you.
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