A Medical Intuitive Reading with Dr. Mona Lisa involves: Knowing only your name and age, over the phone,she will describe a specific emotional situation(s) that she sees aggravates your health. Next, she will describe your physical body. Head, eyes, neck, thyroid, heart, breasts, lungs and every organ system in terms of symptom, looking for the presence of health or disease. The way she sees it, every illness is in part due to diet, the environment, genetics and so on, but every illness also has a medical intuitive and emotional component, and she will try to describe all of the factors contributing to your health problems. A reading takes an hour, which includes questions and answers. You may tape it using a speaker phone and a tape recorder placed beside it. The medical intuitive reading also includes detailed solutions on how to rewire the emotional patterns that she sees aggravate your health, and then she will begin the process of teaching you how to change those thought patterns. Finally, she will educate you on the array of solutions available to ease the physical symptoms of your health problem including nutritional supplements, herbs, medicines, physical remedies like EMDR, neuro-muscular therapy and others. Before a reading is done, you must sign a consent form that indicates that you understand that a Medical Intuitive Reading consultation done by Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz is not a physician/patient relationship with you, so it will not provide a medical diagnosis, prescribe medicine, give psychotherapy or be reimbursable by medical insurance.
Might be phony but then what isn't on C2C and the rest of mainstream media.