Sickputer August 18, 2011 at 7:29 pm Log in to Reply Well, yeah it was a rehash, but well-delivered and an excellent simple explanation for people who havent heard much about Fukushima since the names who shall not be mentioned put the nutcracker on the mass media reports.
The first week after March 11 with all the big names in US television going gung ho made me believe maybe we were going to have another CNN marathon like the Patriot missile defense of Israel in January 1991 when Scud missiles were landing in Tel Aviv.
But the brakes came on fast when the nuke pukes realized this was not going to be a normal nuclear accident. Money, power, and politics supercedes public safety every day of the week in virtually every country in the world.
The US lied to its citizens for 50 years about nuclear fallout
only breaking that silence a few times to warn about Chinese nuclear bomb fallout clouds rolling across America. The hypocrisy of the government that blew more bombs than all the other nuclear powers combined is almost laughable if it wasnt so tragic. How many of your departed loved ones died a shortened life due to fallout? Maybe far more than we could imagine.