I believe I can, in one fell swoop prove that we have the dumbest country on earth. All I need to do is mention that since 1948, Americans have given Israel over 15 million dollars a day from your salaries, paychecks and various earnings. No other nation on this earth is dumb enough to do that not even the African ones. And to make it worse you people do it gladly and with joy in your hearts. No one complains, except me. Everyone else seems to think it is all right for every American citizen to be robbed in this manner every day of their lives with no end in sight. Can any nation be dumber that this? Most Americans are so enslaved via Zionist propaganda and government pronouncements that they think we owe this money so the Israelis can live a much better life than in the good old USA. They have luxuries you cannot afford. They take vacations all over the world which Americans on average cannot afford. And when they do this they always America and criticize you people who are the very ones who provide them with these opportunities. I say you cannot get dumber than that. The Israelis buy expensive things with YOUR money and then make fun of you for being this dumb. The worst part about this involuntary servitude is that the cruel and criminal Israelis use YOUR money for arms to murder Arabs on a daily basis, and sometimes they also kill Americans with your money. So every American taxpayer is guilty of murder because under the law anyone who pays someone to commit murder is equally guilty.
www.ihr.org/ http://www.natvan.com