Okay, in the ENTIRE New Testament, Hell is mentioned only nine times.
You obviously feel that, for some reason, the NINE times mentioned in the NT are somehow "special" and "different" from other faiths. So, you tell me what is so special about the nine times Hell is mentioned in Christianity........
christianity uses the "hell" concept to terrorize people into becoming christians.
my bible school teachers
HUMANS do that lead and lag.......don't confuse what others "use" as any indication of a "correct" interpretation.
My Sunday School teacher did the same, but I don't feel jaded....as a kid I was pious for cookies. : )
You are an adult now......fully capable of finding that kingdom within and forging a deeper sense of understanding than you had as a child. What good does packing around your sense of "victimhood" over Sunday school as a child do you?