The illegal immigration problem is huge and cannot be ignored, but I see it as just one of a multitude of intentional moves towards a bolshevik type of revolution being orchestrated by those people that have been elected.
It's good to see a black lady speaking out against the treason of illegal immigration. The impact of the illegals has to be felt most in black and hispanic communities because their jobs are primarily the ones being undermined. The CEOs of large corporations have no worry that their job will be taken by an illegal.
The illegals aren't to blame either. They, for the most part, are escaping a tragic situation in the countries they are fleeing. That's not to say those same conditions won't prevail upon them here because continuing to allow their unfettered entry will create those same conditions here.
Humanity is being divided against itself through manipulation of employment, housing, finance, race baiting, religion baiting, fear mongering, affirmative action, selective prosecutions and media portrayals of the "news".
Unless we learn to agree to disagree on the minor issues that tend to divide us and agree to stand firmly together demanding to be a free people in the main (which unites us) we will all be relegated to the tax rolls of one dictator after another.
America, despite the accolades describing it as the freest nation on earth, has become an executive office dictatorship. If America is the freest nation on the earth not much can be said for liberty in the world.
"the man who puts all the guns and all the decision-making power into the hands of the central government and then says, Limit yourself; it is he who is truly the impractical utopian." Murray Rothbard