Dick Morris: Ron Paul 'Terrifying', Romney's 'Apostasies'
With Ron Paul surging in Iowa polls, Dick Morris, the Fox News analyst and Republican strategist, warns of horrific consequences for the GOP if he wins the GOP nomination.
In a column released on Dickmorris.com this weekend, Morris writes:
"Ron Paul remains terrifying. He is really the ultimate liberal in the race. He wants to legalize drugs, repeal the Patriot Act, slash our military spending, pull out of Afghanistan, and remove all limits on abortion. On these issues, hes way, way to the left of Obama. What makes him a conservative is hard to tell. But, whatever he is, he would be a disaster as the Republican candidate. His bland assertion in the last debate, that 'anyone' will beat Obama is both self-serving and inaccurate. He wouldnt. Anyone who votes for Paul and is not brought up short by his denuding us in our defenses against terrorism and his passivity in the face of Iranian nuclear weapons, has to realize that nominating him is tantamount to re-electing Obama."
Morris notes that while Newt Gingrich leads as the favorite candidate among Tea Party Patriots polled, a splintering effect among more conservative candidates continues to help Romney.
The latest conservative-leaning candidate to see a surge is Rick Santorum, Morris says.
But Morris predicts that support for Romney will wane as a "buyers remorse may set in," especially as Republican primary voters realize they are backing the candidate who instituted Romneycare, a program similar to President Obama's healthcare plan. Also, conservatives will again focus on Romney's "apostasies" including his past support for abortion rights.
As conservatives realize a vote for any conservative other than Gingrich is a vote for Romney, Morris predicts a Gingrich come back.
Poster Comment:
The Establishmant has begun to shiver. Keep it up, boys and girls.