Playing cards with friends, phone rings, Deb says We have just been robbed. She sounds pissed off and scared. Told her we were leaving now.
Seven minutes later we were at the store with about six Colorado Springs PD squad cars there.
So Sue and I go in and our employees are already doing the video cam with the police, so we are stand around there while the cops see the vid of us being robbed by a guy with a pump shotgun and then the cops kinda go wild and start talking to together with the ear radios they have and it seems the same @$$ that robbed us did TWO other store robberies while the cops were at our place, that is in less than fourty minutes.
We are out 350 a trivial amount compared to injuring our dear employees.
Thats what I did tonight. Stood around and talked to Police.
Not recomended, interesting, but not recommended.