you can read this article here at the CFR site. the author, Michael Levi, is the David M. Rubenstein Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment at the CFR, and his artticle is a mixture of disinformation, bad metaphors, and haywire logic.
his argument, although it's kinda hard to pin down, seems to be: party on, dudes, and dont worry about oil.
my comments, which are languishing, and most likey will die, in "awaiting moderation" limbo, go like this...
"oh, man
does this mean that the PNAC/AEI/exxon people didnt have to do 9/11 in response to peak oil?
3000 american lives, countless lives elsewhere
wasted, because nobody saw shale oil coming.
what a tragedy."
"heres a map PNACs efforts in response to their misperceptions of peak oil.
this article is being discussed at theoildrum, despite attempts to derail it to a discussion of newt's moonbase scheme.