"...as long as there..remain active enemies of the Christian church, we may hope to become Master of the World...the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before Christianity is overthrown - B'nai B'rith speechhttp://www.biblebelievers.org.au/luther.htm / http://bible.cc/psalms/83-4.htm
Twerp...Immunize against religiousity. I would likely reside on the bottom speciman, but immunize against beliefs?!!? Is this from an evil SciFi movie? Was it posred 04/01? OK ......long pause........lets immunize against:
Sedition (Genotype WrKl0989769). Extreme curiosity (Genotype LKB02243). Lack of appropriate patriotism. Tendency towards fidelity versus promiscuity. Lack of ability to take orders. Perception of surrounding threat. Confrontational personality.
This is out-there science without ethical boundaries. Like I said, twerp! He does not even perceive the snakepit he is in.