My 84-year-old dad has nuggets of wisdom which he forgets he has shared with me numerous times. One is about deception. Dad said a snake can swim underwater a very long time, just like a fish. But eventually, it must come up for air. Why? Because it is not a fish it is a snake.
Obama deceived millions to win the White House. All the obvious clues into the true nature of the first black presidential candidate were ignored by the media. Voters were duped into believing Obama when he presented himself as a moderate, a messiah, "the one we have been waiting for."
Early into his presidency, Obama came up for air, exposing his great deception. Every day, with unbridled arrogance, the handsome, deceptive beast reveals more and more of his despicable agenda hidden just beneath the surface.
Barack Hussein Obama is not presidential, nor is he a moderate far from either, in fact. This man is a far-left, radical, anti-America, plain-old-Chicago-thug politician.