Strangely enough, MSM has paid little attention to the psych-op specialist background but instead is focusing on this guy's "frustrated neo-Nazi" label assigned to him by - tah dah! - the SPLC. Don't you love it - when something violent happens what crawls out from under the rock.
What seems odd to me is why a "frustrated neo-Nazi" gunman would target a Sikh temple ( what's dat?) and not a more obvious neo-Nazi hated site?
Army is also associated with the Colorado shooter - U of Colorado Medical Center in Aurora is a former Army base - Holmes' shrink is a former Army physician and Holmes' Dad once worked for a defense industry contractor. I read that Holmes was adopted in one article but that info has since been buried by our stalwart free press news corps. Who knows what "inconvenient facts" have been deep 6'd as of late? The sheeple are only meant to chew their cud, not to bother their heads about facts.
strangely enough, MSM has paid little attention to the psych-op specialist background but instead is focusing on this guy's "frustrated neo-Nazi" label assigned to him by - tah dah! - the SPLC.
Not strange at all. The MSM is nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Republican and Democrat party/federal government. I would expect nothing less.