Someone (maybe Mark Twain) said that you can insult a man by ridiculing his religion, and you can insult him worse by suggesting that he lives up to religion.
Don't care about Mormonism's origins, as St Cyprian said of Christianity, "I believe it because it is absurd."
Serious question: Will Romney's religion affect his policies such as on America's tobacco and alcohol industries? Will Mormon beliefs in self-sufficiency - such as storing enough food for a bomb shelter - affect his policies toward people who need help?
My guess is that romney is more into the money making and/or political power acquisition aspects of the mormons leadership than their silly doctrines.
IMO those at the top know it's all crap, but that doesn't stop them from using it for their own advantage. They don't take it seriously (because they know what its purpose is) but the sheep sure do take it seriously.
Look at what dubya was able to get away with, as an illustration of this, because he was a xian "born again" with a hotline straight to "god" that gave him his marching orders. All one has to do is throw them a bone once in a while. Just speak a little christianese here and there, and watch the sheep follow.