Title: The Legend of Sept 11 -10 years of lies Source:
[None] URL Source:[None] Published:Sep 11, 2012 Author:unknown Post Date:2012-09-11 16:53:45 by Itistoolate Keywords:None Views:309 Comments:16
"ten years on and we know nothing about those planes"...
One has to wonder if just perhaps the message is not prepared to cloud peoples minds?
Subtle programming to a seeking and willing audience is always successful.
Example...I told Christine I thot it was a flying telephone pole that wrecked the Pentagon. But then when they dragged out the landing gear with ID numbers punched in them, that shot my conspiracy to hell.
The company that manufactured the landing gear, had the paperwork from when they made it, then sold it to Boeing, then Boeing had the paperwork showing the gear installed on the plane that did not hit the Pentagon. Difficult that all those tracks had been "pre prepared years in advance and all those people were willing to lie about work they had done three years afore.