I'm tired of all these "libertarian" pundits telling me that the only "sane" thing for me to do is vote for George W. Robama's mini-me, George W. Obamney. Cycle after cycle I'm given the lessor of two evil's line by Republicrat morons trying to justify their unwillingness to vote for candidates that represent what they claim to believe in. Within a year of their vote, cycle after cycle, these same moron's are whining about how much they regret their vote and swear they will never do it again, only to act in the exact same way come the next election cycle.
While moron's like LP's out damned spot cry their crocodile tears, whine about being betrayed (again) and tell everyone how much they regret their vote, I've never - not once - regretted NOT voting for the latest Republicrat douche bag to stand on the stage and blow smoke up my ass. I've never regretted casting my vote for a third party candidate, be it Libertarian or Constitution Party. My conscience is clean.
It's not happening. George W. Robamney is NOT getting my vote. I don't give a Tinker's damn if this causes George W. Robama to be reelected. Fuck Obama, fuck Mitt Romney, fuck the Republicrat and Democan party's and fuck those pundit's who tell me it's the only sane thing to do.