This morning I voted at the Church where our polling station was. When I filled out the form, and got ready to vote, I was told to put it into the side of the machine, because it was "Broken" and they were waiting for someone to come fix it.
I refused, and asked to talk to the Voting Supervisor, who then came over in a huff and said she had called someone at 6:30 this morning to come fix it, then got someone on the phone, who then told her to turn on the machine, and allow me to insert the ballot, because it would work just fine.
The funny thing here, is that I am pretty sure if she called someone at 6:30 in the morning, they would have told her the same thing. TURN ON THE MACHINE, it will still read the ballot.
There is voter fraud taking place here in St. Paul. I kid you not, this is how they'll win it. If the machine is off where you are, or they say it's not working, it's bullshit. The machines do work, and they DO count the votes, and the people manning these polling places are not to be trusted. I thank God for a paper ballot, because at least I know there is a paper trail.
If Obama wins it, it will be only because voter fraud is rampant, and it's happening with the collusion of the polling staff.