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Dear Horse, which one of your posts has the Deep State so spun up that's causing 4um to run slow?

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Title: Crisis Actor Caught During Explosion - Boston Bombing
Source: [None]
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Published: May 28, 2013
Author: unknown
Post Date: 2013-05-28 19:03:53 by Itistoolate
Keywords: None
Views: 652
Comments: 28

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#7. To: Itistoolate (#0)

You say no wounds, but I see bruises and scratches. OK nothing really dripping blood but this is the sort of injury - including ripped clothes - that one can get by being careless with a sand blaster. This guy was definitely close to the explosion.

Shoonra  posted on  2013-05-28   20:30:55 ET  Reply   Untrace   Trace   Private Reply  

#11. To: Shoonra (#7)

but I see bruises and scratches

Care to bust out MS paint and point them out to us?

Because he doesn't have any cuts or bruises on him.

None that I see , none that others can see...

He has black smudge on him at best and it ends there.

If you can point something more out shoonra , then please by all means:

titorite  posted on  2013-05-28   21:57:23 ET  Reply   Untrace   Trace   Private Reply  

Replies to Comment # 11.

#27. To: All (#11)

Isnt it amazing how so many videos on the subject got deleted.

titorite  posted on  2016-09-28 17:45:13 ET  Reply   Untrace   Trace   Private Reply  

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